Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oversight Putsch: President Obama Fired Nearly All Members On Key Intelligence Advisory Board

Atlas Shrugs  "Once again, President Obama's contempt and disdain for the American people is glaring, this time in his claims that he had a serious revamp of the NSA's surveillance activity in his priorities before the Snowden leaks happened. Another big fat lie. He was ramping up the spying, while cutting back on the oversight and review.
"The more authoritarian the President is, the more sycophantic the enemedia is around this cult figure. "
“They kicked me off,” said former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.). “I was on it a long time under Bush and under Obama. They wanted to make some changes.”

"Hamilton's ouster is particularly interesting, given that just a month ago, he wrote an oped piece about how the NSA's surveillance efforts have gone too far. Seems like he'd be handy to have on this committee reviewing the NSA surveillance, no?"....

On school choice, Damon's actions speak louder than words

Orange County Register  "Matt Damon, the most outspoken celebrity supporter of public schools and teachers unions, is moving to Los Angeles and enrolling his four children in private schools.

"Damon told Britain's The Guardian, which broke the Edward Snowden/NSA story (apparently, American journalism has been outsourced overseas), "Sending our kids in my family to private school was a big, big deal. And it was a giant family discussion. But it was a circular conversation, really, because ultimately we don't have a choice."

"Actually, he has money and can send his kids to school anywhere, so he does have a choice. Damon wants to deny the rest of America school choice by opposing the voucher system."
Cartoon by Gary Varvel - Indiana Supreme Court Upholds School Vouchers

29 Cats That Forgot How To Cat

Buzzfeed  "What are you doing, cats? How did this happen? "

"5. This cat who forgot how to sit still on her cat bed."

Booby trap! Islamic breast bomb threat at Heathrow airport

By Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs   "All kidding aside, how is  the Obama administration and the TSA going to make us pay? Clearly, these are Muslim women but we can't profile (it might offend Muslims and that would violate the sharia.)
"So now what? Can we expect our daughters, sisters, wives to be felt up and sexually haraassed by goons and maroons? Whatever idiotic response is instituted, rest assured the actual enemy, the jihadic motive will remain sacrosanct. The sanction of the victim."
Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 10.59.23 AM

RUSH: Obama Rodeo Clown ‘Nothing More Than An Event To Advance The Democrat Agenda’

Barack the Lawgiver; Obama sees the Constitution’s separation of powers as a quaint anachronism.

Charles Krauthammer  ...."Traditionally — meaning before Barack Obama — that’s how laws were changed: We have a problem, we hold hearings, we find some new arrangement, which is ratified by Congress and signed by the president.

"That was then. On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder, a liberal in a hurry, ordered all U.S. attorneys to simply stop charging nonviolent, non-gang-related drug defendants with crimes that, while fitting the offense, carry mandatory sentences. Find some lesser, non-triggering charge. How might you do that? Withhold evidence — e.g., about the amount of dope involved."....
That’s caudillo talk. That’s banana-republic stuff. In this country, the president is required to win the consent of Congress first.
America is becoming a third-world country under a third-world president. TD

What You Might Not Know About Barack Obama

"Photo of our royal family, His Highness Barack Obama* and Michelle Antoinette Now that Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States have been finally dispatched, we have comfortably settled into a monarchy. Mr. Obama doesn’t have to deal with a big, messy, tough democracy any longer and he no longer has to envy the Chinese who don’t have a Congress to deal with. Mr. Obama has done a fine job of ignoring Congress when they refuse to do what he wants. ‘They have to do their work,’ he says.

.... "The energy sector will soon be nationalized under the king thanks to the EPA regulations about to crash down on them."

*Amazing that the cult of personality is enough to overcome a 200-year-old Constitution. Skeptical of these words? Then check out this child who  prays -yes prays- to Barack Obama.