Saturday, March 22, 2014

News in Brief

The issue seems to be the security and with Michelle's mother.
"Ordinary Chinese describe Mrs. Obama and her family as kind and gracious, but hotel staff are 'fed up'"  (Also here)
"But the Obamas' stay has already affected staff and guests at the hotel, with the Westin front-desk veteran alleging that Mrs. Obama's mother Marian Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived.' "
"Ordinary Chinese who have met the American first lady have described her in media reports as approachable and friendly, and the hotel staffer agreed. " 'The first lady is gracious, and the girls are lovely,' he said." UK Daily Mail
Open Letter: To the Fraternal Order of the Perpetually Offended  ... "I do realize that you could have taken the easy way out by protesting the imprisonment, torture, and execution of homosexuals in such places as Russia, Iran and China, but all of you have recognized the true threat that faces these oppressed people: the threat of losing the “right” to shamelessly seek attention at every social, religious, political and private function. It takes a pair to stand up to Christianity, a mob that prides itself on forgiveness – although their definition of “forgiveness” does not sync with yours; your “forgiveness” is more like “submission from the other side." ”...  Daily Clash
I do realize that you could have taken the easy way out by protesting the imprisonment, torture, and execution of homosexuals in such places as Russia, Iran and China, but all of you have recognized the true threat that faces these oppressed people: the threat of losing the “right” to shamelessly seek attention at every social, religious, political and private function. It takes a pair to stand up to Christianity, a mob that prides itself on forgiveness – although their definition of “forgiveness” does not sync with yours; your “forgiveness” is more like “submission from the other side.”

Dangerous Times: Obama Surrenders    ... "Well, two of the biggest bullies in the world just took Obama at his word, Russia and Iran. Bow down to thugs and you will get what you ask for.
"To top it all, both Obama and John Kerry just went into a public rage when Israel’s defense minister dared to tell the truth about Obama’s surrender to Iran -- which happens to threaten Israel with nuclear genocide." ... 
"Bullies bow down to the biggest thugs on the block, and abuse the weakest. This is now our foreign policy. "

 The Left’s Laughable Effort to Label Paul Ryan ‘Racist’ Crumbles   “ 'The attacks on Mr. Ryan are one more example of the politics of personal vilification that typifies the left these days. Its policies were supposed to reduce inequality, but instead the income gap is widening,” an editorial in the Journal on Friday read. “Liberals have to smear conservatives personally because they know they’re losing on the merits.' ”


Frozen Mid-Cut: Log Sculpture Shows How Trees Get Sliced

Vincent Kohler   "Ever wonder how boards turn from trees into building materials? While not a secret, the process is also not entirely obvious - and rarely this clear or quite so visceral."

"Vincent Kohler (photos by Geoffrey Cottenceau) shows the art and geometry of the dissection process in much the same way an insect specialist might cut and splice a living specimen (or a butcher's chart shows where slabs of meat can be found).
"The result is a kind of three-dimensional version of a logging diagram drawing, showing in frozen time and physical reality how each cut is made and what the resulting sizes are, from which our minds can also reverse-engineer the order of cuts."

Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano. TX

Vlad vs. Barry in pictures

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Krauthammer: Obama’s pathetic response to Putin’s invasion of Crimea

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Charles Krauthammer    ... "During the Ukrainian prime minister’s visit to Washington last week, his government urgently requested military assistance. The Pentagon refused. It offered instead military ration kits."
"Putin mobilizes thousands of troops, artillery and attack helicopters on Ukraine’s borders and Washington counters with baguettes, American-style. One thing we can say for sure in these uncertain times: The invasion of Ukraine will be catered by the United States.
"Why did we deny Ukraine weapons? Because in the Barack Obama-John Kerry worldview, arming the victim might be taken as a provocation. This kind of mind-bending illogic has marked the administration’s response to the whole Crimea affair."

ELIZABETH WAHL: I Was Putin’s Pawn

"What it was like to work for the Russian propaganda machine, and why I quit on live TV."

Politico   ... "My heart racing, I took my earpiece out and got up from the anchor chair. As I gathered my belongings, the news director said he wanted to have a word with me in his office. He asked me why I did it, as though I had some reason other than the one I had just announced on live TV. I explained that it really was because of the propaganda RT [Russia Today] was pushing about Ukraine. Then I left the building and walked a couple blocks to a restaurant to sit down and let the reality of what I did settle in.

"Fifteen minutes later, my phone started ringing." ... Full article


Fred Phelps, 1929-2014; " … God still hates fags.” (UPDATED)

Luckovich cartoon: Fred Phelps dies
... "Phelps’ most public era began in 1991 after alleged homosexual activity in a local Kansas park brought on his first protests. Taking his crusade national, he thrust himself into the spotlight for picketing after the 1998 murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard.
"Westboro Baptist picketed at the funerals of victims of everything from tornadoes to AIDS to school bus crashes, declaring the deaths retribution for society’s acceptance of homosexuality. The family says it spends $250,000 a year on travel, and the church’s website now claims to have staged more than 53,000 pickets."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Don't Give Away the Internet! UPDATED: Counterpoint from Legal Insurrection

140321internet control

Big Peace   ..."As former senior State Department official Christian Whiton has observed, there are predictable consequences to having the “directory and traffic signals of the Internet” come under the control of such hostile forces, including the following: 
  • Greater control over the content of the Internet, including censorship, by governments who regard it as a threat to their holds on power.
  • Impediments to technological innovation as bureaucrats and hostile governments seek to dictate what can and cannot be done with the net.
  • UN taxation of domain name registrations and, in due course, other Internet transactions. Such international taxation will make the United Nations even less accountable and afford it the latitude to fund activities detrimental to U.S. interests and those of its allies.
  • Control of the Internet can allow it to be used as an instrument of warfare. While the United States has refrained from making such use, allowing actual or potentially hostile powers to exercise such control may mean the Internet is simply disabled at a critical moment, or perhaps employed against us.
LI #13 Twit Blocked Turkey
"One of the memes hitting the blogosphere recently has been that the US just “gave up control of the internet”.
"This week on Canto Talk, Legal Insurrection’s Mandy Nagy explained why that wasn’t the case.   Legal Insurrection