Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Democratic Platform Committee Pushes Ahead with Same-sex Marriage Plank While Black Pastors Denounce

 Christian Post: Gay Marriage to Be Included in Democratic Party Platform "It will be the first time in history that either the Democratic or Republican Party has supported anything other than the traditional definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. The historical news was first reported by the Washington Blade and confirmed by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who recently wed his same-sex partner."

Newsbusters  "Last weekend in a meeting in Minneapolis, the Democratic convention's platform committee unanimously voted to plow ahead with a pro-same-sex marriage amendment that will call for the repeal of the Bill Clinton-signed Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). News of this development broke yesterday. The exact language of the platform plank is yet to be hammered out but should be available in a few weeks."
...."ABC, CBS, and NBC all failed to cover either development on their July 31 evening newscasts or August 1 morning news programs."

Hypocritical CNN Downplays Gay Agenda -- When Obama Is Under Fire for It
"And CNN believes gay rights is quite an important matter, considering the positive coverage they give to gay rights activists:" 
  • Gay activists fighting the Boy Scouts' ban on openly-gay scouts and den leaders received encouragement and downright sappy interviews from CNN.
  •  CNN hailed openly-gay Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) as a gay "pioneer"    while badgering social conservative Tony Perkins over why homosexuals "bother" him "so much."
  • CNN compared nominating a gay activist to a state's judiciary with desegregation.
  • CNN has boosted gay rights activists in their fight to win public favor on "marriage equality."
  • Anchor Don Lemon compared Mitt Romney defending traditional marriage to former Governor George Wallace pushing for segregation.
"Shortly after President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage, CNN's guests favoring gay marriage outnumbered those opposed five to one. The network continued its brazenly pro-gay coverage into the evening."

Why the Tea Party is Centrist & Leftists are Extremists

Conservative Philosophy  " “Right-winger” is a slur reflexively hurled by socialists and progressives at any party, movement, faction, or individual that opposes the left-wing agenda. The smear tactic is intended to confuse those who support the traditionally American tenets of liberty, limited government, and individual rights with European fascists and ultra-nationalists."
....Progressives who believe that free market capitalism is naturally chaotic or heartless do not appreciate that it is in reality ordered by the drive of men to better their own lives. This is not the same as anarchy: the wants and desires of men are naturally limited by economic scarcity as reflected in a pricing system. The wages of labor, just as the prices of goods and services, are also set by the market. Those who develop sought-after skills, prosper; those who do not, are less prosperous. Thus American government is designed for those who value liberty and opportunity over the illusion of security provided by a powerful government. 

Chick Fil A Appreciation Day Looking Like A Huge Success

We just returned from Chick-fil-A and were impressed by the crowd, which was out the door and the drive-thru line went around the building. Compared with pictures we see of other Chick-fil-A's, this was a pretty small crowd. Our store was well-prepared and the wait was short.
Chick-fil-A line. Hat tip to Sherwood Patterson.
Nice Deb  "And the day’s only half over. I think the left  hit a nerve with their latest anti-Christian, totalitarian overreach. Americans don’t appreciate it when their religious freedom is threatened.
See  Business Insider for more coverage and several more pictures from crowded Chick fil As.
I plan on going to my closest Chick fil A for dinner. I’ll update with pix, later."

Why are liberals so intolerant?  "Watching liberals react to Dan Cathy’s comments on marriage and family over the past two weeks revealed their real agenda: shut down and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them."

Fox News; Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day brings out supporters, protesters  "On Friday, supporters of same-sex marriage will have their say. They plan a “kiss-in” at Chick-fil-A restaurants across the country – encouraging gays and lesbians to share a public display of affection at the home of the chicken sandwich."

Twitchy has many Chick-fil-A crowd photos.  More here. 

Abbott and Costello Explain California for You

Michael Walsh  "On the home page, Victor Davis Hanson has a devastating indictment of Road Warrior California, while over at NRO, Kevin Williamson piles on with “Penniless in Paradise,” about the parlous financial circumstances of the no-longer Golden State. It’s all very depressing to us semi-native Californians, who still harbor hopes that the best place to live in America can somehow yet be salvaged if the racket ruled by the state Democratic Party and the public-employee unions can ever be broken up.

"The news, however, is not good." 
"....“The public-employee unions are killing us. They are killing our cities, our states, and our country.” "
"Well, duh. Abbott and Costello explained all this for you years ago. So hear instruction and be wise:"

Happy Chick-fil-A Day!

Rick Moran; Happy 'Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day'  "Many may be unaware that the chain puts its money where its mouth is. Chick-fil-a is one of the only large companies in the US that is still closed on Sunday to honor the commandment. A $4 billion company that forgoes profit by being closed 1/7 of a week is to be admired for possesing values and sticking with them regardless of the cost.
"So there's more to appreciate about Chick-fil-a than the personal stand of the CEO, maintained under the most vile and despicable criticisms."

Ray Gross; Bully is as Bully Does "I detest hypocrisy, but the bullying kind of hypocrisy  really makes my blood boil.  It is especially important for me to take on the gay Left when it comes to hypocrisy, because I am gay and was once immersed in the Left's mentality of intolerance and hypocrisy.  It is the Left's tactics of bullying that really leaves a pit in my stomach -- a leftover from my days as a brainwashed liberal.

"The only way to fight the Left in regard to their hypocrisy is to point it out. Use analogies they might be able to understand. Here is one:"...Read more, his example is excellent...

PJ Media; How quickly does the Left move from “tolerance” (for one of its transgressive ideas) to fascism? This fast:  "When the mask drops on the Fairness & Tolerance crowd, it’s never a pretty sight. Expect a lot more of this should Obama somehow win a second term. And speaking of socialist boycotts against commercial establishments with religious principles with whom the rabid Left disagrees…"

"To gay activists we ask the following questions:
1. Name one homosexual who have been denied service at a Chick-Fil-A?
2. What in Chick-fil-A’s position is discriminatory?
3. How would a Chick-fil-A employee know if a customer was homosexual or not?
"If you can make it to a Chick-fil-A today, please do: it’s an opportunity to fight back against the anti-free speech movement. You can locate a Chick-fil-A restaurant near you here. You can also follow the action on Twitter, as people record their visits to Chick-fil-A and post photos of what I am sure will be crowded restaurants. And, by the way, Ted Cruz got a jump on Appreciation Day by serving Chick-fil-A at his victory party last night."

The Birth Control Mandate and the Black Pastors Coalition: 'We're Going to Keep the Heat on Obama'

The Christian Post  "We are calling on the NAACP, a beloved organization in our eyes, to reclaim its mission. The black church founded the NAACP, and it is not the organization for the advancement of gays and lesbians – whatever the merits of that movement. Return to your roots and stand with the black church on marriage. The black church in our eyes remains the conscience of America.
More here: Black pastors target Obama
Heritage Obamacare’s Anti-Religious Freedom Mandate Starts TODAY  "HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s latest promise rings hollow and adds insult to the grievous injury that HHS is already doing to Americans who believe that religious liberty is not something that stops when one leaves a house of worship."  More here. 
If it weren't for double standards, Democrats wouldn't have any.                                 (Hat tip to Paul Van Alstine)
NRO;  Mandate Goes into EffectIt is a dark day for religious liberty.  "This is not a dispute about contraception or abortion, but about our constitutional order: All Americans, regardless of whether they share those objections, should protest the Obama administration’s willful assault on religious liberty."