This abject refusal to acknowledge the existence of natural immunity proves that the vaccine Karens don't care about the health of their fellow human beings. They just want to boss us around.
Ann Coulter "If I weren't already staunchly pro-vaccination, the vaccine zealots would turn me against the COVID shot. The proof that they're practicing religion and not science is their refusal to acowledge the great heaping hunks of immunity a person gets from natural infection.
"Obviously, you don't want to contract COVID just to get all that boffo immunity, but lots of people have already been infected, so why can't we count them the same as vaccinated?
"The current research -- and that's all we have for the vaccines, too -- indicates that natural immunity is not as good as vaccine immunity -- it's better! Study after study keeps finding that the previously infected have stronger, broader and longer-lasting immunity than people who've received the vaccine." . . .
. . . "This isn't just a matter of policy not catching up to the science. The vaccine Karens positively disdain the previously infected. Instead of being treated like the superhumans that they are, recovered COVID patients are scorned, treated like smokers or AIDS victims. (No, sorry -- the latter were revered as "angels.") We're simultaneously told that COVID is WILDLY contagious and ... it's your own damn fault for not wearing a mask, socially distancing or getting a vaccine.
"The dismissal of people who've developed their own antibodies springs from the same totalitarian mindset of gun control activists: You cannot protect yourself! Your body cannot protect you! Only the government can protect you. Or, as Mussolini said: "Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.' " . . .
The Numbers Don’t Support Scapegoating the Unvaccinated . . . "As I mentioned in a recent article, Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, is a good indicator of how the vaccine is working. A few weeks ago it was reported in The Times of Israel that 60 percent of those vaccinated had not contracted COVID, a startlingly low rate considering the vaccine has only been in effect for a few months. However, the latest data out of Israel is even worse, for now that number has dropped to 39 percent, though the vaccine is 91 percent effective at preventing severe cases of COVID. The vaccine’s benefits also appear to be very short-lived."