Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tolerance brigade calls Ben Carson ‘token,’ ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘Oreo’ after CPAC speech

It will do little to point these things out to "progressives"; it appears to me that they are not capable of feeling shame.
Twitchy  "This morning at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Dr. Ben Carson mentioned the “nastygrams” he received after he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. He said some of his oh-so-tolerant admirers lobbed the N-word at him for “insulting” President Obama.
"“When did we reach a point where you have to have a certain philosophy because of the color of your skin?” he asked?
"Even after being called out, some particularly nasty trolls just couldn’t help themselves."
A few of the tweets from Obama voters:

Artur Davis is gonna fight Ben Carson back stage. There can only be one negro that conservatives love. He demands that mantle.

They gave this Negro, Ben Carson a standing ovation. Smh.

 Dr. Ben Carson is the Negro du jour

 Dr Ben Carson is too dumb to know that his fans like him because he's a n----r that dislikes the president.

If you go to this source, you will see the tweets are much more pithy than those you see here.

Alan Caruba: Americans will Curse Obama for Obamacare

Warning Signs
...."As the realities and costs of the Affordable Healthcare Act—Obamacare—kick in, when he leaves office, he will be remembered for inflicting pain and suffering on Americans.
"As the various aspects of Obamacare become active, the impact on everyone will reduce their income and increase their costs. ....
"The House passed the bill with a vote of 219 to 212 on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it. At 2,000-plus pages, it has now been joined by thousands of pages more to implement it. It is a regulatory nightmare."
As Americans address paying their 2012 income taxes, here are some of the new taxes that will afflict some or all of them at some point.
# A tax on medical devices. This will cover “everything from surgical instruments and bedpans to wheelchairs and crutches. Even pacemakers and artificial hips and knees are taxes.” If Obamacare is not repealed, it will rake in $20 billion over the next decade.

# A tax on health insurance. Beginning in 2014, there will be a $60 billion tax on health insurance that will be felt in higher premiums. A typical family of four will have to spend nearly $1,000 a year.

# A tax on drugs. If you think prescription drugs are expensive now, some drug makers have already begun to raise prices. 

# A tax on medical savings accounts. You will no longer be able to use these tax-free accounts to purchase over-the-counter drugs, forcing people to purchase drugs such as Claritin, aspirin or Advil at a cost that is 30% higher for a middle-class family. Contributions to such accounts will be capped at $2,500.
# A tax on becoming ill. Today’s tax law allows you to deduct medical expenses up to 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Obamacare increases this to 10%, making your future deductions smaller. It became effective this year for people under 65 years of age and goes into effect in 2017 for those 65 and older. Obama will be out of office by then. He won’t care even if you do.
# Additional taxes. The Medicare payroll tax will increase by almost one-third for some people, rising from 2.9% today to 3.8& on wages over $200,000 for an individual and $250,000 for a couple. An additional 3.8% Medical payroll tax will be levied on investment income (capital gains, interest, and dividend income) at some income levels. The “rich” will pay more, but in effect this impacts most of the middle class. 
Stooge pictures and emphases added. TW

Obama's trip to Israel

The President needs to keep this in mind:
Americans’ (Relative) Sympathy for Israel at a 22-Year High  "People unfriendly to Israel used to say that Israel was only popular in the U.S. because pro-Israel forces had managed to stifle debate by preventing mainstream sources from publishing critical articles. That turns out not to be true. From the New York Times op-ed page to a best-seller by Walt and Mearsheimer to Joe Klein’s columns to campus “Israel Apartheid Wees” to dozens and dozens of blogs, it’s actually pretty hard for anyone at all interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict to avoid reading strong criticism of Israel, even if they tried. One would certainly be hard-pressed to argue that debate is being “stifled.” "
The Times of Israel wants to know, Why on earth is Obama going to Israel?  "Some have suggested that Obama needs to reassure Israel, to hold their hands and tell them that the US-Israeli relationship is special. This suggests that Obama cares about Israeli feelings... and that Israelis might be thus comforted by his presence. But the record of bad relations between Obama and Netanyahu is too long, and the fact that Obama is on record saying that Israelis don’t know what is best for them, whereas he does, has mitigated whatever good vibrations he might spread now."

Haaretz; The diplomatic failure in Obama's visit  "This is not the first state visit a U.S. president has made to Israel, but Barack Obama is the first president who has refused to address the Knesset. It could be that in doing so, he is setting a precedent that could affect the Knesset's standing and Israel's position in the world."...  More on this here:
Obama’s Knesset boycott   "If Obama wants to be heard by the Israeli public, he should not bypass the Knesset, as this will be regarded by many as an insult." That much is all you need to know; you have to pay if you want to read the rest.