Saturday, October 12, 2013

Urban legend: Obama Tells Vets No Memorial, Opens Muslim Museum

MORE FAKE NEWS: Obama Uses Own Money to Open Muslim Museum

Urban legends  "Direct quote from
Washington, DC -- While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day Two of the government shutdown kicked in, President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is using his own money to open the federally funded International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
"Before anyone's blood pressure rises, please note that no such press conference actually took place. The story is a spoof.

"For some reason people persist in thinking that publishes actual news. It doesn't. It's a satirical site, somewhat like The Onion but a lot more political and a lot less funny."

...."It's still a relatively easy matter to demonstrate that the intent of the website is satirical, however. Just check some of the other articles written by the author of the above story, Paul Horner:
City in Louisiana Makes Twerking Illegal....

Progressives Want to Send Innocent People to Jail…to Set an Example?

Heritage  "Should society throw people into jail who admittedly did nothing blameworthy just to set an example for others? That is exactly what the Center for Progressive Reform has suggested doing in a recent report on the Occupational Safety and Health Act."....

...."Under this doctrine, a corporate officer is personally criminally liable for the actions of his or her employees, regardless of whether the corporate officer knew or should have known of the criminal conduct."....

..."The responsible corporate officer doctrine turns the job of a corporate officer into a gamble. Corporate officers have to bet their freedom that employees will perform their duties lawfully in an environment of thousands of regulations. A loss on that bet could land them in prison. There are ways to promote workplace safety without throwing blameless men and women in prison. Rather than expanding the use of the responsible corporate officer doctrine, justice requires that it should be done away with.."

Dumb Laws in California
  • In San Jose and Sunnyvale it is illegal for grocery stores to provide plastic bags.
  • Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
  • Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

Dear President Obama: Fire somebody and show that you are in charge

American Thinker  "By any executive 101 standard, President Obama is failing and failing big:
1) Hold your subordinates responsible; and,
2) Make adjustments.
"Speaking of accountability, let's start with Secretary Sebelius.  Why does this lady still have a job, especially after her hilarious appearance with John Stewart?
"Let's look at Secretary Sebelius's performance, as Tom Bevan posted:"

'It was one of the most degrading things I've ever done': Miley Cyrus' back-up dancer reveals she was left 'shaking and crying' after controversial VMA performance

Whether she was stripping to her underwear or twerking with giant teddy bears, Miley Cyrus left many in shock after her performance at the VMA's in August
UK Daily Mail   "Whether she was stripping to her underwear or twerking with giant teddy bears, Miley Cyrus left many in shock after her performance at the VMA's in August.
"But it seems no one was more shocked than one of her very own back-up dancers.
"Los Angeles-based performer Hollis Jane, who refers to herself as a little person, revealed on her blog: 'I was a bear in Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance and. . . for the first time I felt truly ashamed of being a little person."
 Miley Cyrus
'When I did the VMAs. . . we were being used simply
because we were little,' she said. 'It felt like society
still saw us as a joke, despite the fact there is 
nothing different about me other than the fact
 I am small'

From The Vault: No-Go-Tiations

Hope n' Change  "Here's the Hope n' Change cartoon and commentary exactly as it appeared on July 13, 2011 Sadly, the reference to Barry threatening to withhold Social Security checks is as timely today as it was over two years ago..."
"There's a time-honored saying that "When the going gets tough, the tough threaten defenseless little old people." Mind you, it's only a time-honored saying in the Democratic party, but it's still as true - and despicable - today as it ever was.

"In his effort to blackmail Republicans into agreeing to potentially job-killing tax hikes on businesses and investors, Barack Obama has announced that he may
choose to not send out Social Security checks to senior citizens on August 3rd, sneering "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.' "

Millions of elderly people like this are afraid of losing their Social
Security checks, wait. This is just Obama's taxpayer-supported
 Aunt Zeituni who is watching her soap operas. She'll be fine.
Emphases in the original.