MORE FAKE NEWS: Obama Uses Own Money to Open Muslim Museum
Urban legends "Direct quote from
"For some reason people persist in thinking that publishes actual news. It doesn't. It's a satirical site, somewhat like The Onion but a lot more political and a lot less funny."
...."It's still a relatively easy matter to demonstrate that the intent of the website is satirical, however. Just check some of the other articles written by the author of the above story, Paul Horner:
• City in Louisiana Makes Twerking Illegal....
Urban legends "Direct quote from
"Before anyone's blood pressure rises, please note that no such press conference actually took place. The story is a spoof.Washington, DC -- While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day Two of the government shutdown kicked in, President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is using his own money to open the federally funded International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
"For some reason people persist in thinking that publishes actual news. It doesn't. It's a satirical site, somewhat like The Onion but a lot more political and a lot less funny."
...."It's still a relatively easy matter to demonstrate that the intent of the website is satirical, however. Just check some of the other articles written by the author of the above story, Paul Horner:
• City in Louisiana Makes Twerking Illegal....