When 'Defund the Police' Is Too Radical For Bernie Sanders "To say the ‘Defund Police’ movement is radical is an understatement—especially when even a proud socialist isn’t on board with the idea.
. . . "Some were skeptical whether Sanders truly disagreed with the movement or whether he publicly opposed it to help Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who said Monday he did not support defunding the police." . . .
Reform, defunding, abolition: Activists push plans to overhaul police departments
. . . "Congressional Democrats rolled out a long-shot reform plan on Monday. The Justice in Policing Act would include national use-of-force standards for police officers (including banning chokeholds), a countrywide registry of police misconduct, the creation of independent bodies to investigate such misconduct and a reversal of the militarization of police forces around the nation.
"It also includes a partial rollback of qualified immunity, which shields law enforcement officials from being held personally liable for actions undertaken in the line of duty.
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to try to get ahead of claims that the legislation wasn’t enough, saying it was “transformative” and “not incremental.”
“ 'This is a first step,” Pelosi said. “There is more to come.' ” . . .
‘Defund the police’ creating deep rift between two key Dem constituencies, Hispanics and blacks . . . "The problem with ad hoc armed groups is that the Constitution’s protections mean nothing to them, and even if well-intentioned, self-interest and greed inevitably supplant idealism as the motivating force, absent powerful external constraints.
"And now, as police have proved themselves incapable of protecting the entire public in the face of insurrection, in Chicago, Hispanic gangs are stepping up. Fuzzy Slippers of Legal Insurrection writes: . . ."
*Defund the Police? That Would Mean... . . . "Another thing you might think of, wokies, is that if the police aren’t cracking heads in a shocking display of police brutality then the various gangs of helpless-victim minorities will be delighted to take up the slack.
"I am sure that all you educated wokies are familiar with the North African St. Augustine, who wrote 1,600 years ago that the only difference between a criminal gang and a government was the “addition of impunity." . . .
Kamala (pronounced "comma-la") Harris, calling for $150 million LAPD defunding, also used LAPD as her private security detail
She falsified a confession transcript of a defendant and then, when she was caught, defended it. She's been caught making phony charges of racism about her Berkeley upbringing, as if Berkeley in the 1970s were a den of Klansmen. She has an army of fake Twitter followers in an obvious bid to make herself look more influential than she really is. Lately, she put out a deceptively edited video to smear [Supreme Court nominee Brett] Kavanaugh.
Sense And Nonsense On The Police [Updated] "Democrats are demanding that police forces be abolished (or “defunded”) even though one would be crazy to think that a world without law enforcement would be desirable. Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender, on CNN, couldn’t answer a simple question: if there are no police, what do you do if someone is breaking into your house? Interview video below
CAMEROTA: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?"
BENDER: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege."
. . .
"That’s the nonsense. The sense comes from Republican Senate candidate Jason Lewis, this time on Fox News:o the sense and the nonsense, we can add the breathtakingly hypocritical: Nury Martinez, the President of the Los Angeles City Council and (of course) a Democrat, is leading an effort to cut $150 million from the LAPD’s budget. Only–oops–it turns out that Ms. Martinez has had “24/7 security beginning April 4 at [her] home, almost always staffed by two officers.” Provided, of course, by the Los Angeles Police Department, at a cost to taxpayers of an estimated $100,000." . . .
. . . UPDATE: Journalist Lara Logan responds to Lisa Bender’s moronic comment about “privilege” with a dose of reality (Emphasis mine), TD:
Set upon: Lara Logan was torn away from her film crew just moments after this picture was taken in Cairo's Tahrir Square. She was subjected to a prolonged sexual assault by a terrifying mob of at least 200 men |