Sunday, June 3, 2018

Oklahoma becomes the 8th state to fall under California travel ban

Rick Moran   San Francisco Chronicle:
“ 'Our taxpayer dollars do not fund bigotry,” Becerra said. “No exceptions.' ”
. . . " I'm sure there are plenty of California laws that Oklahomans object to, not least of which are sanctuary laws that spit in the face of the rest of the country when it comes to allowing illegal aliens to enter with impunity. California cannot guarantee that all those illegals will remain in California. No doubt some will end up in Oklahoma, placing a burden on state residents who did not vote for sanctuary policies. California cannot invoke federalism in one instance and not in another.

"If "bigotry" is the standard by which a state is judged, California should clean up its own house. There are other kinds of bigotry besides idiotic notions about race, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. If the definition of bigotry is a "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own" then California should be kicked out of the union. There is no state more intolerable of minority political beliefs. There is no state more intimidating to the free flow of ideas. There is no state more hostile to free speech and freedom of thought."
Eventually, California will get around to banning travel to most states. They will define bigotry more and more broadly until only the most rigidly politically correct states will be left.

The left is destroying science (as it always does)

Vlad Tepes

Probably more than you want to know in this video:

How the Left Is Destroying Science (Science vs. Scientism) From 2016.
. . . "Because these profoundly devout Christians considered physics and mathematics simply another manifestation of a holy and ordered Creation, they never worshipped science.  Lying was a sin, and lying about the nature of the world was a particularly serious sin, because it knowingly concealed the true nature of the world.
"Within the Medieval university was that same sort of freedom and mutual respect that had never existed before except in the academy of Plato.  As with the academy, the Medieval university had schools of thought and different interpretations of what phenomena meant.  This was science.
"Scientism, on the other hand, is a vile misology that arose at the end of the nineteenth century and has infected those processes intended to discover the truth about our world ever since.  The most evil and dishonest regimes in modern history – Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China – were all utterly and passionately devoted to whatever pseudo-science was needed to support the party. " . . .

The Liberals' War on Science 
"How politics distorts science on both ends of the spectrum"

Is Loony Left Gov. Jerry Brown killing California? What does that mean for America?

 . . . “America can’t afford more political paralysis. One side or the other must win. This is a civil war than can be won without firing a shot. But it is a fundamental conflict between two worldviews that must be resolved in short order. California, as usual, resolved it early. The Democrats won; the Republicans lost.  . . .

Steve Hilton

"Exuberant Democrats – carried along by the self-righteousness of their authoritarian and puritanical identity politics zealotry, and self-confidence in the supposedly inevitable electoral annihilation of President Trump and Republicans in November – are starting to see a long-cherished liberal dream as an imminent reality: California as a model for the whole nation.

"You’ll get the picture if you read a widely-shared article published earlier this year by Medium, written by tech guru Peter Leyden, headlined “The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War.” The article is subtitled: “Why there’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history – one side must win.”
. . . 
"And you see it in Brown’s bizarre championing of Proposition 47, which essentially decriminalized the theft of any item under $950. His stance has been a social policy disaster, giving a green light to drug-fueled crime throughout the state.
. . . 
"So we’d better take this seriously. Democrats, as the old political adage goes, now want to do to America what they’ve done to California. It’s an alarming prospect. . . .  (Emphasis added by TD)
Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA

See the source image

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced Friday that the state would banstate-funded and state-sponsored travel to Oklahoma due to an Oklahoma law that allows certain adoption agencies to deny services to same-sex couples.
California Central Valley farmer Victor Davis Hanson wrote: 
California's unfinished high--speed-rail overpasses will stand as monuments to the state's insatiable appetite for spending money it doesn't have.
 Christmas Lessons from California
. . . Over some 50 consecutive months of drought, California did not start work on a single major reservoir — though many had long ago been planned and designed.Instead, given the lack of water-storage capacity, and due to environmental diversions, tens of millions of acre-feet of precious runoff water last year were simply let out to the ocean.This year, the state may want all of that water back. . . . 
Cartoons added by TD.