Sunday, September 15, 2019

Woke privilege: The lynching of a good man's reputation

"I am with Dinesh on this one. Beyond that, I have no particular comment, other than to note that we are reminded, once again, that there is literally no depth to which the Democratic Party will not sink in pursuit of power."

Democrats Haven’t Given Up On Smearing Kavanaugh  "Those who take such things seriously are abuzz about a book that will come out on Tuesday, written by a couple of New York Times reporters activists. It alleges that decades ago, when he was in college, Brett Kavanaugh misbehaved at a party. As I understand it, the woman toward whom he allegedly misbehaved says she remembers no such thing, but apparently one or more rabid Democrats who say they were at the party are now, many years later, willing to smear Kavanaugh."
. . .
"Is that the Democrats’ motive? In part, probably; they want to intimidate Kavanaugh into being a moderate. They also are trying to intimidate anyone who in the future may consider accepting an important appointment by a Republican president. 
"Dinesh D’Souza has advice for Kavanaugh:" . . .

I have a message for . Don’t let these attacks intimidate you. Don’t pivot left to appease the jackals.  Instead never forget what they tried to do to you, and use your lifetime position to teach them a lesson they will never forget 

The authors omit the fact that the alleged victim has no memory of the alleged incident.
. . . "So they corroborated the fact that Stier made the allegation to the FBI, but the authors give no indication that they have corroborated any details of the alleged incident." . . .

"And yet liberals wonder why public trust in the media has plummeted."

Politico Doubles Down on Fake Turnberry Scandal

Occasional Air Force layovers at a Trump hotel in Scotland, which were started under Obama, are a pathetic excuse for an exposé.

National Review

"It’s tough to be an investigative reporter. Everybody who feeds you a tip has an axe to grind. Or, alternatively, you find yourself going, “I wonder if . . . ?” You put in your research, you talk to lots of people, you accumulate a huge pile of information, but you still haven’t proved your hypothesis. A wise reporter says to herself either “I don’t have the story yet” or “I guess this didn’t pan out.” In either event, she doesn’t publish. More likely, since reporters always think they have the story and always want to publish, an editor says, “Kid, you haven’t got the story.”
"One of the many rules of the road that have changed in the Trump era is that reporters have taken to blasting out their BREAKING NEWS about scandals that they haven’t actually proven to be scandals. There is so much hay to be made during this administration, so many reporters are becoming superstars, so many comfy houses in Bethesda are being bought with so many large book deals. Any fresh angle you can find on the iniquity of the administration is going to be lapped up eagerly by everyone you know. But what if your new angle isn’t . . . actually. . . the truth?
. . . 
"Politico reporters Natasha Bertrand and Bryan Bender suspect President Trump has been directing Air Force flights to an obscure Scottish airport and fuel stop in order to generate business for his nearby hotel. Since the Obama-era Air Force also used the fuel point (which Trump has no interest in) scores of times, and since those troops also understandably stayed at the hotel because it’s affordable and close to the airport, there is only a scandal here if Trump, or someone operating at Trump’s direction, is ordering the Air Force to do things differently than it ordinarily would in order to benefit Trump. The numbers at issue here are paltry. The hotel is charging $130 a night. How much of that winds up in Trump’s pocket, 11 cents? Bender and Bertrand inform us in dire tones that Air Force crews have made “at least four stays” at the Trump resort in the last year. How much do four stays at a cheap hotel really mean to a billionaire?" . . .

The Electability Myth of Joe Biden

"Instead, the Democrats are on course to elect an avowed socialist or a close facsimile in Biden.  To loosely paraphrase advice given by Napoleon, never interfere with the Democrat establishment when it's in the process of destroying itself by nominating a boring, radical, unlikable liar like Lunchbox Joe." Fletch Daniels


