Friday, December 16, 2016

The wealthy Democrats who helped pump over $1 billion into Hillary Clinton’s losing effort want answers.

Politico  . . . "The call for a deep and detailed accounting of how Clinton lost a race that she and her donors were absolutely certain she’d win didn’t begin immediately after the election — there was too much shock over her defeat by Donald Trump, and overwhelming grief. Her initial conference call with top backers, which came just days after the outcome, focused primarily on FBI Director Jim Comey’s late campaign-season intervention. 

"But in the weeks since, the wealthy Democrats who helped pump over $1 billion into Clinton’s losing effort have been urging their local finance staffers, state party officials, and campaign aides to provide a more thorough explanation of what went wrong. With no dispassionate, centralized analysis of how Clinton failed so spectacularly, they insist, how can they be expected to keep contributing to the party? " . . .

Image result for wealthy democrat donors cartoons

"Classless First Lady Attacks TRUMP, Says Americans Have “Lost Hope' ”

The Gateway Pundit
"Eight years ago Michelle Obama famously told Democrat voters that for the first time in her life she was proud of her country.
“For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

. . .  "But this week, after eight years of her husband’s failed policies at home and abroad, Michelle Obama told Oprah that Americans have lost their hope."

"Actually the polls say Americans have more hope today than they have in years now that Trump has won the White House."

Photos reveal the grim mood at Hillary’s lavish event for rich and powerful donors last night

Thomas Lifson  "The smoking ruins of shattered dreams still smells awful for Democrats.  While members of the pundit class melt down on TV, the donor class is demanding more introspection than its members have yet seen on the part of the candidacy that took their money and delivered bupkis.  So maybe an extravagant get-together at the Plaza Hotel wasn’t such a great idea.

"The irrepressible U.K. Daily Mail covered the event the way it ought to be covered, a journalistic feat that somehow eludes our best and brightest most of the time.  Here are a couple of  bullet-points summarizing the article with the pictures that tell the story.
·  Clinton was pictured looking glum as she arrived at the Plaza Hotel on Thursday

. . . 
·  Vogue editor Anna Wintour hid her face as she made her way into the party

Thinking about gun control

Obama Vows Retaliation For Suspected Russian Hacking - See more at:

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Yeshiva World News  "President Barack Obama is promising that the U.S. will retaliate against Russia for its suspected meddling in America’s election process, an accusation the Kremlin has vehemently denied.

"Amid calls on both sides of the political aisle on Capitol Hill for a full­bore congressional investigation, including assertions President Vladimir Putin was personally involved, Obama said in an interview that anytime a foreign government tries to interfere in U.S. elections, the nation must take action “and we will at a time and place of our own choosing.” “Some of it may be explicit and publicized, some of it may not be,” he told NPR News Thursday. “But Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings about this, because I spoke to him directly about it.”

 "White House officials said it was “fact” that Russian hacking helped Donald Trump’s campaign against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Administration officials on Thursday also assailed Trump himself, saying he must have known of Russia’s interference. Obama was to hold a news conference at the White House on Friday afternoon.

"No proof was offered for any of the accusations. . . " .  .  .

Obama says US needs to respond to Russian cyberattacks -- 'and we will' . . .

If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?

The Blood Of Aleppo Is On Obama’s Hands

Noisy Room

"It’s amazing how CNN’s talking heads can devote so much time to the “scandal” of Donald J. Trump’s sons participating in interviews of cabinet picks, but can’t connect the dots between the bloody tragedy in Aleppo and President Barack Obama’s pro-terrorist policy in the Middle East.
"During the day on Wednesday, we saw CNN repeatedly air gruesome film footage of the massacre of civilians in Aleppo by the Russians and their Iranian and Syrian puppets. Not once did any CNN talking head bother to point out that Obama’s policy of intervention, through support of terrorist groups in Syria who are losing the war, may have had a role in the unfolding massacre.
"In a scandal that makes the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic emails appear minor by comparison, a Democratic member of the U.S. House has taken to the House floor to say that Obama’s CIA has been aiding the Islamic terrorist groups ISIS and al-Qaeda for the purpose of overthrowing the Syrian regime.
"Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) introduced legislation to curb the Obama administration’s pro-terrorist policy, calling it the Stop Arming Terrorists bill (H.R. 6405).
"A member of the House Armed Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee, Gabbard served two tours of duty in the Middle East, and continues her service as a major in the Army National Guard." . . .