Monday, October 19, 2015
Climate Change is the usual scapegoat
"I think I have figured out why Democrats are so wedded to the climate change narrative, even when it doesn’t make sense or isn’t supported by the evidence. The reason is that they have figured out that, to their own scientifically illiterate voters, climate change works as a universally applicable scapegoat. Why bother informing yourself about literally any issue under the sun when you can just blame anything that is going wrong on climate change and know that at least liberal voters will believe it.
"The latest example of this is California Governor Jerry Brown, who is blaming the recent spate of wildfires on climate change. Wildfires in California have been an issue since as at least as long as I’ve been alive, so it seems that the connection is tenuous at best. And, indeed, even people who are committed believers in climate change were forced to note that, even under the assumption that climate change is real and man made, Brown’s comments were completely full of crap:
"The latest example of this is California Governor Jerry Brown, who is blaming the recent spate of wildfires on climate change. Wildfires in California have been an issue since as at least as long as I’ve been alive, so it seems that the connection is tenuous at best. And, indeed, even people who are committed believers in climate change were forced to note that, even under the assumption that climate change is real and man made, Brown’s comments were completely full of crap:
The ash of the Rocky fire was still hot when Gov. Jerry Brown strode to a bank of television cameras beside a blackened ridge and, flanked by firefighters, delivered a battle cry against climate change.. . .
The Stabbing Intifada
Incitement Fuels the Knife Intifada
"Jeffrey Goldberg takes a long time to say it, but he gets some of it said. It’s not a “cycle of violence” where both sides are similar. One side is lying and inciting its people to violence, and this has been going on at least since the 1920s in very similar fashion. The current dispute concerns the history of the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock, and access to those sites.
"The NY Post says it more succinctly, and adds a few more things, such as the latest incident of what one might call the Muhammed al Durah phenomenon, complete with the cooperation of our State Department:
Here’s how the State Department has been complicit in furthering the Palestinian narrative:
"The NY Post says it more succinctly, and adds a few more things, such as the latest incident of what one might call the Muhammed al Durah phenomenon, complete with the cooperation of our State Department:
…Wednesday…Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in a speech that Israeli security forces “executed” an innocent 13-year-old boy, Ahmad Mansara, “in cold blood.”"What’s wrong with this picture? This:" . . . Read the full article here.
The story has fueled Palestinian anger for days. A photo of a bleeding Mansara, lying on the ground, filled social networks and gave birth to endless angry tweets. It also, apparently, informed official statements, including at the State Department, denouncing “excessive use of force” by Israel.
Here’s how the State Department has been complicit in furthering the Palestinian narrative:
Enter State Department spokesman John Kirby, who said Wednesday, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”Palestinian Kids Taught ‘How To Stab A Jew’
Come again? That factually challenged statement followed Secretary of State John Kerry, who has his own “narrative”: Israeli settlement expansion is responsible for the violence. (State later walked back Kerry’s statement.). . .
This woman truly thinks her supporters are unintelligent. Well, they do support her, don't they?

. . . "All of which raises serious questions about how and why Bernie gave Hillary the gift of public absolution for her sins (just before she'll be forced to testify on Benghazi this week) and yet be sincere about his presidential run?
"The answer, of course, is that he's not serious and never has been. He has been Hillary's co-conspirator from day one, in the race only to allow her radical Leftist ideology to seem "moderate" when compared to Sanders' raving, spit-flecked, anti-capitalist insanity.
"For quite awhile, Hope n' Change almost wanted to give Bernie credit for at least being sincere in his wacky beliefs - but all that changed when he deliberately threw the race to a woman who is the literal embodiment of all he claims to despise."
Hillary Forgets Who’s Been President for the Last Seven Years
"Hillary Clinton visited Alabama this weekend and while nearly all of the early media reports are about her absurd claim that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise black voters, it was her remarks about the economy that were truly stunning.
. . .
"Clinton conveniently leaves out the role Democrats played in the 2008 financial crisis when they forced banks to give home loans to unqualified borrowers. She also neglects to mention the massive debt accumulated by Obama." . . .

"The answer, of course, is that he's not serious and never has been. He has been Hillary's co-conspirator from day one, in the race only to allow her radical Leftist ideology to seem "moderate" when compared to Sanders' raving, spit-flecked, anti-capitalist insanity.
"For quite awhile, Hope n' Change almost wanted to give Bernie credit for at least being sincere in his wacky beliefs - but all that changed when he deliberately threw the race to a woman who is the literal embodiment of all he claims to despise."
Hillary Forgets Who’s Been President for the Last Seven Years
"Hillary Clinton visited Alabama this weekend and while nearly all of the early media reports are about her absurd claim that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise black voters, it was her remarks about the economy that were truly stunning.
. . .
"Clinton conveniently leaves out the role Democrats played in the 2008 financial crisis when they forced banks to give home loans to unqualified borrowers. She also neglects to mention the massive debt accumulated by Obama." . . .
'I will not be silenced,' Hillary shrieked . . . "And who, pray tell, is trying to “silence” her?
"That would be no one.
"The left, on the other hand, tries to silence dissenting voices routinely. They cannot handle dissent of any kind as evidenced by Clinton’s comments as well as the government’s move to identify “extremists” and bring the boom down on them – extremists being people who disagree with Obama.
"Just who is trying to silence whom?" . . .
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