The Astute Bloggers
COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America.
ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It’s 9%.
COSTELLO: That many people are out of work?
ABBOTT: No, that’s 16%. COSTELLO: You just said 9%.
ABBOTT: 9% Unemployed.
COSTELLO: Right 9% out of work.ABBOTT: No, that’s 16%. Read more...
WaPo "And so the co-owner of the Village Corner Deli here agreed to cater Obama’s visit Wednesday — but not before donning a T-shirt blaring the message: “Government didn’t build my business. I did.” "
" “No one from the government was there when we were sweating it, when we were building this business,” Murty said. Before him was a bank of chafing dishes filled with smoked beef brisket, pulled pork, vegetable parmesan bake and cheesy hash brown casserole provided to the White House press corps covering the president’s three-day swing across Iowa this week."
Big Journalism; MSNBC's Toure: Romney Engaged in 'Niggerization' of Obama "MSNBC’s TourĂ©, a supposed racial expert who can spot racism in most inanimate objects, most Yiddish phrases, and all English words, has now declared that Mitt Romney is engaged in the “niggerization” of Barack Obama. What exactly did Romney do to earn this reprehensible slur? He said that Obama, whose campaign has already called Romney a racist, a sexist, a felon, and a murderer, should “take [his] campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.”"
Alan Caruba; Has Obama Been Good for Black Americans? "In a similar fashion, I have had discussions with blacks who regard any criticism of Obama as racism and who ignore his record in office."
...."I believe Obama has made it nearly impossible for a black American to be elected President for a generation or two. I believe he will be rejected by the voters in November and I believe he will, as he has done throughout his presidency, blame others for it."
Former VA Governor Implies Biden Not Allowed to Use Race Card "Former Virginia Governor Doug Wilder better take the boulder-size beam out of his own eye before going after Joe Biden's racial gaffes. I'm no fan of Biden but Wilder seems to have conveniently forgotten how he got maximum mileage out of playing the race card in the last presidential election."
Richard Butrick; Our Transformational President "Now what has he become? A race hustler. A fear monger. A class divider. A character assassin. In short, a rabble-rouser appealing to the basest instincts of distrust and suspicion and fanning the flames of resentment, anger and retribution. It is all spelled out in Victor Hanson's article, 'White' on the Brain."

Artur Davis; Team Obama implies that to defeat Obama is to suspend progress on race. "...the reasonable question of what drew Obama to a church with a history of incendiary rhetoric was cleverly converted to a teaching moment about an older generation’s fixation with race. When questions about the link between Obama and his old neighbor and fundraiser William Ayers started to burn, the line of inquiry was brushed off as an indirect method of raising fears about black radicalism, and it soon faded."
MSNBC’s Toure: Romney Is Engaging in ‘Niggerization’ of Obama "Update: Toure isn’t just a racialist nutball. It turns out, he’s a Truther nutball too. No wonder MSNBC hired him."
More on this at JAWA