GUN-CARRYING HERO Saw “Scared Kids Without Parents” Running In El Paso Mall…Grabbed Them…Tried To Get Them To Safety
Meet the soldier who rushed into danger to help these children . . . "Oakley explained that he was trying to pick up as many kids as possible, but they were “so anxious” that they were squirming out of his arms. “They were without their parents and stuff, so I was just trying to pick up as many as possible.”
The KTSM reporter asked him what it was like to be in the mall, Oakley told her that he’s in the military and that it brought back flashbacks for him. He ended the interview by saying, “I’m not even worried about myself, I’m just worried about the kids.”
"Glen Oakley is a true hero!"
UK Daily Mail features Army veteran Oakley
- U.S. Army Spc. Glendon Oakley told reporters he picked up as many small kids as he could and hauled them out of the store Saturday

. . . "After hearing the gunshots, Oakley said he drew the handgun he was licensed to carry before looking for a place to hide. Then he noticed a bunch of people fleeing from a nearby Footlocker store.
" 'They just dipped. So I ran with them. I just tried to make my way to the parking lot,' Oakley said.
"On his way out, however, the military veteran saw a group of panicking children who were running around inside the shopping plaza unsure of what to do. Their parents were nowhere in sight, he said.
" 'I got my bag in my hand. I'm trying to pick them up, as many as I can, just run out,' Oakley said. 'But they're so anxious, they're, like, jumping out of my hands. Ain't much I can do for the kids, so I just made my way out.' " . . .
HERO!' said Twitter user JamieR Army Girl. 'Active Duty member Glen Oakley, who was near the El Paso Walmart rushed to protect children during the shooting! Thank you and God Bless you!'Weasel Zippers "This is Glen Oakley, who says he helped get some kids get out of the way of the shooter at the El Paso mall. Good work, Glen!" Video
'What a honorable man' tweeted Judy M. Poston
'A real life superhero,' added Twitter user Jhobbs.
At least 18 people have been confirmed dead in the aftermath of the shooting, the latest in a string of mass shootings that have left the nation on high alert.