The FCC passed Net Neutrality rules last week, allowing the government to regulate the Internet like a utility. It's gotten very crazy lately. Hillary Clinton got in trouble for using private e-mail to do all her business while Bill Clinton got in trouble for doing all his business at Adult Dating and Massage. Comedian Argus HamiltonHillary speaks on email scandal "Speaking before a microphone with the UN logo on it, Hillary Clinton staged a press conference in which she made a statement and took questions. She may think she has put the controversy to rest, but for those not her dedicated fanboys and fangirls, she only made matters worse. Some quick reactions pending a transcript:" . . . More here.
President Obama’s claim that he only learned of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail account from the media was a lie that lasted only two days.
Hillary’s email explanation is self-contradictory – here’s how (#TurnOverTheServer)
"Hillary explained that she turned over all work-related emails to the State Department, and “chose not to keep” (i.e., deleted) the personal emails on the server."
. . . "So Hillary says there are no personal emails on the server but she will not turn it over because there are personal emails on it."
Clintons and controversy: The circus is back in town . . . "Hillary Rodham Clinton has not yet even announced that she is running for president, but the spectacle of the Clinton years is unfolding again, touched off by the controversy over her practice of using a private email account, rather than an official one, while she was secretary of state.
. . . "On Fox News Sunday, former Clinton White House lawyer Lanny Davis had attempted a clumsy, legalistic rationale on her behalf, only to be asked by moderator Chris Wallace, "Do you ever get tired of cleaning up after the Clintons?"
Are we ready for 10 more years of wrath from the eternal Woman Scorned?
Hillary said she emailed with Bill, but the thing is ...
. . . "At once a struggling fat person alternating between eating McDonald’s and jogging in too-short shorts. A trailer park dog in heat, yet a devoted dad and husband dancing on the beach. A global, silver-haired elder statesman — who jet sets around the world with a reputed pedophile pimp.
"Bill Clinton has always been a one-man traveling variety show where everybody laughs a little, gets their pockets picked and — if you are the right dimensions — a private soiree.
"Hillary, on the other hand, has but one note, one act, one trick. She is a legal automaton. A disemboweled scandal-disposal robot. She is Franken-Secretary, the unkillable Political Zombie!" . . .
From Lucianne:Hillary said she emailed with Bill, but the thing is ...
. . . "But Hillary said during her press conference that her email server "contains personal communications from my husband and me."
"It appears at least one Clinton is not telling the whole truth." . . .
Ron Fournier: Hillary Clinton: A Pay-Phone Candidate in an iPhone World . . . "Trust me, I'm a Clinton. This is part of a decades-old pattern: For all their strengths, Hillary and Bill Clinton have a weakness for victimization, entitlement, and their unbounded belief that the ends justify the means.
"Rules are for little people, not them.". . .

"Rules are for little people, not them.". . .
. . . "In fact, we know that she used multiple addresses on that single server/domain:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,