Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bush Didn’t Lie; So why did his administration sit on the evidence of Saddam Hussein’s WMDs?

Deroy Murdock   " ...The late dictator Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass death, and the United States of America was correct to invade Iraq, find these toxins, and destroy them. Also vital: padlocking this Baathist general store for militant-Islamic terrorism.

"As I explained on July 17, 2006:
While the liberal press gently sleeps, evidence continues to mount that Hussein had WMDs, though perhaps not in quantities that would bulge warehouses.
“Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent,” states a June 21 declassified summary of a report from the National Ground Intelligence Center. “Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq’s pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist.”
Full article..

Operation Inherent Resolve?

"President Obama met with twenty military chiefs of Allies at the White House Tuesday to devise a strategy to defeat ISIS. The terrorist army captured three more towns in Iraq this week and they have declared themselves the Islamic State. Their national bird is a hand gesture." Argus Hamilton

American Thinker  " ....I’m an old combat infantryman who has no problem with an enemy who hates me with a deadly determination to destroy me.  But I swear to all of you out there, I cannot support a commander in chief and his politically correct administration who subject our nation in general and our military in particular to this sort of international ridicule.

"I do believe I am inherently resolved to oppose these silly Democrat fools who profess to lead us.

"Thomas Lifson adds: "Resolve" cannot by its nature be "inherent." Resolve is an act of will. The phrase is self-contradictory. " ... More

Analyzing ‘Operation Inherent Resolve’  ... "The choice–”Operation Inherent Resolve”–has both a loneliness and a longness about it, and even a sadness. It reflects both the dashed hopes of the past and the distance anticipated before future gains. It doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence either. Indeed, it almost sounds despondent.

"Operation Inherent Resolve also stands in stark contrast to the more optimistic names of the past three U.S. wars in the Middle East and south Asia: In 1991, the United States launched the robust-sounding Operation Desert Storm to oust Iraq from little Kuwait. Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, launched in 2001, had an idealistic ring to it, especially as a response to the 9/11 attacks. In 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom was supposed to signal the creation of a new democracy after the toppling of a notorious dictator.

"All three of those operations were messier and longer than anticipated. They also had unintended consequences that deferred or muddied straightforward U.S. goals. The military moniker for this newest battle reflects those realities." ...
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Houston Tries to Force Pastors to Provide Sermons to Government (UPDATED)

Heritage  .... "Here’s where it gets interesting: In response, the city of Houston has now issued incredibly broad subpoenas as part of the discovery process to several pastors who are not directly involved in the lawsuit demanding that they provide certain information. “Discovery” is a legal procedure which allows people who sue or are sued to obtain information that is relevant to that lawsuit. But rather than simply asking for information about the validity of petition signatures, which would be germane to the lawsuit, Houston has demanded that the pastors turn over all records in their possession relating to “the topics of equal rights, civil rights, homosexuality, or gender identity,” some communications with lawyers, budgetary information and “[a]ll speeches, presentations, or sermons related to [the bathroom ordinance], the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity….' ”
Will they be asking this of Obama's retired Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, many, many Muslim clerics including Louis Farrakhan?  Consider:

"Third, there is a renewed effort to claim that religious organizations should not be “political,” a pernicious claim that is enshrined in anti-religious laws such as the Johnson Amendment."

UPDATE: Houston’s Mayor Backtracks on Church Subpoenas, Tosses Her Own Lawyers Under the Bus (Updated)    "The mayor made the move as Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sent a letter to Parker asking that she withdraw the subpoenas “immediately.' ”