Saturday, September 3, 2016

The progress of the pilgrim called Hillary.

Video: Hillary delete it   "Can Hillary successfully stonewall, and lie her way out of what she's done? She's doing her best to make the unthinkable happen: another Clinton occupying the Oval Office."

"This is about as plausible as “the dog ate my homework' ”.  "This is about as plausible as “the dog ate my homework”. She claimed she didn’t know that the “c” meant “confidential”, that nobody told her that she should retain work emails as they are part of the public record. Further in the article, she throws her staff under the bus, in effect claiming that underlings and minions told the dog to eat her homework.

"That’s some Grade A leadership there, right? Makes you wanna sign right up for that outfit, no?

"Further, I have an Ivy League lawyer, wife of a former governor and president, who lived in the White House for eight damned years, then went on to be a senator and Secretary of State telling me she didn’t know about classified email and that work-related documents needed to be saved as part of the public record?" . . .

She and hubby Bill are apparently made from the same mold. Back during the Lewinsky scandal I saw talking heads on the news discuss Bill's denial of having sex with Monica Lewinsky. One said he had been married for years and had several kids, but after listening to Bill Clinton describe his relationship with Lewinsky, he said "I'm not sure I ever had sex with my wife".
Nor did Hillary ever conduct business on behalf of the US State Department it would seem.  TD

Thomas Lifson; FBI holiday weekend document drop is devastating to Hillary  "The decision to wait for late Friday on Labor Day weekend to release the FBI’s investigation notes of Hillary Clinton’s email practices offers further evidence of the politicization of the agency.  As the United States slides into a banana republic, we now know that a political thumb is on the scale at the two most feared federal agencies: the IRS and the FBI.

"Still, one can understand why the Hillary faction wanted to obscure the documents, for they contain toxic revelations that disqualify Hillary Clinton from the presidency." . . .
"In a sure sign of how devastating this issue is, a female Democrat senator has already played the sexism card.  Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) took to MSNBC:" . . .
"There is actually a lot more, and we will have time to sort it out.  But perhaps the most damning of the damning evidence that the FBI has been compromised is the entirely improper presence of Hillary’s consigliere Cheryl Mills at the interview." . . .

Trump and Hillary where the rubber hits their respective roads

"Trump Walks Through Detroit Community; Liberals Heads Will Explode With Racism"

Donald Trump To Black Congregation: “You’re God’s Greatest Gift to Our Nation”  "Donald Trump spoke at the Great Faith Ministries Church in Detroit on Saturday and called for a civil rights movement for our time. When he concluded his speech, he received a standing ovation.
"At the beginning and as Donald Trump left the church, about 100 angry protesters tried to break in, condemning the pastor of the church for hosting Donald Trump who they called a racist. There was not much of a protest beyond that. Inside the church, he was well-received.
"Mr. Trump told those assembled that a lot of people don’t realize Abraham Lincoln was a Republican as he grabbed the mantle of Lincoln for the party, telling them “You’re are God’s greatest gift to our nation”.
That’s a beautiful sentiment."
. . . 

"CNN interviewed some who said they found him “honest and transparent”. Another said it was “not in any way offensive” and “it was great”. Still another said he probably didn’t change minds but he was more “relatable”. Some described him as “humble.”
“ 'We’ll see about what he says, the actions that he takes,” one parishioner said. “Not just for people of color, but all people.” . . .

Trump speaks in a black church in Detroit and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild makes a "nice night" for Hillary Clinton on the lawn of her Martha’s Vineyard estate.

Clinton Spends Most of Her Time with the Ultra-Wealthy  "New York Times: “Mr. Trump has pointed to Mrs. Clinton’s noticeably scant schedule of campaign events this summer to suggest she has been hiding from the public. But Mrs. Clinton has been more than accessible to those who reside in some of the country’s most moneyed enclaves and are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to see her.  In the last two weeks of August, Mrs. Clinton raked in roughly $50 million at 22 fund-raising events, averaging around $150,000 an hour, according to a New York Times tally.”

Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich (New York Times)

Democrats Leaked Memo: Don’t Talk About Black On Black Crime!

