Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ingraham: Meryl Streep rant reflected intolerant Hollywood


Fox News  "Radio host and Fox News contributor sounds off on the Hollywood liberal pile-on in attacking President-elect Trump during the Golden Globe awards."

"The Golden Globe Awards had Meryl Streep giving a public lecture to Donald Trump about his plan to halt illegal immigration with a wall. She neglected to mention that to rent an apartment in Hollywood costs two thousand dollars per month. No illegal immigrant can climb over that and get in." Comedian Argus Hamilton

A Look at the Stakes If US Moves Israel Embassy to Jerusalem

"The U.N. Security Council last month affirmed east Jerusalem’s status as occupied territory, part of a resolution that condemned Israeli settlement activity as illegal. Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has warned that an embassy move could trigger “an absolute explosion in the region.' ” 

Yeshiva World News


"For now, they hope to generate international pressure on Trump. Abbas asked Trump in a letter to reconsider and urged world leaders to intervene. On Saturday, Abbas is meeting Pope Francis in hopes of a supportive statement. The Vatican has said it seeks an internationally guaranteed status for Jerusalem that safeguards its sacred character. An Abbas aide heads to Moscow for talks Friday with Russia’s foreign minister. The Palestinian foreign minister is to raise the issue at a Jan. 19 conference of OIC, the alliance of Islamic countries. This weekend, the Palestinians have called for regional mosque and church prayers in a show of protest.

"Palestinian officials say they would seriously consider voiding a 1993 mutual recognition agreement that created the basis for negotiations with Israel. The deal included a pledge to resolve all issues, including Jerusalem, through negotiations. It paved the way for the establishment of the Palestinian autonomy government in parts of the West Bank, and ending it would put the financial burden of providing services of some 2.3 million Palestinians on Israel."

Lie That New Administration’s Tied to Russia Blew Up Today

Independent Sentinel  "President-elect Donald Trump hardly sounded like a Putin lapdog when he spoke of Russia Wednesday during his first presser since winning election.
"As Trump Said, Anyone Really Believe Hillary Would Be Tougher?
"Listen to a few of his comments in this next clip.

. . . "Rex Tillerson equated himself very well during his first confirmation hearing. The media will be hard-put to say he is tight with Russia after this testimony. Being too tough will be the next accusation." . . .

Big Media Whinges After “Fake News” Narrative Backfires  "The leftist media, having invented the term ‘fake news’ are now whinging and whining about the fact that their false narrative has been rapidly turned around and used against them by their independent media enemies." . . .

The never-ending goodbye

Has he brought those Greek columns back yet?

Image result for obama's greek columns cartoons

No, You Didn’t
Historians will have a great deal to say about Obama’s presidency, and we expect their judgment to be severe.
"The president is leaving the same way he came in: with a great deal of vague and fruity talk about “hope and change,” very little of genuine interest, and an undercurrent of bitterness communicating his unshakeable belief that the American people just simply are not up to the task of fully appreciating History’s unique gift to them in the person of Barack Obama." . . .

Obama's Farewell: 'Post-Racial America' Was 'Never Realistic'
. . . "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) swiftly issued a statement declaring Obama "belongs among the greatest presidents in American history."
“ 'President Obama and Vice President Biden have earned their place in the pantheon of American democracy," Pelosi said. "Every American can be proud of the leadership and dignity the Obamas and the Bidens brought to the White House.' " . . .

Goodbye, Obama. "The outgoing president leaves a loaded gun in the Oval Office."  . . . "As Obama's tenure comes to a close, it's clear his has been a presidency of enormous consequence. But his most lasting legacy will be one few—perhaps least of all Obama himself—expected. He will leave to his successor a presidency even more powerful and dangerous than the one he inherited from Bush." . . . 

Obama Refers To Himself 75 Times In Farewell Address
"Obama heavily promoted the speech, penning a blog post about it and appearing in a promotional video in the days leading up to the address. (RELATED: Obama Mentions Himself 45 Times During Memorial Speech For Dallas Officers) 
"Obama said “I” 33 times during the speech, “my” 20 times, “me” 10 times, and “I’m” or “I’ve” 12 times.
"The president made a habit of focusing large chunks of his speeches on himself during his eight years in office." . . . Read more.

Obama's 'farewell' speech proves he is out of touch with reality
. . . "Exit question:
"1) It is customary to name something important after a departing two-term president.  What do you think would best bear the Obama name, a prison, a nuclear waste repository, a mosque, a disease, a violent crime, or something else?"
Obama's decency? I do not see decency; I see vindictiveness as when he spent millions blocking off open-air memorials such as the Mall in Washington DC and even roadside viewing spots for sights for Mt. Rushmore, and in his orders to the National Park Service to "make it hurt".
I see cowardice in foreign relations, especially when words of his support for the Iranian Green Revolution could have helped a peaceful takeover from the murderous ayatollahs, who rejoiced when Obama stabbed our ally Israel in the back. How sad that Obama's contempt for Western history kept him from seeing the similarity between His treatment for Israel is so like the Democracy's treatment of 1938 Czechoslovakia.
How can you not see all that? The Tunnel Dweller

Army Leaker Chelsea Manning on Obama's 'Short List' for Commutation

NBC News

. . . "Prosecutors branded Manning a "traitor" seeking notoriety in the world of hackers and anarchists. Manning's lawyers painted their client as a naive whistle-blower who caused little more than mortification.
"Manning pleaded guilty and before the sentencing delivered an apology to the court — and the nation. A recording of that statement is being broadcast for the first time by NBC News.
" 'I'm sorry," Manning said. "I'm sorry that my actions hurt people. I'm sorry that they hurt the United States."
" 'I understand that I must pay the price for my decisions and actions," Manning added." . . .

How to Kill Everyone on Welfare (In the Name of Liberalism)

Mike Adams

How to Kill Everyone on Welfare (In the Name of Liberalism)

"My pro­choice friends kill me sometimes with their kindness and compassion. In return, I try to kill them with sarcasm. However, a recent comment made to me by a self­proclaimed liberal was so calloused it deserves a serious response. I will paraphrase the remark, which is one most pro­lifers have heard at some point in their lives: 

“I would rather have hundreds of my tax dollars used to abort an unwanted child now than have hundreds of thousands used for public assistance later.” 

In case you did not grasp the obvious, that comment is not an example of liberalism. It is an example of eugenics, plain and simple. Furthermore, it is unbecoming of an educated person to even consider such a justification for the taking of innocent life. If you are not completely appalled by that remark then you probably did not grasp its ramifications. Hence, it may be time to dissect it with a little thought experiment. So try to imagine the following: " . . .

8 Things Your Waiter Would Like You To Stop Doing Immediately

Image result for restaurant cartoons

Oh, and son Jeff added this as #9:
"#9 Don't tell your waitress you want whatever that is you smelled walking up to the restaurant, therby making them feel they need to go out into the 20-degree night air to identify the menu item filling the cold air with its aroma." 
Fashion Beans  "You like to assist your server out when you're dining away from home, but are you really helping? Real waiters and waitresses are giving you their answers."

"Dear everyone please stop doing this at restaurants"