Monday, March 26, 2012

Liberals; the civil, compassionate people: Dick Cheney heartlessly mocked

Boston Herald:  "Glenn Reynolds of dismissed the left’s online mean-spiritedness as a sign of weakness: “Barack Obama’s presidency is a failure and all they have left between now and the election is to get the base angry. So they’re spreading a lot of hatred. Hate is all they have left.” 

Liberals express hate as Dick Cheney recovers from heart transplant surgery Poster "Media Elite" wrote: "Why couldn't he just die!"

Good news: Letterman’s jokes about Cheney’s heart problems still crowd pleasers   "They must have some master checklist, last updated in 2006, titled “Funny Things About Dick Cheney” which they call up any time they write bits like this. At the very top of the checklist, apparently: Gravely serious cardiac complications. 
"I like Mika and she’s usually not a jerk, so I’m going to pretend that she’s convulsing here not over Cheney gasping for air but at either (a) the audacious tastelessness of the gags or (b) the sheer stale hackishness of the bit. Pretend with me."

Obama Caught on Hot Mic: Tells Russian PM He‘ll Have More ’Flexibility‘ ’After My Election’

Noisy Room 
More at The Blaze "At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”
The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.

The Left and their racialist allies

Affirmative Action and Radical Politics; Affirmative action radicalizes minority students whose achievements become suspect. 
"Universities operate under quotas masquerading as goals and government audits of racial outcomes known as cultural audits. Consequently, university administrators have numbers to produce because the government wants to see numbers. The reality is that the faculty that push black students through aren’t compassionate at all. They’re part of a bureaucracy that needs a certain statistical outcome. The black student is a means to an end. That end is a check in a box." 

The article refers to this Thomas Sowell column entitled Race and Rhetoric in which Sowell writes: 
Not only was unemployment among blacks in general lower before the liberal welfare state policies expanded in the 1960s, rates of imprisonment of blacks were also lower then, and most black children were raised in two-parent families. At one time, a higher percentage of blacks than whites were married and working.
'New' Black Panthers same as the old - only worse  "With Louis Farakhan threatening "retaliation" for the killing of Trayvon Martin, you might have wondered if African American leaders could make the situation any worse. They did:"...


Zimmerman not a racist, says family   "Despite the racially charged nature of the case, Zimmerman's lawyer insisted his client was not racist.
"I asked him, 'Are you a racist? Do you have anything against black people?' and he said 'No,'" Zimmerman's legal adviser Craig Sonner told CNN on Friday. "I don't see anything that indicates to me that he's a racist."
Sonner said Zimmerman and his wife acted as mentors to two teenage African Americans, even after funding was cut for the program.
They have also helped at a fundraiser for an African-American church, according to the lawyer. 
Jesse Jackson bringing the hate  "This is one reason why it is impossible to talk intelligently about race in this country. There are too many people invested in ratcheting up emotion and hate when it comes to the way in which incidents like the Trayvon Martin tragedy are portrayed.
"Jesse Jackson - who probably felt left out of media coverage - has put both feet into the controversy."

Victor Davis Hanson: Beware of the Mob

PJ Media "The role of a president is to rein in the mob, not to unleash it. The latter is what community organizers do; the former is what makes statesmen. Yet on issue after issue — anti-terrorism, global warming, government ethics, and racial relations — a frenzied mob, egged on by the media and demagogues like Barack Obama, have almost stormed the jail, only to dissipate when met by either evidence, or the knowledge that the incarcerated was one of their own — as if they had never screamed and threatened in the first place."

ObamaCare's day in court; What to expect at the most significant hearing since Brown v. Board of Education.

PJ Media  "Monday, March 26, 10:00 a.m. — The Court will hear 90 minutes of argument on whether a federal tax law bars any challenge to the mandate requiring all individuals to purchase or obtain health insurance. At issue will be the 145-year-old Anti-Injunction Act (AIA), which says:

No suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court by any person, whether or not such person is the person against whom such tax was assessed.
 "It will be a momentous week for the interests of liberty, freedom, and the preservation of a constitutional republic."

