Fox News' Lucas Tomlinson reports live from East Palestine, Ohio, on residents' frustrations with the federal response to the toxic spill. 'Fox & Friends' co-hosts react to the developing situation. #FoxNews

Fox News' Lucas Tomlinson reports live from East Palestine, Ohio, on residents' frustrations with the federal response to the toxic spill. 'Fox & Friends' co-hosts react to the developing situation. #FoxNews
"Have you noticed that the liberal media often covers for, or downplays the influence of left wing billionaire George Soros?
"There is a very good reason for that.
"Some of the most influential people in our media are financially tied to him through the various groups he funds.
"FOX News reports:
"Liberal billionaire George Soros is tied to some of the most influential media figures in the United States and abroad through cash he provides to groups affiliated with them, according to a new study conducted by MRC Business.". . .
“In fact, his funding has helped him establish ties with some of the biggest name media personalities in the United States and abroad which help indoctrinate millions with his views on a day-to-day basis. MRC Business found at least prominent 54 media figures… who are tied to Soros through their connections to organizations that he funds,” Vazquez and Schneider continued. “These include personalities like ‘NBC Nightly News’ anchor Lester Holt and The Washington Post executive editor Sally Buzbee.”…
The study found at least 54 media figures linked to Soros’ cash, with Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler and CNN’s Christiane Amanpour also among them.
However, no one looking at the Biden marriage believes that the president has the capacity to discuss issues intelligently with his wife. To the extent there’s mental wattage in that marriage, the ideas and decisions flow from her to him and not vice versa.
Andrea Widburg "Most people watching Joe Biden believe that he’s a puppet who says and does what he’s told. He seems to be a “useful idiot,” as the 20th century’s communists would have said. The big question, then, is who’s really in charge in the White House? Barack Obama? Valerie Jarrett? Nope, a Bloomberg report intimates. It’s really Jill Biden, and she intends to see her decrepit husband run again.
"According to a Nancy Cook article at Bloomberg, the person with whom Joe doublechecks every decision he makes is his unelected wife, Jill Biden, a school teacher who wrote a shoddy dissertation to justify a truly meaningless doctorate in education. Writes Cook:
[W]ithin the White House she is understood to be the president’s closest and most protective confidante.
“She is his gut check on everything,” said Michael LaRosa, former press secretary to the first lady and special assistant to the president.
As the campaign unfolds, the first lady is expected to assert herself on major decisions, especially the biggest of them all: whether Biden — at 80, the oldest person to ever hold the presidency — will run for re-election in the first place...
. . ."The one good thing is that it’s the Democrats’ nightmare to see Joe run again. In 2020, they could get away with the con that Americans hated Trump so much they’d rather have a barely sentient, corrupt, creepy fossil in the White House. However, given the myriad (and intended) disasters of Biden’s administration—a failing economy, a broken border, flailing national security, and an ever-closer WWIII—it'll be a lot harder to cheat Joe into the White House, especially with Kamala at his side.
"In other words, Joe Biden is the Republicans’ dream Democrat candidate. And if that’s what Jill brings to the 2024 election…well, “Let’s go, Jill!' ”
John Green "The Constitution is our pact of civilized behavior. From it we've derived a system of institutionalized justice, which we call our criminal justice system. It's intended to include checks and balances to protect defendants from biases and ensure fair adjudication of their charges. Those safeguards include the following:
"Given our presumption of innocence, absolute justice can't be guaranteed because conviction depends on the presence of evidence. Instead, we have agreed to accept equal treatment under the law. We agree to abide by the law in exchange for a system that treats us equally and is administered by officials who swear an oath to defend our constitutional protections.
"Then Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Merrick Garland came along as the country's top law enforcement officials and flushed it all. Under them, the application of justice has become decidedly unequal. Perfection was never possible, but now the claim of equal treatment has become laughable. The foundation of our legal system is being eaten away by government termites — whose lust for power far exceeds their wisdom to wield it.
"The presumption of innocence seems like a quaint idea from the past. Was New York attorney general Letitia James presuming innocence when she made a campaign promise to initiate a criminal investigation of Donald Trump before she even entered office or saw any evidence of wrongdoing? Or was she promising to operate her office using the Beria methodology? Clearly, she had her target and was promising to find the crime. Yet she faces no accountability for this flagrant violation of her oath.