The Electability Myth of Joe Biden  "The leftstream media characterization of Joe Biden is that he is moderate, likable, and the most electable Democrat candidate.  He is affable Uncle Joe, the self-made lunchbox-toting common man of the people. 
"In truth, he is none of the above." . . .
. . . "The media regularly compliment Biden for his sterling personality.  He's that crazy but lovable uncle we should all want to meet for a beer to swap stories about toiling for a workman's wage in the coal mines.  But, like most of Biden's biography, his entire persona is a lie.
"Biden has always been a plagiarist and prevaricator.  Most of his lies have served his own biography.  These are among the creepiest of lies.  He is relentless in his biography-building.  He was the original valor thief, seeking to steal the best parts of other people's biographies to add to his own." . . . 
Joe Biden recalls lessons learned as the only white lifeguard at city pool in 1962 "Now I don't know how it works where you live, but in my hood, you don't actually get a laminated street credential card from the neighborhood thug council but, then again, I've never been on the mean streets of Wilmington." Michael Harriot
Reporter Asks Biden If He Will Release Medical Records, He Challenges Reporter To Wrestle To Address ‘Concerns’ 
Tom Elliot: 

Reporter: “Will you commit to releasing your medical records to address concerns by — “@JoeBiden: “Yes — what concerns, man? You want to wrestle?”
Joe Biden, record players, and racism . . . "Now, I gather that Biden was, indeed, losing command. A rambling answer to a question in the third hour about race produced a head-scratching reference to record players. It has also resulted in an accusation of racism. "Here’s is the question that was put to Biden and his curious response:" . . .

Is this the Joe Biden that Democrats hope will face Donald Trump in 2020?

Who could believe Joe Biden's strange conduct during the Biden-Ryan debate for Vice-President in 2012? Chris Wallace said that he was shocked by how "openly contemptuous" Biden appeared to act towards Ryan and that he thought Biden's behavior lacked historical precedent. Excerpts from The Tunnel Wall back on Friday, October 12, 2012. TD

Biden accused of being disrespectful in vice presidential debate with grins, laughs
. . . " 'Our vice president has shown he is an abusive political bully who belittles, mocks, ridicules and laughs at his opponent, the moderator, the viewers and anyone who questions this administration's lack of leadership," Martin said. "Solutions require respect. These skills the vice president, and this administration, clearly lack."
"Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, a Fox News contributor, said he thought Biden delivered a strong performance overall, but it was "diminished" by the "smirking."
“I don’t know about the likeability of that smirking … I found it condescending and overdone," Trippi said." . . .

Chris Wallace Shocked By Biden's 'Disrespectful,' 'Openly Contemptuous' Debate Treatment Of Ryan
. . . "You could talk about the smirks, the smiles, the head shaking, the mugging -- it was openly contemptuous and disrespectful," Wallace said. He said he was put off by the words as well as the style -- calling Ryan's statements "malarkey" and "stuff" and "loose talk.""Wallace called it "unprecedented" and "extraordinary.""Bret Baier asked if it was appropriate for Biden to smirk during the discussion of the Iranian nuclear issue. Wallace said he was laughing at Ryan and not Iran specifically, and on foreign affairs Ryan did better than most other subjects."

Krauthammer: Biden’s ‘disrespectful,’ ‘hugely condescending’ demeanor undid potential debate win  . . . “ 'If you heard it on radio, what you heard was Biden being aggressive, forceful, he was sort of on the attack all the time and he pushed the argument his way,” Krauthammer continued. “He did a lot of interrupting as well. And Ryan reacted with, I thought, excessive deference, allowing himself to be cut off and often just ending with a point that you might understand — for instance, when he talked about the Catholic Bishops — he made a point after Biden had said, ‘Oh, the Bishops of the Catholic church is not going to be compelled to do anything under ObamaCare.'”
“ 'Ryan said, ‘Then why is that the Bishops are suing the administration?’ But that is almost an aside, and it was lost, and then it was over by the next question.”
"Krauthammer’s conclusion? If the televised interpretation trumps the audio and the transcript, Biden’s the loser." . . .

Many links at National Review Online under the heading "Classless Joe". Here is a small sample:   

The VP Debate by Yuval Levin 

 Mark Steyn; Laughing All the Way to the Bank Collapse "Ryan isn’t a funny guy. But, when you’re earnest and a bit wonky and up against a smarmy third-rate lounge-act flashing his dentistry, you don’t have to be funny. A bit of righteous indignation would have helped. 

"An opportunity missed."

John Fund writes about Joe the Bully  "Al Gore lost his first debate to George W. Bush in 2000 with his audible sighs and sneering manner. Biden wasn’t quite that bad, but independent voters usually don’t like candidates who come off as a jerk. Biden’s rude demeanor hurt him tonight, providing a poor contrast to Ryan’s calmness on the split screen."