George Will column: Obamacare's contract problem  Under Obamacare, Congress asserted the improper power to compel commercial contracts. It did so on the spurious ground that this power is necessary to solve a problem Congress created when, by forbidding insurance companies to deny coverage to individuals because of pre-existing conditions, it produced the problem of "adverse selection" — people not buying insurance until they need medical care."
IJ correctly says that if the court were to ratify Congress' disregard for settled contract law, Congress' "power to compel contractual relations would have no logical stopping point." Which is why this case is the last exit ramp on the road to unlimited government. H/T to Rush Limbaugh for bringing this article to our attention.
Then perhaps, the government can force you to contract with a builder to upgrade your house, or to add insulation to the attic. Can they then force you to buy certain cars?

Obamacare Comes before the Supreme Court  "America waits for the Supreme Court to weigh the facts and the law, to consider the precedents and the policy, and to issue a decision that will have implications far into the future. Will Congress be limited by the Constitution, or will its authority expand beyond the limits that the Founders intended? Will Americans’ liberties stand? Will Obamacare fall? No matter the outcome of the Court’s ruling in June, Congress can and should act now to repeal Obamacare and rid the land of this intolerable act."

From Legal Insurrection: Obamacare Oral Argument – Day 1  "Via ScotusBlog, it does not appear that the Justices will buy into the administrations arguments, and will rule on the merits (caveat — oral argument questions and comments are not always a reliable indicator):"

From Judicial Watch:  Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to Directly Address Obamacare Recusal Controversy

From Liberty Counsel: The first issue to be argued today arises from the case of Liberty University v. Geithner  "Liberty Counsel filed the first private lawsuit against ObamaCare on the same day it was signed into law. This is the only pending case at the Supreme Court that challenges both the individual and the employer mandates. Liberty Counsel filed two amicus briefs with the Supreme Court, addressing both the Anti-Injunction Act and the Commerce Clause."

Tebow in the lion's den

From Oct 27, 2011:  Tim Tebow -- a Fool?   "To be sure, Tim is not the first professional athlete to publicly and robustly express his or her Christian faith. There is a long and storied history of stars who turned a portion of their platform into a pulpit of sorts, from the baseball-player-turned-evangelist Billy Sunday in 1887 to basketball great David Robinson, and, more recently, two of this week's World Series participants, the Cardinals' slugger Albert Pujols and the Rangers' Josh Hamilton.
"I, along with millions of others, admire these athletes not merely because of how they perform -- but because of how they conduct themselves while doing so." 

The above Rich Terrell cartoon  seems to depict New York fans, but mainly -I think- the New York press and  media including  Vanity Fair, which calls Tebow "ostentatiously pious".  Paul the Apostle, in chapter 15 of his letter to the church in Rome warned that those who followed Christ would be considered foolish:
...And if Christ has not been raisedthen our preaching is futile and your faith is empty. 15:15 Alsowe are found to be false witnesses about God,because we have testified against God that he raised Christ from the dead, when in reality he did not raise him, if indeed the dead are not raised. 15:16 For if the dead are not raisedthen not even Christ has been raised. 15:17 And if Christ has not been raisedyour faith is useless;you are still in your sins. 15:18 Furthermorethose who have fallen asleep 10  in Christ havealso perished. 15:19 For if only in this life we have hope in Christwe should be pitied more than anyone.
Kerby Anderson at Point of View had this to say last Christmas: 
 And Tim Tebow has been a full recipient of the negative reaction against all things Christian. Who can forget how he was blasted in the run-up to Focus on the Family’s 2010 Superbowl ad?  Pro-lifers are more than familiar with the story of Tim’s mom, Pam, a missionary, with her husband in the Phillippines… counseled to abort her baby to save her life following a placental abruption.  She refused.  That commercial was another platform in which Pam, appearing with Tim, told that story, sending a strong pro-life message without ever using the word “pro-life” or “abortion.”  
Jennifer Marshall of Heritage writes: Why Tim Tebow Keeps Smiling

When Pam Tebow was counseled to abort her baby to save her own life, the doctor referred to him as a “mass of fetal tissue.”   (Emphasis added)
“(M)aybe she just called me that to toughen us up for the names I would be called the first time I played at LSU,” ... It’s true. He’s kept smiling while showing remarkable magnanimity toward critics. One, former Broncos QB Jake Plummer, suggested toning down the religious rhetoric. 
Tebow responded that if it’s a good idea for a husband to tell his wife he loves her as often as he can, then wouldn’t it be appropriate to do the same when it comes to the most important relationship in his own life? “If people want to bash me for that, that’s OK. It really won’t bother me. At least they know what I believe.”