Saturday, March 13, 2021

Lapdog Corrupt Media Coverage Of Biden’s Carteresque Speech Is Embarrassing

See, the White House had asked reporters earlier in the day to spread their preferred messaging that the speech was uplifting, unifying, and hopeful. So they did. Before he gave it, the media dutifully claimed that was what the speech would do. After the speech was over, they reiterated this propaganda talking point, even though the speech was not at all what was promised.

Mollie Hemingway  

Biden's speech without the media filter was unmemorable at best, and depressing at worst. With the media filter, however, it was the best speech you've ever heard.

"It’s embarrassing. Our corrupt, partisan media are embarrassing.

"Thursday night, President Joe Biden gave a speech to mark the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization’s delayed acknowledgment of the COVID-19 pandemic that China unleashed upon the world. The media swooned.

"The speech was delivered off a Teleprompter by a man who wasn’t inspiring even when he had better command of his faculties decades ago. It was ungracious, going out of its way to refuse to acknowledge his predecessor’s Operation Warp Speed, the only pandemic response that has worked. And it worked so well: throwing money at private developers and getting rid of regulatory hurdles to do the impossible of obtaining vaccines within a few months.

"The dark and depressing speech was reminiscent of Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” talks. He painted a horrible future with threatened future lockdowns if the people didn’t keep following his rules. The best-case scenario, he argued, was that if everyone did what he wanted, he’d let people have very small backyard barbecues with just a few select people on Independence Day.

“Just two to four Independence Day lockdowns to slow the spread!” is not a particularly uplifting sentiment. The Washington Post had claimed earlier this week that Biden was “impregnable” to mockery, but somehow it wasn’t difficult for the two main satirical news sites to do that immediately:"  . . . More...

Psaki Tries to Laugh Off Question from Fox's Doocy, He Doesn't Let Her Get Away with It

Western Journal  . . . " About those guidelines, Doocy wasn’t in the mood for deflections. He pressed Psaki about why those guidelines are being ignored for the country’s embattled school children — many of whom have now spent a full calendar year isolated at home.

“Does the White House think it’s a problem that when the CDC tells these migrant shelter facilities that they can be at full capacity — if they’re careful about COVID — many of them do, but when the CDC tells schools that they can open in person at full capacity, many of them don’t?” he asked.

"Doocy pointed out that very few schools are operating at full capacity and asked, “Have the Border Patrol unions and the HHS unions been easier to work with than the teachers’ unions?”

Psaki appeared stunned, as she so often does when asked a substantive question. After some back and forth with the pair comparing American schools with child migrant detention centers and the education opportunities in each of them, Paski deflected and laughed.

“ 'I think that’s a little bit of mixing different circumstances. I would say that,” she said with a smile.

Doocy wasn’t laughing.

“ 'It’s children all in tight quarters … that’s not funny,” he said.

"Doocy appears to be the only person in the White House briefing room these days doing work on behalf of the American people and the country’s embattled youth. Biden has created a humanitarian crisis at the once-secured border. Psaki, accustomed to the Biden-friendly media, apparently thought a laugh would get her out of a tight situation." . . . More...

United Kingdom-based newspapers accuse CBS of 'dishonest misrepresentation' during Oprah interview

 Fox News

. . . "Hartley wrote one of the most egregious examples was a headline "Meghan’s seed will taint our Royal Family," that was shown during a montage.

" 'The original, unedited, headline in fact was a report of the suspension from UKIP of someone over this and other racist texts about Meghan. The headline you have broadcast is neither accurate nor could it be said to be an expression of ‘creative integrity.’ It is a thoroughly dishonest misrepresentation of a newspaper headline and article which was the opposite of racist. No one viewing the programme would have understood this from the montage," Hartley wrote. "Associated Newspapers unquestionably supports freedom of speech and the First Amendment. We do not believe in seeking to stifle debate or criticism based on accurate facts. That is however demonstrably not the position in relation to this montage."

"The letter then claimed the CBS special’s creators "seemingly felt the need to create these headlines in the absence of evidence to support their point on a subject the ramifications of which are extremely important and damaging" and the result reflects poorly on producers.

" 'In light of the above, and given that these inaccurate statements have been the subject of prominent public analysis in the UK, we anticipate that you will already be taking steps to investigate the montage and address how it came to be produced. In the meantime it continues to be made available by you to viewers on demand. If you are not making enquiries, then you must do so, if you stand by the principles of accuracy and integrity which you espouse, and remove the montage from the footage without delay," Hartley wrote before adding images of examples." . . .More...

