Monday, August 3, 2015

Hillary, Joe. and the other guy

 Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
 What a Biden Bid Would Mean for Clinton 
 . . . "John Heilemann: “The Clintons and their adjutants.… comprehend, if dimly, that in the short term a Biden entry would make their lives sheer hell, and in the medium term could be quite dangerous, for three reasons beyond the obvious. First, it would radically exacerbate an already punishing set of media dynamics for Clinton…. Second, a Biden candidacy would escalate the Bernie Sanders threat…. Third, with Biden in the race, the Democratic establishment would have a viable alternative.”
“ 'The absence of a plausible fallback option has been no small part of the reason the party’s panjandrums have been laboring to suppress their misgivings about the swirl of controversies around Clinton’s e-mail practices and her family’s foundation.' ”
Clinton Campaign Weighs Possible Biden Challenge

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz can’t explain how she’s any different from a socialist
 "It must be difficult for Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. After all, she’s watching her chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, face a legitimate struggle for the party nomination against a man who says he’s a socialist, serves as an Independent in the Senate, and is running for the Democratic nomination for the White House. He’s an old white dude and the Millennials are crazy about him. What’s going on?

"Leave it to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, then, to put Schultz on the spot and ask her to define the difference between a Democrat like her and a socialist."


Thomas Sowell: Will Trump Rescue Clinton And Democrats? "A shoot-from-the-hip, bombastic show-off is the last thing we need or can afford. As for the Democrats, their leading candidate — Hillary Clinton — was one of the architects of the foreign policy disasters that can turn into world-changing catastrophes."
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Joe Biden’s Moment . . . "But if Biden gets into the race, she will soon find that the increasingly pronounced anti-Clinton sentiment within the Democratic Party has found a less quixotic figure behind which it can rally. After nearly 30 years of seeking his party’s presidential nomination, Biden may have found his moment." Neil Kinnock couldn't have said it better.

 More Clinton here

Dear Democrats: If We Get Trump, You Get Biden. . . "But I’ll give Joe Biden one thing: he might actually be more entertaining than Trump. Maybe it’s the flashing whitened teeth and the blue-collar colloquialisms. Or maybe it’s just that it’s always a lot funnier when it happens to the other side."

 Socialist Bernie Sanders may look like just another Democrat to Debbie W. Schultz
Then again, how does he differ from Obama and Clinton? Debbie W/S doesn't seem to know.


Guess Who Israelis Think is Worst US President EVER?

. . . "The Blaze reports:
More than 60 percent of Israeli Jews named President Barack Obama as the “worst” U.S. president for Israel in the past four decades, according to a new poll published Tuesday in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal.

Columnist Shmuel Rosner, who contributed questions to the poll, reported that when those surveyed were asked to name the U.S. president from Jimmy Carter to the present who has been the “worst for Israel,” Obama scored “head and shoulders above all others”:

When it comes to the “best” President, Israelis hesitate, as they have more than one candidate for the top spot. But when they are asked about the “worst” there is no such hesitation. One President stands head and shoulders above all others: Obama – with 63% of Jewish Israelis choosing him. Carter comes at a distant second with 16%, and other presidents are barely mentioned (the Bushes with 4% and 3%, Reagan with 2%).

. . . "Or, perhaps it’s just Obama’s constant groveling to radical Islamic terrorists.  Whatever the case, it’s obvious that most Jews don’t like Barack Obama.

"The Jewish Journal has more details about the poll:" . .  Keep reading

Obama and his pen; disaster in the making

Obama to go after air conditioning next

 Emissions Overreach 
 . . . "Like so many other destructive initiatives, this executive overreach has been enabled by an overly indulgent Supreme Court, which in 2007 put its imprimatur on the preposterous notion that carbon dioxide — the stuff you exhale — can be classified as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act, which was designed to help combat things such as smog and to regulate poisonous emissions from industrial facilities.
" The president is coming out swinging here, and Republicans ought to swing back twice as hard, for instance by moving to amend the Clean Air Act, stripping the president and his EPA minions of their ability to engage in this mischief. Indeed, the Clean Air Act is very much in need of reform: Despite the fact that many of the law’s goals have been met and exceeded — on ozone, on particulates, etc. — the rules promulgated under the act get ever-tighter and more expensive to comply with rather than the other way around."  Read more

Obama in Africa: ‘The Planet Will Boil Over’ If Everybody Has a Car, Air Conditioning and a Big House  . . . "The president made the comments while speaking at the University of Johannesburg-Soweto on Saturday, one day before announcing his “Power Africa” initiative for a “sustainable” African energy strategy." . . . Video

Obama's pen strikes again
 . . . "There are several problems here:
1) Aren't you sick and tired of watching a U.S. president govern by decree?  The EPA has become a wrecking crew attacking U.S. companies.  Where did the president get that authority?  Or what about the EPA? 
2) What about the impact of all of this on jobs?  Are companies in a position to adopt all of these ideas from people who have never run a company or met a payroll? " . . .Read more

"Incredibly, and dangerously, 45% still approve of the job he's doing."

Reparations? How about ~7 trillion?