"Was due process followed when the FBI destroyed evidence of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified documents — at Clinton's request? Did the FBI have a legal predicate when it launched an investigation of an incoming president — based on fabricated evidence provided by his political opponent? How about when they raided the homes of reporters — with armed agents — to recover Ashley Biden's diary? Had a crime even been committed?
"Is our right to competent legal representation being undermined when attorneys face disbarment for taking legal actions challenging election practices? Will this trend prevent conservative defendants from hiring competent lawyers in the future — when those lawyers fear cancellation for representing an unfavored client?
"Was a conservative from Montana tried by a jury of his peers — when that jury comprised mostly Democrats from Washington, D.C.? Was Derek Chauvin — a police officer accused of murdering a black man — tried by an impartial jury when one of his "peers" was a Black Lives Matter–supporter?". . .
America, for the overwhelming most part, has bestowed liberty and justice for all.
The American Spectator "They had someone sing the “Black National Anthem” before the Super Bowl.
"Are you sick of it? #MeToo.
"Here’s how sick of it: I actually had the pre-game show on my TV just so that I could walk out of the room the moment they started singing that nonsense. I then came back in for “America the Beautiful” and “The Star-Spangled Banner.” And I stood for both.
"Aren’t we supposed to be One Nation under G-d, Indivisible?
"We have one national anthem: the Star-Spangled Banner. Thanks to our crack public education system, most Americans don’t understand all its words: hailed, ramparts, o’er. So what? Learn them. Look them up. That’s why G-d gave us Al Gore to create the internet. And that high note? That highlights the word “free.” So do your best when you sing it and celebrate those who can hit it. But that is our song. That is our theme, the theme of One Nation. Listen to a stadium of hockey fans sing it. Sounds pretty darn good, huh? Listen here as Canadians honor it.
"There is nothing wrong with cherishing one’s unique ethnic heritage: Irish, German, Polish, Scottish, African, Italian, Jewish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Armenian, Mexican, Cuban, Venezuelan. Cherish your heritage. Learn that history, too. Learn the vernacular associated with your forebears: Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Armenian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Tagalog, Mandarin, Gaelic, Whatever. Learn your history, your family tree, how you got here.
"But make English your official language. We should not need language choices on the phone when we call the utility company or on election ballots. We are One Nation. We always had One Language. We have One National Anthem.
"When I call the utility company, why should I be given choices of languages? Are you sick of it? #MeToo. My grandparents came here speaking Yiddish. They knew a bit of Russian, a bit of Polish, but not a word of English. To their last days, they spoke their English with accents they never could shake. But they learned English soon enough and knew and understood English. The utility company did not offer them a Yiddish option. They did not get ballots in Yiddish. So they learned English. Their children all excelled in unaccented English. Their grandchildren? Heck, I am an Orthodox rabbi, and I am proficient in English.
"I love the Star-Spangled Banner, both the banner itself and the anthem. When it is played on TV, I stand, even though no one else is in the room except for G-d and me. I stand for that anthem that stands for this country that has afforded so much opportunity to my grandparents, my parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings, and children. This is a great country. And that’s all we ever asked for: opportunity. Just give us a chance. Not reparations. Not handouts. Not “entitlements.” Just a chance. We’ll take it from there.". . .
Cops, the only people who seem to really believe "black lives matter," risking their lives to bring safety to dangerous neighborhoods, were viciously slandered and kneecapped at every turn. Again, especially by the Times.
"Much like a Starfish tuna factory, the news comes in, then has to be cleaned, chopped up, soaked in oil and tightly packed into a tin can. If you peered into the Times' back room, you'd find hundreds of woke scriveners repacking the news to fit the narrative.
"Second, an urgent cleanup operation was needed to explain the paroxysm of violence that followed 2020's anti-cop mania pushed at places like the Times. It simply could not stand to have people imagine that revering criminals while anathematizing the police would have any effect on the crime rate.
"No, that wouldn't do. The facts had to be retrofitted into an alternative narrative. What was the best backup explanation? The pandemic!
"Attributing the massive crime wave to the pandemic solved two problems that would have arisen had the Times simply reported the facts: the upsurge in black crime, and the Times' active encouragement of such.
"Unfortunately, doing a rain dance to bring rain is quantum mechanics compared to the Times' cause-and-effect theory about "The Pandemic" inciting the post-George Floyd violence.
"Here are the facts.". . .