Sunday, August 21, 2016

The left is pacifist and gentle until they encounter conservative Americans

Violent attacks against Trump supporters increasing . . . "And as is predictable at these scenes where human beings behave like rabid dogs, protestors burned the American flag.
Michelle Bachmann, who attended the fundraiser, said the mob was running in a wild frenzy, targeting Trump supporters as well as the police, screaming “F*** the police! F*** the police!”
. . . 
It’s a frightening time in America. Threading the needle this November may be our last chance to attempt to resuscitate our nation. I don’t write that to sound dramatic. I just think it’s the truth.
To follow this subject matter closely, in addition to Breitbart, Western Journalism has been providing excellent coverage, here. Additional research for this blog,herehereherehere, and here.
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Donors assaulted at Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis . . . "The press is downplaying the violence, but as you can see from the video it was pretty intense. Perhaps the media realizes that the more they cover the anti-Trump violence against Trump supporters, the candidate's numbers go up. 
"Expect more violence from the anti-Trump thugs the closer we get to the election."
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"There was no outrage expressed by the media in another glaring double standard that has been used against Trump since the outset of his campaign."

Trump crowd chants ‘do your job!’ at CNN crew

The American Mirror  "Americans are fed up with the mainstream media.
Prior to the start of Donald Trump’s rally in Frederick, Virginia on Saturday, the crowd chanted “Do you job!” at a crew from CNN."

"But they weren’t done.
"Moments later, they chanted, “tell the truth!” as well.
. . .
"The cameraman’s CNN logo was a dead giveaway.
"Maybe they’ll start trying to go incognito, as Fox News sometimes does when it ventures into hostile territory.
"An April study found just 6% of Americans have trust in the media."

"Petition: Send CNN’s Sally Kohn To A Country That Practices Sharia Law Without Bodyguards…"

Weasel Zippers

Sally Kohn 

"As a progressive she should enjoy the ‘progressive Muslims’. petition to send left-wing talking head and CNN political commentator Sally Kohn to a country which practices Sharia law for a week without bodyguards has begun to pick up steam.
Earlier this week, Kohn faced strong backlash after she tweeted, “Hey @realDonaldTrump, many *progressive Muslims* — the ones we should support in ideological fight against extremism — believe in Sharia!!”[…]
A lot of right-wing nazi bigots are saying Sally Kohn is an idiot for showing support for Sharia Law, especially considering that she is a gay woman. As progressives, we know both Sharia Law and Muslims are tolerant and very LGBTQ friendly.
In order to show how LGBTQ friendly the Sharia, and it’s practitioners, are, Sally Kohn should spend a week’s holiday proudly displaying her homosexuality in Raqqa/Riyadh or any other place where Sharia is the law of the land, without guards of course, to show how safe, and how pro LGBTQ these practitioners of Sharia Law are.

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

Michael Goodwin  

. . . "The frenzy to bury Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House. They are working hand-in-hand with what was considered the cream of the nation’s news organizations.
"The shameful display of naked partisanship by the elite media is unlike anything seen in modern America.
"The largest broadcast networks — CBS, NBC and ABC — and major newspapers like The New York Times and Washington Post have jettisoned all pretense of fair play. Their fierce determination to keep Trump out of the Oval Office has no precedent.
"Indeed, no foreign enemy, no terror group, no native criminal gang, suffers the daily beating that Trump does. The mad mullahs of Iran, who call America the Great Satan and vow to wipe Israel off the map, are treated gently by comparison." . . .

Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Worked for Radical Muslim Publication That Blamed U.S. for 9/11

"If fighting for women’s rights is one of Clinton’s greatest achievements, why has she retained as her closest adviser a woman who gave voice to harsh Islamist critiques of her Beijing platform?"  Paul Sperry, author of  “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”
Jammie Wearing Fools   "Call us crazy, but this seems more newsworthy than goofball swimmers acting like goofballs. Yet with the sorry state of journalism these days, don’t expect this to get any attention at all.

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, and the woman who might be the future White House chief of staff to the first female US president, for a decade edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11.
One of Clinton’s biggest accomplishments listed on her campaign Web site is her support for the UN women’s conference in Bejing in 1995, when she famously declared, “Women’s rights are human rights.” Her speech has emerged as a focal point of her campaign, featured prominently in last month’s Morgan Freeman-narrated convention video introducing her as the Democratic nominee.
However, soon after that “historic and transformational” 1995 event, as Clinton recently described it, her top aide Huma Abedin published articles in a Saudi journal taking Clinton’s feminist platform apart, piece by piece. At the time, Abedin was assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs working under her mother, who remains editor-in-chief. She was also working in the White House as an intern for then-First Lady Clinton.
"Either they failed to vet her at all or they did and found nothing wrong with her extremist radical beliefs. Which is it?". . .