Saturday, January 28, 2012

Race Card Abusers For the Week of Jan 22-28

Nice Deb

...."Anybody who criticizes Obama on this or that issue is a racist. Anyone who shows disrespect (real or imagined) is a racist. If you think he’s a Socialist, you’re a racist. This is all they’ve got to stem the flow of criticism coming at  Dear Leader as our economy, (which should be roaring by now),  barely limps along, hamstrung by his policies, and about to make a turn for the worse."
.... "An MSNBC* news anchor actually argued that the famous photo of Brewer pointing her finger at Obama  reminded her of an ugly anti-integration incident during the civil rights era, when  nine black students trying to enter the school surrounded by an angry (Democrat) mob."


More on that Obama-Brewer airport kerfuffle
Jeannie DeAngelis:  'Menacing' Barack Bullies Jan Brewer  "The difference is obvious when compared to the way the left reacted to Hillary Clinton being approached on a fully-lit stage in front of hundreds of people who heard every word Rick Lazio said. Now, rather than defend a pint-sized woman's claim that she was verbally smacked down by a powerful man historically known to be "thin-skinned," the left is more than willing to abandon their usual condemnation of perceived sexist aggression toward women and side with a hypersensitive bully merely because he's a liberal."

Photocopy of Gov. Brewer's letter to President Obama

HuffPo: Jan Brewer Releases Copy Of Letter She Handed President Obama  "She continues,
 "We both love this great country, but we fundamentally disagree on how to best make America grow and prosper once again. I'd love an opportunity to share with you how we've been able to turn Arizona around with hard choices that turned out to be the right ones. And, of course, my offer to visit the border -- and buy lunch -- still stands."

Elizabeth Warren- Whose Wealth is Eight Figures- Suggests She's Not In The 1%

BuzzFeed  " “I realize there are some wealthy individuals – I’m not one of them, but some wealthy individuals who have a lot of stock portfolios" she told him.
"Hard to see how Warren wouldn't be, by most standards, wealthy, according to the Personal Financial Disclosure form she filed to run for Senate shows that she's worth as much as $14.5 million. She earned more than $429,000 from Harvard last year alone for a total of about $700,000, and lives in a house worth $5 million."

Remember her? This should help jog your memory:

How Obama got this way

Hat tip to The Astute Bloggers