Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Jerusalem Post rates Obama's foreign Policy

United We Stood

Hope n' Change  "Because in his best "aw shucks" manner, and with Michelle sitting at his side (apparently wearing a tablecloth from an Italian restaurant), Obama said "I don't think you or anybody who's been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We've always tried to bring the country together."
"Except when he's threatening to throw bankers to the people with pitchforks, clearing the legal path for Occupy Wall Street protesters to rail against capitalism, instructing the Justice Department not to prosecute New Black Panthers who threaten white voters, declaring that Republicans are waging a "war on women," calling people of faith "bitter clingers," having his Department of Homeland Security label veterans as potential terrorists, calling fiscal conservatives "hostage takers," creating "blacks only" programs to improve schooling, and on and on."

There are any number of patriotic bumper stickers I could put on our car, but "United we stand" would not be one of them. I can't. I won't, because there are too many Michael Moore's, Bill Ayres', and (name any Hollywood celebrity here)'s to make a sticker saying that be anything but a joke

Fanning the Flames of Left-Wing Violence

Godfather Politics  "To borrow from President Obama’s Black Nationalist mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate-baiting chickens “have come home to roost.” The hard-left group has become everything it presumes to expose."
"Alongside violence-charged photos of actual hate groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and the KKK, the SPLC lists on its website the decidedly mainstream and always peaceful FRC.
"It’s a clever strategy, dishonest and reprehensible though it may be. By juxtaposing FRC and other Christian organizations with violent extremist groups, SPLC has engaged in intellectual sloth at its worst (the organization has repeatedly declined to debate FRC President Tony Perkins over its “hate group” smear)."
Hat tip to Harley in Placerville

Obama's Israel “Auschwitz Borders” Policy

Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "A close analysis of President Obama’s May 19, 2011 Middle East Policy Speech shows where he may be heading if reelected - from a militarized Palestinian State to bringing in the "refugees"." 
"In 2012, President Obama has been touted by some as “no better friend of Israel.” However, President Obama’s current 2012 Israel policy on Israel is unchanged from his famous May 19, 2011 speech at the US State Department where Obama clearly defined his policy was one of pushing Israel back to the Auschwitz borders of the 1967 Green Line."

Read the original article here. But be warned; the print is red-on-black, largely.

Wow! Hundreds of Ohio Coal Miners Stand in Line for Mitt Romney

TheGatewayPundit  "Hundreds of coal miners and their families stand in line while waiting to attend a rally at the Century Mine near Beallsville, Ohio, for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012"

Dream Team: The 10 Best Conservative Columnists

PJ Media "Never before have right-leaning readers been able to enjoy such a surplus of excellence in political commentary. Every day, on sites like this one and countless others, über-talented wordsmiths stir conservative passion and shape the national debate. In honor of our country’s Olympic basketball legacy, selecting our own literary Dream Team is in order, in recognition of ten authors atop our political pyramid.

Jonah Goldberg is another:

George F. WillHeather Mac Donald are two more, Go to the article for the rest;.... "The dean of this distinguished class – or in keeping with the Dream Team metaphor, the captain – is the inimitable Charles Krauthammer. It is fitting that his columns come to print on Fridays, the best day of the week. To say he’s a superior writer would be pointless. Only hyperbole and cliché can do his columns justice. Although originally educated and trained as a psychiatrist, he evolved into a literary surgeon, armed not with a scalpel but a pen. His words are crisp and exact. “The Hammer” – a namesake offered by his ardent fans – will pulverize the left’s latest fallacy while never resorting to name-calling or callousness. He’s the Michael Jordan.
"There you have it: your conservative Dream Team. Remember how lucky we are to have so many sound advocates for our causes. Reading conservatively has never been better."

Democrat Bodyguards

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

GRASSROOTS CONFRONTS MEDIA AT 'OCCUPY TRUTH' PROTEST  "He has yet to condemn the Occupy Cleveland group for engaging in domestic terrorism, along with Rep. Nancy Pelosi who said of Occupy "bless them," or the President who praised their demonstrations. MSM has worked to hide the rampant criminal activity associated with this criminal movement. 

"Patriots decided to remind them. Speakers included Michelle Malkin, yours truly, Jenny Beth Martin, Tony Katz, Sonnie Johnson, and organizers Jim Hoft and Andrew Marcus, of the "Hating Breitbart" documentary. "

Niall Ferguson: Obama’s Gotta Go

Why does Paul Ryan scare the president so much? Because Obama has broken his promises, and it’s clear that the GOP ticket’s path to prosperity is our only hope.

"Mitt Romney is not the best candidate for the presidency I can imagine. But he was clearly the best of the Republican contenders for the nomination. He brings to the presidency precisely the kind of experience—both in the business world and in executive office—that Barack Obama manifestly lacked four years ago. (If only Obama had worked at Bain Capital for a few years, instead of as a community organizer in Chicago, he might understand exactly why the private sector is not “doing fine” right now.)
 "And by picking Ryan as his running mate, Romney has given the first real sign that—unlike Obama—he is a courageous leader who will not duck the challenges America faces.
"The voters now face a stark choice. They can let Barack Obama’s rambling, solipsistic narrative continue until they find themselves living in some American version of Europe, with low growth, high unemployment, even higher debt—and real geopolitical decline.

"Or they can opt for real change: the kind of change that will end four years of economic underperformance, stop the terrifying accumulation of debt, and reestablish a secure fiscal foundation for American national security."

...."I was a good loser four years ago. But this year, fired up by the rise of Ryan, I want badly to win."

Time Mag’s Halperin: The Media Does What Obama Campaign Wants

Fox Nation "On the Today Show this morning, Mark Halperin said the media basically does what the Obama campaign wants them to do:
" "The Obama folks clearly know they've found some traction on this tax return issue with Romney," said NBC's Lester Holt. "And then of course late in the week comes this challenge--'give us a little more and we won't complain anymore.' Has this issue come to the point it's jumped the shark?"
" "I think the press still likes this story a lot, the media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants, which is to focus on this," said Halperin."

The Late Great Joe Biden

American Thinker  "And, for now, both sides will champion their viewpoint -- even though conservatives may be seeing their take-back-the-White-House chances wither if the big switch does indeed take place.
"Many signs are actually pointing to a Joe Biden dumping.  But, let's be clear -- Biden will never be dropped because of any "supposed" gaffe he's made.  I mean, have you ever heard the Obama Administration ever declare it made a mistake about anything?  No.  Biden will be removed "compassionately" from the ticket due to "health considerations." "
Rudy Giuliani: If Biden Were a Republican Making These Gaffes 'He'd Be Plastered All Over the Media'

"The fact is what Giuliani said was undeniable. As such, exactly how do today's so-called journalists square this from a professional standpoint? Or does that even matter anymore?