Richard Butrick   "Flop or not, it has cost the American taxpayer $22 trillion.  On a raw basis, more of that money has been spent on whites, since whites outnumber blacks ~9:1.  But on a percentage of population basis, three times as much has been spent on blacks.  It wasn’t done in the name of reparations, but to the extent that the higher rate of poverty among blacks is the result of discrimination, the effect is the same.  If that is not – stupid and misguided though WoP may be – reparations, then what is?  Throw in forced sub-prime loans to “minorities” and the banking collapse of 2008, and who knows what the real cost of WoP is – a testament to the failed feel-good social policies of self-anointed white liberal champions of black Americans.

"But there it is – failed or not – an attempt to break the poverty cycle for blacks and America’s underclasses generally, who are perceived as not getting a “fair shot” and a “fair shake.”  What else should reparations do?"    Read more


Iran Publishes Play-by-Play on How to Defeat US, Destroy Israel

 "REMINDER: We negotiated with these people"

Legal Insurrection
 iran palestine book cover

"Right on cue, Iran has proven just how woefully ignorant western powers are to the true motives of those pushing for controversial nuclear concessions.

"Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has released a 416 page book blasting the existence of a Jewish state and touting a plan to “reclaim Muslim lands.” “Palestine” labels the Holocaust “a propaganda ploy,” describes Israel as a “cancerous tumor,” and details how Khamenei believes Iran can bring about the end of both Israel, and the United States’ claim to global hegemony.

"The crux of Khamenei’s plan? The insane assertion that Israel has no right to exist as a state:
"He uses three words. One is “nabudi” which means “annihilation.” The other is “imha” which means “fading out,” and, finally, there is “zaval” meaning “effacement.”

"Khamenei claims that his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is instead based on “well-established Islamic principles.”

"One such principle is that a land that falls under Muslim rule, even briefly, can never again be ceded to non-Muslims. What matters in Islam is ownership of a land’s government, even if the majority of inhabitants are non-Muslims.

"Of course, Khamenei isn’t suggesting that he’ll simply push a button and sink Israel into the Mediterranean. Oh no—he’s planning on dragging this out in the worst way possible." . . .

Right on cue, Iran has proven just how woefully ignorant western powers are to the true motives of those pushing for controversial nuclear concessions.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has released a 416 page book blasting the existence of a Jewish state and touting a plan to “reclaim Muslim lands.” “Palestine” labels the Holocaust “a propaganda ploy,” describes Israel as a “cancerous tumor,” and details how Khamenei believes Iran can bring about the end of both Israel, and the United States’ claim to global hegemony.
The crux of Khamenei’s plan? The insane assertion that Israel has no right to exist as a state:
He uses three words. One is “nabudi” which means “annihilation.” The other is “imha” which means “fading out,” and, finally, there is “zaval” meaning “effacement.”
Khamenei claims that his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is instead based on “well-established Islamic principles.”
One such principle is that a land that falls under Muslim rule, even briefly, can never again be ceded to non-Muslims. What matters in Islam is ownership of a land’s government, even if the majority of inhabitants are non-Muslims.
Of course, Khamenei isn’t suggesting that he’ll simply push a button and sink Israel into the Mediterranean. Oh no—he’s planning on dragging this out in the worst way possible.

 From 2011: Why Obama Betrayed the Iranian People 

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible:
    In 2009, demonstrators filled the streets of Iran, denouncing the regime and crying out for freedom.  It was a glorious opportunity for the leader of the free world to demonstrate his support for free people everywhere and strike a decisive blow against the bloody regime that had considered itself at war with the United States for three decades.

    "But Barack Obama didn't help them.  Quite the contrary.  The leader of the free world was too busy extending his hand to those same mullahs.

    "It was monstrous when Obama stood by and did nothing during the abortive Iranian revolution; instead, he bought ice cream and posed for photo ops on the golf course while the only revolution against Islamic rule in a Muslim country was taking flight in Iran.
     "History will not be kind to Obama for his siding with evil and brutally aggressive oppression over freedom."
    Obama sided with the oppressors of these Iranians.

The Cop

 "Darren Wilson was not indicted for shooting Michael Brown. Many people in Ferguson question whether justice was done." says this New Yorker writer.

Wilson hasn’t read the Justice Department’s report on systemic racism in Ferguson. “I’m not going to keep living in the past,” he said.New Yorker   "Darren Wilson, the former police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, an eighteen-year-old African-American, in Ferguson, Missouri, has been living for several months on a nondescript dead-end street on the outskirts of St. Louis. Most of the nearby houses are clad in vinyl siding; there are no sidewalks, and few cars around. Wilson, who is twenty-nine, started receiving death threats not long after the incident, in which Brown was killed in the street shortly after robbing a convenience store. Although Wilson recently bought the house, his name is not on the deed, and only a few friends know where he lives. He and his wife, Barb, who is thirty-seven, and also a former Ferguson cop, rarely linger in the front yard. Because of such precautions, Wilson has been leading a very quiet life. During the past year, a series of police killings of African-Americans across the country has inspired grief, outrage, protest, and acrimonious debate. For many Americans, this discussion, though painful, has been essential. Wilson has tried, with some success, to block it out." . . .

In case you forgot, the big man on the left is who was shot by Officer Wilson.