Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some late items

Fort Hood Shooter Gets To Grill His Own Victims
"Not sure why they just didn’t accept his guilty plea, rather then having to put the victims through this. But hopefully, confronting him and calling him out for what he is will be cathartic."   Read the account at Fox News
But he declined to cross-examine one of his shooting victims, Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who provided the day’s most damning testimony.
Priebus: DNC Banned Fox from Debates, Why Can’t We Avoid CNN, NBC?   "“We have to control the referees that we’re bringing into our
playground,” Priebus said of his threat to prohibit CNN and NBC from holding Republican-primary debates in 2016. “The fact of the matter is you’ve got two networks that are potentially spending millions of dollars, promoting a person they know is at least doing the dance in getting ready for a run for the president.” "

RNC to Media: We Won't Let You Make 'Mockery' of Candidates, Debates
 "Sean Spicer, the communications director for the Republican National Committee (RNC), said on Monday that the RNC will not let the mainstream media make "a mockery" of the GOP's presidential nominating process and candidates in the 2016 election cycle."

NBC News Responds to RNC: We Aren't Involved In Hillary Movie
"Moreover, during the 2012 presidential campaign, when Mitt Romney and the RNC said over and over again that they were completely separate from Todd Akin and his abortion/rape comments, that didn't stop NBC News, NBC's Today Show, or MSNBC from tying them all together into the Democrats' artificial War on Women narrative. NBC waged this blistering attack for weeks."
CNN: 'Disservice to Voters' for RNC Not to Have Us Host Debates

News reporter fail

The Obama doctrine is a huge failure because it isn’t based on US interests

Nile Gardiner  "Rove argues rightly that on Iraq and Afghanistan, Barack Obama has projected weakness rather than strength, sending a clear signal to America’s enemies that this administration doesn’t have the resolve and commitment that is needed. At the same time the United States has appeased the Islamist regime in Tehran, with President Obama failing to stand with pro-democracy protesters who were brutally suppressed in the aftermath of the fraudulent June 2009 presidential election..... Hillary Clinton’s “reset” strategy towards Moscow has been an embarrassing flop, only serving to encourage Putin’s Russia to become more aggressive. As Rove notes, “it’s hard to see a strategic vision for Mr. Obama’s foreign policy. To the degree that a vision exists, it has seemed aimed at diminishing America’s presence in the world.' ”

‘Die b*tch!’: George W. Bush’s heart surgery brings out death wishes, nastygrams

Cameron Gray @Cameron_Gray
Future @TwitchyTeam article: "People root for the death of George W. Bush; Unhappy he'll recover"
!C'phe $ihle @CpheDexter
A world would be a better place if he die RT @washingtonpost: George W. Bush undergoes surgery for blocked artery http://wapo.st/1b938OK 

Reading list: The Democrat-led foreign policy and its consequences

Kristol Podcast: What is the Obama Doctrine?  "The WEEKLY STANDARD podcast with editor William Kristol on the extended embassy closings, the global war on terrorism, and America's stature in the Middle East under the Obama Doctrine."   Download the audio here.

Krauthammer’s Take: Embassy Closings ‘Fruits’ of ‘Nothing Happening to the Bad Guys’ in Benghazi

Krauthammer "detailed that this sort of conduct extends beyond the Benghazi attacks to include the administration’s relations with Russia throughout the Edward Snowden affair and its handling of Iran and Syria.
“ 'This is the idea that America somehow by being nice will be treated well,” he said."

Political fallout for Obama building from terror threat  "Well what do you know. The press is actually remembering what President Obama said about al-Qaeda during the 2012 election and is wondering, like the Wall Street Journal's Brett Stephens, about "The Al-Qaeda Obama Forgot":"....
...."And that includes the terror alert this past weekend, for which George Bush was raked over the coals when he upped the alert status using the infamous Homeland Security color codes. Obama is praised for his caution."

Benghazi Bombshell: Valerie Jarrett, Commander in Chief
"The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President's Advisor, Valerie Jarrett.
"And this is a “phony” scandal?"

On the Fort Hood, um, workplace violence, er, on the job injuries.

"The Justice for Fort Hood Heroes Act"  "Contrary to Obama's debased and despicable treatment of the heroes and victims of the Fort Hood jihad massacre, a number of decent and righteous members of Congress are standing up against the seditious reign of the Obama regime.
"When the bloodcurdling wails of Hasan's 'allahu akbar' was reverberating through the country, Obama urged us not to "rush to judgement." Obama, it's been five years. Is it still too soon to call jihad jihad? Funny, Obama expressed no such "abundance of caution" when jumping on the race wagon to publicly lynch George Zimmerman."

Requiem for Diversity of Thought; The deathliness of permissible politics under the Obama regime.

American Spectator
"The past four years have proven that Barack Obama does not understand what “diversity” means, and while that might be an occupational hazard for anyone as emotionally invested in community organizing as this president continues to be, it’s also the kind of willful ignorance that explains why no course correction can be expected from his operatives, either."
....When the Institute for Energy Research did the math, dividing federal expenditures in this area since 2009 by the number of permanent jobs created, it came up with the shocking cost of $11.45 million per green job. Any president willing to embrace prudent diversity in energy policy might wonder about that number, or look favorably on the Keystone XL Pipeline and the shale boom, but Barack Obama has done none of those things.

Hezb'Allah Leader Nasrallah: "Destroying Israel is in the interest of the entire Muslim world"

Atlas Shrugs
Hey, I've seen this salute somewhere before.
"Islamic Jew hatred, it's in the quran. Their Jew hatred is a collective pathology. "Peace" talks means annihilation."
Quoting from Jews News:
"In his speech, Nasrallah thanked “Iran and Syria for all they are doing for Palestine and Jerusalem, and for all they have given to resistance movements (fighting Israel) in Lebanon and Palestine”.
"Nasrallah called for the end of Israel, saying its elimination “is in the interest not only of the Palestinians but the entire Arab and Muslim world,” according to AFP."

I would refer you to this article: "Jay Carney, Master of Deflection"

Legal Insurrection   "It was a refreshing sight to see Monday evening when this video on Erin Burnett’s Out Front program on CNN caught my attention.
What better way to depict the series of seemingly never ending deflections on important questions from White House press secretary Jay Carney than through this mashup of his “I would refer you to” answers.
"It’s preceded by a mashup of deflections from other Obama administration personalities, which is summed up by Burnett with the astute observation that, “one of the only things this administration seems to ever openly discuss…is food.” "

The Triumph of Self-Deception   ...."At what point does incompetence and headlong withdrawal become indistinguishable from surrender? When does Jay Carney raise his head from the script and start looking at the things falling down around him?"....

Daniel Henninger: Obama's Creeping Authoritarianism

 WSJ: "If we learned anything about Barack Obama in his first term it is that when he starts repeating the same idea over and over, what's on his mind is something else.

"The first term's over-and-over subject was "the wealthiest 1%." Past some point, people wondered why he kept beating these half-dead horses. After the election, we knew. It was to propagandize the targeted voting base that would provide his 4% popular-vote margin of victory—very young voters and minorities. They believed. He won."....
...."The political left, historically inclined by ideological belief to public policy that is imposed rather than legislated, will support Mr. Obama's expansion of authority. The rest of us should not."....