. . . "Looks like the Democratic Party got their hands caught in the cookie jar again with a recently leaked memo that details how they wanted to deal with black voters, including the Black Lives Matter movement. I guess the only way to snuff out a problem is not talk about it, Democrats are good at that." . . .
"The old rural plantations were run by Democrats, and the new urban plantations are run by Democrats. Now it’s time for it to come to an end!"

Hillary’s Infamous Pantsuits Are Made in China and Bangladesh

For example, this joke from David Letterman: "Hillary is dressing sexier and sexier. Yesterday she was seen shopping at Victoria's Pantsuit." 

Fresh News USA

"Wednesday, Hillary Clinton told a large crowd that Donald Trump’s ties were not made in America.
"From The Hill:
"On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton stood in front of a clothing display at American-made Knotty Ties in Colorado. The image was to portray the message that Trump ties can be made in America.
“ 'So, why does Donald Trump make his ties in China?” Clinton asked. She failed to mention that this company, Knotty Ties, predominantly hires Muslim refugees, which effectively steals all those so-called jobs from Americans.
"Don’t you find it hypocritical that Clinton stands in front of a Colorado tie company (full of refugee non-American workers) to point out that Donald Trump makes his ties in China and suits in Mexico.
"While she wears clothing from designers who manufacture most of theirs in China, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka? There was plenty of conversation surrounding the white pantsuit Clinton wore at the Democrat national convention while accepting the nomination.
"We’re told it was a Ralph Lauren pantsuit. She’s also known to wear Armani pantsuits at her speeches. Ralph Lauren and Armani assemble many of their products in Bangladesh.{

Let's see what today's Colinoscopy has to show

"But his ignorance and stupidity is just starting. Kaepernick is upset because a handful of black men have been shot by police. Meanwhile there are thousands of black Americans shot each year on the streets of Chicago." Wayne Allen Root 
". . .  The police union letter isn’t about his refusal to stand for the national anthem but rather his pig socks and anti-cop statements. It would also seem to indicate that Kaepernick won’t be among the roster cuts to be announced on Saturday. Ironically, the overpaid Prima Donna may have saved his job by becoming a hero to liberals and blacktivists who would turn his being jettisoned into nothing short of a crucifixion. There is already a new hashtag #KapSoBlack although not one as of yet that is more honest like #BlackMillionairesMatter.
"One thing is for sure and that is by not acting, the 49ers organization is effectively rewarding Kaepernick and in doing so will spread the seeds of black militance to locker rooms throughout the NFL."
Colin Kaepernick – the Dumbing Down of America  . . . "The kid is young, dumb and filled with…ignorance. He is a tragic example of the liberal biased, hateful “blame America first” propaganda taught to America’s young people at schools and universities." . . .

Image result for colin kaepernick cartoons
Kaepernicking the NFL  . . . "To be sure, the NFL brought this upon itself by wading into the quagmire of radical social issues with thoughtless pandering to racists (remember Super Bowl halftime?), feminists, gender extremists, and other assorted crazies.  By so doing, it created the opportunity for Kaepernick but also set itself on a glide path to irrelevancy, as sponsors have undoubtedly taken horrified notice." . . .

I Just Want to Enjoy Watching the Game  "Nobody watches sports because they want to raise their level of “social awareness.” Nobody tunes in to Monday Night Consciousness-Raising. Most sports fans are perfectly aware of the world’s problems. They are much more likely to encounter those problems in their daily lives than any of the well-paid, famous players on the field. I can’t speak for all of them, but I think their mentality isn’t too far from mine." . . .

Image result for colin kaepernick cartoons

California bans painting of Civil War battle from County Fair art show, because painting includes Confederate battle flag

Plus the painting is pretty bad.
Volokh Conspiracy

"California Government Code § 8195 provides that “The State of California may not sell or display the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, also referred to as the Stars and Bars, or any similar image, or tangible personal property, inscribed with such an image unless the image appears in a book, digital medium, or state museum that serves an educational or historical purpose.” Read narrowly, this would be constitutional: The California Legislature is generally free to decide what speech the state engages in.
"But it looks as though the state is now reading this as prohibiting even the display of private citizens’ paintings in venues such as County Fair art shows, and even in a context where basically all other submissions are displayed (so that the government isn’t just selecting a few paintings for display because it thinks they are the best). A lawsuit filed by the Center for Individual Rights argues that this violates the First Amendment:" . . .