Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saving Private Casimer

By Mike Adams "The column was about a kid named Kevin Casimer at Purdue University. Kevin was offended because a library science professor named Bert Chapman had talked about the economic costs of homosexuality on his personal blog. So Kevin started a petition to have him fired for “offensive” speech. My response to Kevin was pretty simple..."

Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

Leadership U. "...both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLICK THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"

Celebrities thank troops at Thanksgiving concert

USAF Central ""We understand and appreciate your sacrifice; we do not take you for granted," Mr. Sinise told the crowd. "We're grateful for you and your service and the sacrifice of your loved ones back home. Your families sacrifice so much, so often and we know they miss you. Thank you.""

Days of Thanksgiving Past

American Thinker "Thanksgiving 2009 finds many Americans doubting that our republic can survive and wondering whether we truly have that much to be thankful for these days. God forgive our pettiness. Whether we acknowledge it joyfully, admit it grudgingly, or stick our heads in the sand and deny it, Americans are as blessed today as ever. Consider past Thanksgivings."