Monday, September 22, 2014

Virtual Reality

With the Rise of Radical Islam, Multiculturalism is a Spent Force

Some cultures are indeed better than others.

The American Culture

"Multiculturalism is a product of relativism; the only way you can believe that all cultures are equally valid and good is if you believe that all values are relative, that there is no objective right or wrong or good or bad. Of course even the most hard core relativist can’t live such a philosophy consistently, but that doesn’t stop them from believing it anyway. Most people with a modicum of common sense realize that some cultures are better than others, but this doesn’t apply to the West’s cultural elite. For them it isn’t only relativism that makes them think such an absurd notion, but an animosity to the West, and mostly to America. The political class in the West bought this silliness for decades, but there is something about radical Muslims beheading people on camera that concentrates the mind.
"Libertarian Walter Williams tells us multiculturalism is now failing, but why some otherwise intelligent people would buy it:" ...   More...

Multiculturalism and Islam   "Muslims destroying a university may come as a shock to many professors in the West today, for it flies in the face of the multiculturalism they profess. It is too ironic to imagine multiculturalists supporting the very culture that would destroy them."  Read more: 

2011; Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism   "The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants. For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants to ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law."

How Soon We Forget the Veteran Who Attacked the White House

The story behind Friday's intrusion: a VA system failing millions like Omar J. Gonzalez.

By Ron Fournier   "September 22, 2014 When a deranged man jumps a 9-foot fence and storms into the White House, the most obvious questions involve security—and so these were among Monday's headlines: "The Secret Service Considers Bigger White House Buffer" (The Washington Post) and "White House May Check Tourists Blocks Away" (The New York Times).

"Beware of the most obvious. The most important angles often lurk below the surface. What struck me about Day 3 coverage of the White House breach was how the intruder had all but been erased from the stories.
"His name is Omar J. Gonzalez. He is a decorated Iraq war veteran from Texas, a sniper who was badly wounded by a homemade bomb.  He suffers posttraumatic-stress disorder, his family says. For two years, Gonzales has been homeless and living alone in the wild and in campgrounds. What happened to him? What happens to men and women like him when they return home from war?" ...

The Hillary Letters; Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed

Alana Goodman 
Lee Balterman / The LIFE Picture Collection / Getty Images
"Previously unpublished correspondence between Hillary Clinton and the late left-wing organizer Saul Alinsky reveals new details about her relationship with the controversial Chicago activist and shed light on her early ideological development.

"Clinton met with Alinsky several times in 1968 while writing a Wellesley college thesis about his theory of community organizing.

"Clinton’s relationship with Alinsky, and her support for his philosophy, continued for several years after she entered Yale law school in 1969, two letters obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.

"The letters obtained by the Free Beacon are part of the archives for the Industrial Areas Foundation, a training center for community organizers founded by Alinsky, which are housed at the University of Texas at Austin.

"The letters also suggest that Alinsky, who died in 1972, had a deeper influence on Clinton’s early political views than previously known.' ...


Muslims Launch Powerful Social Media Campaign Against ISIS With #NotInMyName

Mashable    "The extremist group the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) has made effective use of social media to spread propaganda, releasing gory videos on YouTube and launching hashtag campaigns to threaten the United States.

"Now Muslims around the world are fighting back — using the hashtag #NotInMyName to remind the world that ISIS does not represent their religion."

"The campaign was launched on September 10 by the London-based organization Active Change Foundation with the video embedded at the top of the post."
View image on Twitter
Sayed Umaar @UmaarKazmi
Another disgusting threat from the un-Islamic State . We all call for Alan Henning's prompt release.
"The murder of an innocent man has no justification in any religion or walk of life," Hanif Qadir, the founder of the Active Change Foundation, told the Mirror, referring to the beheading of David Haines, a British aid worker killed by ISIS fighters on Sept. 13. "These terrorists ISIS are not true Muslims, they do not practice the true teachings of Islam; peace, mercy and compassion and they are the enemy of all mankind.”

"The social media campaign has since then gained steam with more than 14,000 tweets in the last 7 days."

We have wondered for years if Muslims would do what you are doing, fearing there was not a single Muslim that hated the acts of radical Islamists. May our Creator keep you safe and cause your numbers to grow. TD

A Marxist Mistake? AFL-CIO Pushes Get Out The Vote For Mid-Terms Under Soviet-Style Symbol

"Communism, once banned, appears to leave its mark on America's oldest labor federation"

RedState  ... "Nearly two decades later, as Republicans, Democrats and Independents gear up for this fall’s mid-term elections, the special interest group—indirectly funded by union members’ dues—has launched a “get out the vote” page with a symbol that is eerily reminiscent(sp) of the Soviet-era hammer and sickle."
Soviet flag
"Earlier this month, the AFL-CIO launched a website entitled which, when clicked on, takes union members to a page on the the AFL-CIO’s website.

"Once there, union members are told that My Vote, My Right is the “AFL-CIO’s voter protection and education program” and a “non-partisan” effort.

"However, as visitors look at the logo in the upper right of the page, they may be surprised to see a symbol that, while one could argue is ‘merely’ a check mark wrapped in a blue hand, appears strikingly similar to the symbol of the former Soviet union—except, instead of the yellow hammer and sickle on a red background, a red hammer is wrapped by a blue hand and the star has the Obama campaign symbol within it.