Tony Branco

Biden Press PSecretary: Trump Admin Doesn’t Deserve Credit for COVID Vaccine Rollout

 Legal Insurrection

"Once Joe Biden took office, his administration wasted no time getting the MSM to amplify the claim that the Trump administration did not give them a Wuhan coronavirus vaccine rollout plan. As we reported in January, CNN ran a big story the day after Biden’s inauguration, which quoted anonymous Biden officials saying they were having to “start from scratch” on the rollout.

"It wasn’t just anonymous officials making a claim. Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, told Meet the Press that “the process to distribute the vaccine… did not really exist when we came into the White House.” Biden himself called the vaccine rollout a “dismal failure thus far” and initially set a goal of 100 million vaccinations in 100 days (he later upped it to 150 million vaccinations in 100 days).

"The problem with the allegation that the Biden team had to “start from scratch,” which Vice President Kamala Harris also claimed, is that it simply wasn’t true. Former Operation Warp Speed staffers, some of them from Trump’s HHS department, were not the only ones stepping forward to refute it with details they said the Biden team left out. Biden’s chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci pushed back on the CNN report as well.

"Not long after Harris made her comments, however, Fauci reversed course and stated he agreed with her more or less. He apparently got the memo that everyone had to be working off the same “start from scratch” page." . . .Read on...

Cancel culture is a zero-sum approach to purported sins

 Steve Bigler  "Cancel culture's effects are more pernicious than destroying individuals and forcing self-censorship on Americans — bad as those things are.  Because it allows no room for forgiveness, it creates desolation that can lead to violent responses from people who have lost all hope.

One of cancel culture's intrinsic characteristics is its refusal ever to forgive.  In fact, that's its defining characteristic.  That's why it's a cancel culture.  You can't cancel and forgive at the same time — that's a cognitive disconnect.  . . . 

"As such, cancel culture is primarily a form of virtue-signaling.  It satisfies the imposer more than any supposed victim.  In fact, the true victims have often died and passed on generations ago.  Canceling people from the distant past obviously doesn't change anything they did.  It doesn't change the actual events of history.  The virtue-signaling is merely a form of attention-seeking behavior

"The practitioners of cancel culture should be careful.  Their approach means that the parameters of safe thought and expression tend to shrink and become ever stricter, with safe behavior becoming a moving target that changes daily.  This is typical of all attention-seeking behavior.  The status quo never garners sufficient attention.  That fluidity drives extremism, so today's practitioners may easily become tomorrow's victims.

"With all this in mind, we should think long and hard before embracing a mindset that a single offense merits permanent banishment of an individual or group from human society.  Such an approach will not end well.  It never has."

Maybe the pendulum is starting to swing on cancel culture  . . . "In the face of Morgan's refusal to do the usual groveling that we've come to expect from celebrities on the receiving end of the woke mob's cancel culture, something amazing happened.  While 41,000 may have whined about Morgan, over 220,000 people had petitioned for Morgan to be returned to Good Morning Britain.

"Those numbers are an excellent and much needed reminder that cancel culture is driven by a vocal minority.  The majority of people who resent it still have the power to push back."

 . . . "By the way, if you want to help push back against Critical Race Theory, here's a good cause: William Clark is a high school senior in Las Vegas.  He is biracial, with the "bi" in his racial being black.  His mother, also biracial, is raising him alone.  William attends a charter school, where he is the student with the lightest skin.  The school, therefore, insisted that he denounce himself as a "privileged" "oppressor."  When he refused, the school gave him a failing grade.  Instead of caving, he sued.  You can see his mother on Tucker Carlson here and donate here to help his legal fund.  (I did.)

"And there's one more entrant in the category of people pushing back against cancel culture: Andrew Cuomo." . . .   Read on...

Skidmore student claims ‘cancel culture campaign’ prevented formation of conservative club   . . . "Davis says she and her classmate were targets of a “cancel culture campaign” in which members of the student body created a petition claiming that YAL groups were “springboards for hate speech and bigotry disguised as political discourse.” As of Wednesday, the petition had 1,765 signatures. Skidmore has approximately 2,600 undergraduate students.

"As a result, the Skidmore Student Government Association told Davis she could not establish a YAL chapter due to “concerns of hate speech and making students on campus feel unsafe,” the Albany Times Union reported.

“ 'I actually chose Young Americans for Liberty because I thought that students would be … receptive to it, because it wasn’t a partisan group … I was clearly wrong about that.” Davis said." . . .