Expect Biden's narrowed eyelids, clenched teeth comments similar to what he gave to the border patrol men on horseback way back when. If true this will be devastating to Israel. Even as Israeli families' bodies were still smoldering, hatred for them was pouring from the mouths of those who hate Jews. TD
Aerial photos released by the IDF purport to show the scene as Palestinians attempted to obtain food from aid trucks near Gaza City |
Al Jazeera Staff
"At least 112 Palestinians have been killed and more than 750 wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City.
"Here is what we know:
What happened and when?
"The incident unfolded at about 04:30 local time (02:30 GMT) on Thursday, when people congregated at Harun al-Rashid Street in Gaza, where aid trucks carrying flour were believed to be on the way.
"A convoy of aid trucks passed through the checkpoint, heading north, as people started gathering in large groups. According to the Israeli military, a convoy of 31 trucks entered Gaza but nearly 20 entered the north on Monday and Tuesday.
After the first round of shooting stopped, people returned to the trucks, only for the soldiers to open fire once more.
“ 'After opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies,” Al Jazeera’s Ismail al-Ghoul said, reporting from the scene.
Where did the shooting take place?
"Palestinian authorities said the incident took place on al-Rashid Street at the Nabulsi Roundabout on the southwestern side of Gaza City.
"This is in northern Gaza, where food deliveries have been scarce. The first deliveries in over a month arrived this week." . . .