Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Heavy D Don’t Tweet, He Acts
Everyone’s worried DeSantis won’t be as “exciting” as Trump on the campaign trail. After all-talk-no-action Trump, who cares about talk? This time, we want action.
"Isn’t it great to have the media complaining about what a Republican is doing, instead of what he’s tweeting?
"The New York Times recently did a major investigation into Gov. Ron DeSantis’ suspension last August of a Florida prosecutor for the flimsy reason that he’d publicly announced that he would not enforce state law on abortion.
"The Florida legislature had just spent nearly two months banging out a compromise bill that allowed abortions up to 15 weeks — more liberal than most European countries — and included an exception for life of the mother. An abortionist would literally have to turn himself in to get prosecuted under this law.
"What kind of showboating clown would sign a public “pledge” not to prosecute a case that had about a 1 in 10 billion chance of ever landing in his office?
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Florida state attorney Andrew H. Warren.
"This wasn’t Warren’s first publicity stunt. Even a fawning profile on Warren in the Tampa Bay Times noted his penchant for going “out of his way to draw attention to himself,” setting him “apart from other elected prosecutors.”
"During the pandemic, Warren held a press conference to announce that he was prosecuting a church pastor for violating the county’s stay-at-home order by holding services — a misdemeanor offense.
"Days later, Gov. DeSantis issued an order expressly overriding the county’s shutdown rules — and Warren held a press conference to denounce the governor’s order. People will DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" . . . Full article...
Remy: People Will Die! (; "Remy channels his inner Elizabeth Warren to vilify the other side."
Musk Teases Schumer Over Jan. 6 Viral Video
Musk Teases Schumer Over Jan. 6 Viral Video - Conservative Cardinal
"Elon Musk, the proprietor of Twitter, responded to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s post criticizing Fox News for broadcasting imagery from the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Musk did this by reposting a popular short clip of the video and asking the New York Democrat whether he wished it removed.
Musk Taunts Schumer
Musk responded to Schumer on Wednesday, tweeting a video clip from @StevenVoiceover, which shows the narrator posing as a tourist guide for the Capitol’s “insurrection” in order to mock him.
Musk captioned the video asking if he wanted it taken down.
BREAKING : Previously Unseen January 6th Footage
BREAKING : Previously Unseen January 6th Footage
— @stevenvoiceover (@stevenvoiceover) March 7, 2023
With his Schumerglower and his little clenched fists, Chuck led Democrats in their Two Minutes of Rage
Karine Jean-Pierre Dodges Question About Biden’s Support For Reparations
Karine Jean-Pierre Dodges Question About Biden’s Support For Reparations | The Daily Caller
"I would refer you to..... |
"White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dodged a question about whether President Joe Biden supported reparations for slavery Tuesday.
“We understand that there’s a legislation on the Hill currently on this, on the study of reparations … and we think Congress is the appropriate venue for consideration on such action,” Jean-Pierre said in response to a reporter’s question during Tuesday’s White House press briefing. “And so, we’re going to leave it there for Congress to decide to let them go through their process that they’re taking at this moment, but I would — I would lay out and speak to what the president has done.” (RELATED: California’s Reparations ‘Task Force’ Cites Three Prominent Critical Race Theorists Dozens Of Times)
"Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas introduced legislation, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act or HR 40, to study reparations Jan. 9. A similar bill, also introduced by Jackson-Lee, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee on April 14, 2021.". . . More..
Kamala Harris’ Husband Links Parents Speaking Out Against Woke School Boards To The… Holocaust?…
Weasel Zippers Via JNS:
…"It was understandable that he emerged from Harris’s recent trip to Eastern Europe with some Jewish anecdotes along with his comments seeking to bolster the administration’s stand on the war in Ukraine. Speaking to Symone Sanders, a former staffer for Harris and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), on her MSNBC program, Emhoff recounted meeting a Holocaust survivor who had been forced to flee Ukraine because of the Russian invasion. Emhoff decided to use that women’s plight to denounce all sorts of hatred.
"Emhoff is hardly alone when it comes to attempts to universalize the Holocaust. Russian aggression is terrible but as bad as it is, it’s in no way analogous to the Nazi campaign to exterminate the Jewish people.
"Yet Emhoff didn’t stop there. Warming to his topic, he went on to claim that the hate that slaughtered Jews is somehow connected to just the Russian invasion but also to political debates in the United States.
“Hate is interconnected,” said Emhoff. “You see it in the discourse in the country right now. You see it in the divide that we have. Just going to school meetings, you see that hate that is out there.”hat was an obvious reference to the heated arguments that have been going on in school-board meetings around the country in the last couple of years as angry parents have been calling those responsible for local education to account for the way toxic ideas like critical race theory and gender ideology have been seeping into classrooms and curricula
What Trump needs to understand about criticizing DeSantis
Salon |
American Thinker "New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg is rumored to be ready to bring a sham indictment against former president Donald Trump for allegedly paying porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign to be quiet about a former affair. As of this writing, whether or not this happens remains to be seen. In the interim, political figures across the spectrum have weighed in on the matter, including Florida governor Ron DeSantis.
