Political Correctness: Do We Have What It Takes To Reverse Course?
. .. . "Every day, statements that people make are being grossly exaggerated, taken out of context, misinterpreted, and/or deemed offensive or otherwise unacceptable. More and more words and phrases are being declared off-limits by “leaders” we don't trust and certainly don't agree with. PC in its many forms has become a preferred tool with which the powerful elite manipulate and control public perception. Mass media, political sycophants, and gullible ideologues have enthusiastically joined in the game. " . . .
. . . "It doesn't help that our society has become more and more secular, leaving many with nowhere to turn (without spiritual knowledge and the power of prayer) for guidance when they “feel offended.” The power mongers among us are quick to recruit such people to help them in their efforts to destroy their political enemies. This typifies how anger often becomes amplified and dangerous in our society.
"Consider this: From the very beginning of our republic's existence, the free flow of ideas has been a primary factor in our nation's overall success. However, in recent decades we have witnessed a not insignificant decline in the effectiveness of virtually all of our institutions – governmental, financial, educational, religious, etc."
"Consider this: From the very beginning of our republic's existence, the free flow of ideas has been a primary factor in our nation's overall success. However, in recent decades we have witnessed a not insignificant decline in the effectiveness of virtually all of our institutions – governmental, financial, educational, religious, etc."
The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook
Excerpt from the book:
- Vagrant.� Nonspecifically-destinationed individual; directionally-impoverished person.
- Phallocentrism: The use, by white heterosexual males, of such discredited devices as reasoning and�logic to maintain a position of sexual and political dominance.
- First Baseperson.� The correct gender-inclusive term for first baseman, recommended by the Little League.
- Prisoner. Client of the correctional system, guest in a correctional institution, incarcerated American.
- Pro-abortion. Pro-choice.
- Shoplifter. Nontraditional shopper.
- Grammar. Defined by Lewis Lapham as "arbitrary rules of procedure subservient to a sexist political agenda."
- Pet owner. The American Humane Society says the appropriate term is "human companion of a nonhuman companion."
- Morally different. Dishonest, evil.
- Jungle. Tropical Rainforest. The term "jungle" is ideologically unsuitable because of its use in such insensitive phrases as "It's a jungle out there."
- Difficult-to-serve. Canadian educators'�term for sociopathic. Example: "Professor McLaughlin was robbed at gunpoint by one of his difficult-to-serve students."
- Smellism. Discrimination against, or stigmatization or oppression of a human or nonhuman being because�his/her/its nondiscretionary body odor is deemed to be unpleasant.
- Ableism.� The Smith College Office of Student Affairs defines this as "oppression of the differently abled by the temporarily able."
"To see the emptiness of liberal/Democrat logic, try the following at the next dinner party.
"If I vote for Ben Carson, am I still guilty of being a racist, considering the way you hurled that accusation at me when I told you that Obama was a very bad choice because of his ideology and his acquaintances?
"If I vote for Carly Fiorina, am I still guilty of a war on women, given that this woman has broken through the glass ceiling, overcome a deadly disease, and still come out fighting?
"If you insist that the federal government fund Planned Parenthood even after the uncovering of illegal sales of aborted body parts, I am confused. Wasn't Obamacare supposed to provide universal coverage for all Americans? Why, then, does the federal government need to continue funding Planned Parenthood?
"f you vote for Bernie Sanders, will your house in Chappaqua be available for the government's use if Sanders decides you have no right to private property anymore? As Thomas Sowell has opined, "what exactly is [the] fair share of what someone else has worked for?"
"For the environmentalists who maintain that we have no right to use trees to produce paper towels for bathroom use, did you know that "dryers use electricity which produces a 'carbon footprint' that liberals link to global warming"?
"By the way, "if 11 million illegal aliens are supposed to assist the U.S. economy, why didn't they help the Mexican economy before they left?' " . . .
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"If I vote for Ben Carson, am I still guilty of being a racist, considering the way you hurled that accusation at me when I told you that Obama was a very bad choice because of his ideology and his acquaintances?
"If I vote for Carly Fiorina, am I still guilty of a war on women, given that this woman has broken through the glass ceiling, overcome a deadly disease, and still come out fighting?
"If you insist that the federal government fund Planned Parenthood even after the uncovering of illegal sales of aborted body parts, I am confused. Wasn't Obamacare supposed to provide universal coverage for all Americans? Why, then, does the federal government need to continue funding Planned Parenthood?
"f you vote for Bernie Sanders, will your house in Chappaqua be available for the government's use if Sanders decides you have no right to private property anymore? As Thomas Sowell has opined, "what exactly is [the] fair share of what someone else has worked for?"
"For the environmentalists who maintain that we have no right to use trees to produce paper towels for bathroom use, did you know that "dryers use electricity which produces a 'carbon footprint' that liberals link to global warming"?
"By the way, "if 11 million illegal aliens are supposed to assist the U.S. economy, why didn't they help the Mexican economy before they left?' " . . .
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