Monday, January 25, 2010
It Begins: NY Times Suggests Sexism a Factor in Martha Coakley's Mass. Loss
Newsbusters "Not mentioned in the laundry list of accusations of "macho" politics: The womanizing and worse committed by the late liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy. " Good grief; first we're racist and now we're sexist.
The Centuries-Old Bond Between America and the Jews
John Podhoretz, Commentary "More on Levy’s astonishing life, including his six courts-martial and how his purchase of Monticello proved to be the salvation of Thomas Jefferson’s home, can be found here. It demonstrates that the course of true friendship between America and the Jews was not a simple upward arc."
CNN poll: 70% glad that Dems no longer have 60 votes
Hot Air "The way they phrased the question guaranteed that only the most robotic Democratic partisans would say they’re not glad (imagine if it had been framed in terms of greater Republican power to “obstruct”), but consider this evidence that the “party of no” label hasn’t exactly brought the GOP to its knees. And that ain’t all:"
Astroturfers For Obama Caught in Fake Letter-to-the-Editor Campaign
American Glob "It seems there are a lot of people named Ellie Light in the United States. Not only do they have the same name, but they live in different places all over the country and – would you believe it – they all wrote nearly identical letters to newspapers in various cities."
Public Employee Unions Are Sinking California
WSJ "An old friend of mine has a saying, "Even the worm learns." Prod one several hundred times, he says, and it will learn to avoid the prodder. As California enters its annual budget drama, I can't help but wonder if the wisdom of the elected politicians here in the state capital equals that of the earthworm. "
Horrid 2007 Iran NIE To Be Revised
ThreatsWatch "The principal authors - Department of National Intelligence employees previously transfered from the State Department - made point that Iran actually had a weapons program, but only in the false context that it had halted it in 2003. They were making political hay and, at the time, trying to derail what they perceived as a possible Bush attack inside and on Iran. That this perception was itself also patently false is of no consequence." More here: NIE Authors Have Partisan Histories
Gibbs: The FBI Learned All It Could About Abdulmutallab in a 50-Minute Interview

Robert Gibbs on Scott Brown’s Win: “More People Voted to Express Support for Barack Obama Than to Oppose Him” (Video)
Gateway Pundit "Like President Obama on Wednesday, Robert Gibbs today on FOX News Sunday denied that the Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts was an indictment of democratic policies and practices in Washington DC." And this: How the Left Opinion-makers Spin the Brown Victory: Bad Advice for Obama by Ron Radosh.
Apologize to Rush Limbaugh, Mr. Foxman
Big Journalism "Friday, Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League did what he’s most fond of doing: he focused his ire on a friend of Israel rather than an enemy in order to protect his allies in the Democratic Party. This time, he’s attacked staunch philo-Semite and pro-Israel bulwark Rush Limbaugh. Here’s Rush’s statement:"
Obama Uses Teleprompter to speak to 6th Grade Class

Atlas Shrugs "Apparently there is no venue too small to require multiple teleprompters....I saw these pictures and first thought they were photo shopped, but it ends up they are actual pictures from Obama talking to an elementary school classroom. And they made fun of Bush’s communication skills…" Mr. President, we're down here, on the floor! Look at us!
Five Easy Questions for Obama
Randall Hoven, AT "...So if you please, could you answer just a few simple and straightforward questions? I promise that there are no tricks. Here are five questions, four short-answer and one essay. "
Arkansas recruiting center killing suspect: 'This was a jihadi attack'
CNN.com ""My lawyer has no defense," he wrote. "I wasn't insane or post traumatic nor was I forced to do this act. Which I believe and it is justified according to Islamic laws and the Islamic religion jihad -- to fight those who wage war on Islam and Muslims.""
What are Republicans for?
Lamar Alexander, NRO "The law of unintended consequences means that when the only choices are the recent immigration, climate-change, and health-care bills, being a member of the party of “no” is a more responsible choice than being a member of the party of “yes we can.” "
Glacier scientist: I knew data hadn't been verified
Daily Mail "The claim that Himalayan glaciers are set to disappear by 2035 rests on two 1999 magazine interviews with glaciologist Syed Hasnain, which were then recycled without any further investigation in a 2005 report by the environmental campaign group WWF. "
Obama to Offer Aid for Families in State of the Union Address
NY Times "...a package of modest initiatives intended to help middle-class families, including tax credits for child care, caps on some student loan payments and a requirement that companies let workers save automatically for retirement, senior administration officials said Sunday."
Obama to California “Water, Its Not a Right its a Privilege”
Big Government "Officials are perplexed to find an explanation for the declining population of the delta smelt, a small bait fish. It is also true that the salmon industry is concerned. So it is understandable that regulators would force action. What is not understandable is why the game of man vs beast is tilted at every turn toward the beast. Consider that the judicial solution holds that if the fish population is declining, we will leave more water in the river and see if that works. No one knows if it will. Maybe there is a chemical or biological explanation, but we will take a chance because the lives of fish are at stake."
Democrats' Bush-bashing strategy goes bust
Politico "“Voters are pretty tired of the blame game,” said longtime Democratic strategist Steve Hildebrand, a top aide on Obama’s presidential campaign. “What a stupid strategy that was.”
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