. . . "with Trump, liberals can’t help themselves. They’d be better off being fairer to him, but their hatred makes that impossible.;The media are forcing people to say, “I don’t like the guy, but if it will upset The New York Times, NPR, The New Yorker and MSNBC, I have to vote for Trump.' ”
Ann Coulter "Trump fumbles the ball, followed by the media throwing an interception, then Trump commits a personal foul, but the media blows the field goal, then Trump throws the ball out of bounds.
"Does anyone want to win this election?
"As the country burns, Trump (the president) sits in his bed sending out gratuitously bad-ass tweets … followed by utter spinelessness. He talks like he’s Yosemite Sam, then does nothing. This is the worst of everything. How about saying sweet nothings — then stunning them with force!
"Trump claims he’s the antidote to the mass riots in cities across the country, but what powers will he have after being reelected that he doesn’t have right now, while he’s already president?
"Our only alternative is the party that “embraces Black Lives Matter,” as The Washington Post admitted, calling Democrats’ cuddling up to BLM a “remarkable development in American politics, as a major party sought to associate itself fully with an emerging protest movement.”
"So your choice is: a president who denounces riots, looting and violence in the streets, but does nothing, or a president who actively supports the people doing the riots, looting and violence in the streets.
"And what can the media say? They denied the riots were even happening, then blamed “white supremacists” for the violence they said didn’t exist. (Is it the Boogaloo Boys or QAnon?) Now the media are calling the riots “peaceful protests” again, so I guess they know it’s their side doing the arson and destruction.
"Democrats could wallop Trump if the media would just stop lying constantly.
"FIVE Trumps spoke at the Republican Convention. You got anything to say about that, media? No, they’re too busy claiming “ethics” violations because Trump’s secretary of state spoke at the convention. That may have violated a norm! A norm, I tell you!" . . .