Here is a screenshot of the page:

My vote My Right

What will the next President inherit from Obama?

American Thinker, Complete article.

"If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times since Obama was elected – that every problem he faced as president was inherited from Bush. From Bush’s wars to Bush’s recession, every problem in America, and around the world for that matter, was all Bush’s fault.

"Well, what goes around comes around, and as the presidential campaign season heats up, the big question that needs to be answered by the Democratic presidential nominee will be: What problems will they be “inheriting” from Obama?

"For the fun of it, let’s assume Hillary wins the Democratic nomination. Just how will she answer the “inheritance” question after eight years of an Obama White House?

"Will Hillary say she’s inheriting the “Obama ISIS War,” call Obama a “War Monger,” demand he be stripped of his peace prize,” and say her priority as president is to end “Obama’s Illegitimate War” and bring all the troops home immediately? Will she say she’s inheriting the “Obama Economy,” call it “Obama’s War on the Middle Class,” and promise to fix it before it turns into “Obama’s Depression?” Will she say she’s inheriting “Obama’s Debt,” call Obama “un-patriotic” for running it up to $7 trillion, and promise to cut it in half before the “Obama Bubble” bursts?

"Will she say she’s inheriting an “Obama Economy,” that has created the most economically divided America ever, call Obama a “One-Percenter,” and say “Obama’s Redistribution Doctrine” has done nothing but spread the wealth from the middle class into the pockets of his one-percenter buddies? Will she say she’s inheriting “Obama’s Gas Prices” that have more than doubled since Obama’s election, call Obama the “Big Oil President,” and say he cares more about “Big Oil” profits than he does the middle class or the environment?
Will she say she’s inheriting “Obama’s War on Women,” call Obama a sexist and misogynist who is grabbing women by their hair and pulling them back by not giving them equal pay with men in the Obama White House? Will she say she’s inheriting “Obama’s War on Minorities,” call Obama an Uncle Tom racist, and promise to close the gap between black and white unemployment that has steadily increased since Obama was elected? Will she say she’s inheriting “Obama’s Foreign Fantasy Doctrine” and promise to fix it before it blows-up into “Obama’s WWIII?”

"Seriously, you know there’s not a snowball’s chance that Hillary would ever use any of these “Obama Inheritance” issues during her campaign for president. So how would Hillary really answer those questions after eight years of an Obama presidency that has left such a wake of problems? She’ll simply fall back on the standard Hillary defense she’s used her entire political career:
“With all due respect, the fact is, these issues are real, troubling and ongoing; but are they because of the Obama administration’s policies, or a do-nothing obstructionist Republican Congress - what difference, at this point, does it make?”

The Crumbling Climate-Change Consensus

"Extremists’ rhetoric heats up as their case falls apart."

John Fund

Protesters at the People's Climate March in New York City, September 21.
"All day Sunday, they filled the streets of Manhattan for a march that featured Al Gore, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, and various Hollywood actors*.

"But they certainly didn’t act like a movement that was winning. There was a tone of fatalism in the comments of many with whom I spoke; they despair that the kind of radical change they advocate probably won’t result from the normal democratic process. It’s no surprise then that the rhetoric of climate-change activists has become increasingly hysterical. Naomi Klein, author of a new book on the “crisis,” This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, said, “I have seen the future, and it looks like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.” In her new book she demands that North America and Europe pay reparations to poorer countries to compensate for the climate change they cause. She calls her plan a “Marshall Plan for the Earth” and acknowledges that it would cost “hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars.” But she has an easy solution on how to pay for it: “Need more money? Print some!” What’s a little hyperinflation compared to “saving the planet”?" ...  More...

*Remember back in 1988, Ted Danson predicted that we only had ten years to live because the oceans were going to be dead and, if the oceans died, then we would soon follow?
"He made a big deal out of this, one of the early environmental alarmists, the brilliant oceanologist, Ted Danson." ...

Religion does not poison everything - everything poisons religion

"A review of ‘Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence’, by Karen Armstrong. The former nun makes a convincing case that religions are corrupted by success."

UK Spectator
"The first suicide bomber was probably Samson, who died while pulling down the temple of the Philistines."
The first suicide bomber was probably Samson, who died while pulling down the temple of the Philistines
"It slips so easily off the tongue. In fact, it’s a modern mantra. ‘Religion causes all the wars.’ Karen Armstrong claims to have heard it tossed off by American psychiatrists, London taxi-drivers and pretty much everyone else. Yet it’s an odd thing to say. For a start, which wars are we talking about? Among the many causes advanced for the Great War, ranging from the train timetables on the continent to the Kaiser’s withered left arm, I have never heard religion mentioned. Same with the second world war. The worst genocides of the last century — Hitler’s murder of the Jews and Atatürk’s massacre of the Armenians (not to mention his expulsion and massacre of the Greeks in Asia Minor too) — were perpetrated by secular nationalists who hated the religion they were born into. The long British wars of the 18th and 19th centuries — the Napoleonic wars and the Seven Years’ War — were cheerfully fought by what Wellington called ‘the scum of the earth’ for land and empire, not for the faiths to which they only nominally belonged.
"We have to go back to the 17th century and the Wars of Religion to find a plausible candidate." ... More...