"Behaving eerily like leftist thought police, some staunch Trump-supporters had demanded that Governor DeSantis voice his unequivocal and unquestioning support for the former president. DeSantis did respond to inquiring reporters and spent almost three minutes (start at 22:30) defending Trump and knocking Bragg for using a seven-year-old non-crime to push a political vendetta against a former president. Of those three minutes, he spent nine seconds subtly digging at the impropriety of Trump's extramarital proclivities. To the extent that he attacked Trump, he simply restated the allegations against him, stating, "I don't know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair."
"DeSantis responded, but in a way that wasn't an exact carbon copy of how some Trumpists felt he should have. Brianna Lyman of the Daily Caller thinks DeSantis "tanked" his 2024 chances. Conservative think-tank cog Alex Bruesewitz accused DeSantis of "refusing to stand" with Trump.
"Refusing to stand with Trump? Despite having "stood with" Trump for the near entirety of his response? And this, despite the fact that Trump has launched unprovoked and libelous attacks at DeSantis for months? I thought demanding unquestioned loyalty to mortal men was a tenet of totalitarian societies, not of self-described American conservatives. ". . .
Comment to this post: Donald Henderson: The real conflict here is not between DeSantis and Trump but instead the Republican Party and its grassroots. If Trump is brought up on Stalist charges yet again it is incumbent on the Republican Party to go full bar against the establishment. The Turtle, Mittens, and Bushes need to be openly challenged if they don’t support a very aggressive Republican Party defending trump. It is time for one voice and it is well past time for the Republican Party to step up.
First great nations forget God, then this happens
First, that this kangaroo clown show indictment is being closely watched internationally, and the message being sent is that U.S. politics is starting to resemble the politics of a third world country... Monica Showalter
Mexico's president calls out Alvin Bragg, saying his indictment is a scheme to keep Trump off the ballot - American Thinker "Whatever you think of Mexico's leftist president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, there's no disputing he knows every dirty trick in the third world playbook, having been on the receiving end of at least some of it.
"He's watching what's going on in the U.S. now, with Manhattan's "let-'em-all-out" district attorney, Alvin Bragg, seeking to indict President Trump on felony campaign finance charges, and smells the stench of 'banana republic' all over it.
"According to Newsweek:
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Tuesday defended Donald Trump, saying a potential indictment of the former president could be a move to prevent him from seeking reelection.
"Right now, former President Trump is declaring that they are going to arrest him," López Obrador, who is also known by his initials AMLO, said during a press conference. "If that were the would be so that his name doesn't appear on the ballot."

"And it does have the stench of 'banana republic' all over it. A sudden epiphany of concern for rule of law, from a district attorney who let every crook out he could, is obviously about politics, not rule of law. Keeping Trump off the ballot is the obvious aim here and AMLO from abroad could see it from experience.
"AMLO also pointed out that the U.S., which blew up the Nordstream II pipeline, had no business lecturing others on rule of law.".
Why a Trump Arrest Imperils the American Idea
It always has been part of the American Oral Law that we do not take into custody or arraign our presidents or former presidents.
"Peril awaits the America I love if the 45th president of the United States is arrested or even “just” arraigned. When a former American president is targeted by the politically despicable woke, we all face disaster.". . .
. . ."Two things I kept seeing on Monday, the eve of what might or might not be history being made in America (and not in a good way), tell me that we’re not as well-positioned on the right as we should be.". . .
Christian Who Escaped Chinese Persecution Warns US Descending Into 'Communist-Style of Governance'
“I saw the governor of California basically prescribe and order the church to shut down and say not only when they can worship, but how. The ways that he threatened to punish those churches and pastors sometimes were word-for-word exactly the same as what the CCP is using against the Chinese churches.”
"The leader of a watchdog group that monitors Christian persecution in China said he’s seeing echoes of the Chinese Community Party “playbook” in the U.S., and he’s worried it’ll get worse.
"Bob Fu, president of the U.S.-based non-governmental organization ChinaAid, said he’s seeing the same tactics in Western nations that the CCP uses to crack down on churches.
"The similarities are very, very striking between the Chinese Communist way of persecution and the American leftist way of restriction and even discrimination,” Fu told Fox News Digital.
"Fu said he has observed with concern how the left in the U.S. is increasingly exhibiting “dictatorial” attitudes both culturally and politically by censoring speech, enforcing “woke” culture and not tolerating dissent. He pinpointed the alleged political weaponziation of federal law enforcement agencies as a worrisome escalation of such trends.
“It is very shocking and horrible to see American society’s transformation evolving from its constitutional basis,” Fu said.". . .