Alliance Defending Freedom
"That’s what Bernadette Tasy had to show for her pro-life efforts on the Fresno State University campus, as the school year drew to a close.
"She and a friend had launched a Students for Life group that fall, gaining only a few non-committal members – and some angry resistance from other students.
"Discouragement nagged at Bernadette as she planned one final effort for the school year.
"For her club’s last major activity, she had secured the university’s permission to create pro-life chalk messages along the main mall of the campus.
"The group had just finished the task when a professor approached. Greg Thatcher, who taught public health, made it clear he didn’t like what they were doing.
"Moments later, Bernadette saw a circle of students – enlisted by Thatcher – smearing out her club’s messages with their feet. Stunned, she pulled out her phone to record video of what was happening.
“ 'College campuses are not free speech areas,” the professor snarled. By then, Thatcher himself was working to deface and destroy the messages – claiming that he was exercising his own free speech.
"Bernadette walked away shaken, but determined to stand up for her rights. Ultimately, she took legal action with the help of Alliance Defending Freedom.
"And what Thatcher meant for harm, God used for good.
"Her video confrontation with the professor was posted and went viral, drawing attention to both her case and her pro-life cause. Six months later, her Students for Life group won a resounding victory for free speech on her campus.
"And, in the middle of it all, they also helped save a life…