Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Busted Trying To Help Rioters in Minneapolis Get Supplies
"Ilhan Omar is an interesting figure and she has no idea how popular she could be, even on the right, if she gave up the anti-USA stuff and showed gratitude for all that this great country has given her and her family.
"From a refugee camp to Congresswoman who celebrates America’s freedom and greatness and generosity is a great story and one both sides would applaud.
"Except instead of praising the country that gave her everything, she trashes it and that is the true tragedy of Omar – when she gets older and realizes what a fool she has been it will be too late.
The View host loses it, claims Trump only wants to reopen economy again to ‘line his own pockets’ . . . "The vicious anti-Trump hatred from leftists truly knows no bounds. Trump is just a greedy monster to them, when there is just no proof of anything they are saying. It’s patently absurd and ridiculous." . . . But they have an applause cheerleader.
"Ilhan Omar is an interesting figure and she has no idea how popular she could be, even on the right, if she gave up the anti-USA stuff and showed gratitude for all that this great country has given her and her family.
"From a refugee camp to Congresswoman who celebrates America’s freedom and greatness and generosity is a great story and one both sides would applaud.
"Except instead of praising the country that gave her everything, she trashes it and that is the true tragedy of Omar – when she gets older and realizes what a fool she has been it will be too late.
And it may be too late for her daughter based on the below story." . . .
"In a series of tweets on Thursday, Hirsi shared numerous tweets that could be read as calls to action against the police.
"One of the tweets Hirsi promoted was posted by Twin Cities DSA, an antifa-affiliated account.
"Want to help out your comrades protesting at the 3rd precinct (at Lake and Minnehaha?)"Here’s a good list of much needed supplies (except for milk! Water is always better for eyewashing than milk!! Please don’t bring milk!) '....
Supplies? Like these bricks?
The media is promoting once again that riots are righteous anger. . . . "Consider CNN. Rioters attacked its headquarters last night but instead of Jeff Zucker demanding an end to the violence, CNN promoted it as outrage to an injustice.". . .