Monday, July 20, 2020

Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich expected to speak on Biden’s behalf at DNC

Just the guy CNN wants to interview, the mailman's son

"And my dad was a mailman"
Fox5, Ohio  " In the four months since Joe Biden effectively won the Democratic presidential nomination, he has focused on consolidating the party’s divergent and often warring factions. As the closing stretch of the campaign nears, that effort will expand to include Republicans disaffected with President Donald Trump.

"Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican and frequent Trump critic, has been approached and is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention on Biden’s behalf next month, according to a person with direct knowledge of the plans who insisted on anonymity to discuss strategy.
"Kasich is among a handful of high-profile Republicans likely to become more active in supporting Biden in the fall.
"Trump, meanwhile, is doing virtually nothing to expand his appeal beyond his most loyal supporters. Some GOP operatives believe the suburbs are lost while a contingent of high-profile Republicans are openly questioning the president’s reelection message. In an acknowledgment of the mounting challenges, Trump named a new campaign manager last week.
"With about 100 days until Election Day, there’s time for sudden developments that could shift the trajectory of the campaign. The Friday announcement that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer has returned was a reminder of the potential volatility ahead. In 2016 Trump effectively used the prospect of Supreme Court appointments to win over conservatives who otherwise found him distasteful." . . .
Democrat-sanctioned riots  "It would be less than accurate to say that rioters have taken over Portland, Oregon. Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler turned the city over to rioters. They are his shock troops.
"Democrat Governor Kate Brown, and Democrat Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum now are protecting Wheeler's violent mob from federal officers.
"The media is complicit in this, insisting on describing the takeover by looters and rioters as a protest." . . .

Charges filed against St. Louis couple who pointed guns toward protesters

After court costs, even if the McCloskeys win, they lose.

KSDK 5 On Your Side   "St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has filed charges against a St. Louis couple who confronted protesters with guns in June, 5 On Your Side has learned.
"Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the Central West End couple who confronted protesters June 28 with a rifle and a gun in Mayor Lyda Krewson’s neighborhood, have been charged with unlawful use of a weapon/flourishing.
"The unlawful use of a weapon charge is a class E felony, which can carry a sentence of up to four years in prison and a fine of $10,000. Sources tell 5 On Your Side Gardner's office will be issuing a summons for the couple to appear in court." . . .

"Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States for several years now. Several of his candidates are already in office creating havoc.
"In St. Louis City George Soros was Kim Gardner’s biggest donor in her race for Circuit Attorney.
. . . 
"Kim Gardner (pictured, left) may be the most radical Soros-funded Circuit Attorney in the nation today.
"Kim Gardner is so intolerable that two dozen attorneys and more than one-third of the trial lawyers left the office when she was hired. And this is a Democrat dominated office!
"In August 2018 Kim Gardner announced her attorneys will no longer accept cases from 28 different St. Louis City police officers. Gardner called it her “exclusion list.”
"Gardner did not tell the officers what they did to get on her list but they were being censored." . . .

What must be the favorite source of news for CNN people, the Guardian worded the story thus: "Criminal Charges for White St. Louis Couple who Pointed Guns at Protesters"

Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Refuses to Charge Killer of 7-Year-Old Child Despite Suspect’s Confession
Hawley Asks Barr to Launch Civil Rights Probe into Prosecutor Targeting McCloskeys  Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) submitted a request to the U.S. Justice Department for a civil rights investigation into Gardner, arguing that she is targeting the McCloskeys out of political motives. Writing to Attorney General William Barr, Hawley argued, “There is no question under Missouri law that the McCloskeys had the right to own and use their firearms to protect themselves from threatened violence, and that any criminal prosecution for these actions is legally unsound.”
The senator made clear that Gardner’s true agenda is not justice or public safety, but politics: “The only possible motivation for the investigation, then, is a politically motivated attempt to punish this family for exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

‘What Happened to Kamala Harris’s Face?’ – Democrat Senator Kamala Harris Debuts New, Bizarre Cheeky Look (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit  "Democrat Senator Kamala Harris (CA) on Saturday night appeared on MSNBC to discuss late Congressman John Lewis.
"But everyone was talking about her *new* face.
"What happened to Kamala’s face?
"Kamala’s cosmetic work fueled rumors that she may be Biden’s VP pick.
"Or is the video warped? "  Video. Same old Kamala inside

Missouri Governor Says He Will Pardon St. Louis Couple if They're Charged

Missouri Governor Says He Will Pardon the Gun-Waving Couple Who Stopped a BLM Mob If They Are Indicted  "It was epic. A Black Lives Matter mob in St. Louis broke through a gate into a gated community, allegedly on their way to demonstrate at the home of the mayor, but trespassed on the property of Mark and Patricia McCloskey. Some of the mob was armed. A lot of it acted threatening. Rather than cower in their home and hope that the police eventually got around to caring, the McCloskey’s took he bull by the horns and exercised their Second Amendment rights: . . ."
"In a sane political climate, this would never have happened. " . . .
. . . "Though Parson’s announcement is totally correct, it points toward a scary trend of executive power being the only brake on politically contrived prosecutions. We’ve seen it with the Russia Hoax investigation where Mike Flynn is on the cusp of walking free only because the Attorney General knocked down the barriers the FBI and Department of Justice had thrown up to prevent Flynn from receiving a fair hearing. It took executive action by President Trump to keep Roger Stone from going to prison for the same offense that got Eric Holder made partner at a Blue Chip law firm. The left has weaponized criminal investigations to take vengeance on political enemies. They are weaponizing street violence as a way of aggrandizing power. They are now weaponizing the use of the legal system to protect their pet street hooligans from any repercussions from their actions. As a society, we cannot survive if this becomes business as usual." . . .

Missouri Governor Says He Will Pardon St. Louis Couple if They're Charged  . . . "Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) submitted a request to the U.S. Justice Department for a civil rights investigation into Gardner, arguing that she is targeting the McCloskeys out of political motives. Writing to Attorney General William Barr, Hawley argued, “There is no question under Missouri law that the McCloskeys had the right to own and use their firearms to protect themselves from threatened violence, and that any criminal prosecution for these actions is legally unsound.”
"The senator made clear that Gardner’s true agenda is not justice or public safety, but politics: “The only possible motivation for the investigation, then, is a politically motivated attempt to punish this family for exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

Conservative speaker Michelle Malkin beaten by BLM thugs . . .

. . . "and prevented from speaking at Denver pro-police rally"

American Thinker  "Conservative author and activist Michelle Malkin was brutally assaulted and prevented from speaking as she made her way to the speaker’s platform at a pro-police public rally in downtown Denver on Sunday. The patriotic event, the 6th Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day billed as “family friendly,” was advertised in advance on social media including at Malkin’s Twitter, where she has 2.2 million followers." . . .
. . . "On the video, which had been viewed over 150,000  times by early Monday, several individuals identifying themselves as Black Lives Matter accost Malkin as one or more of them unfurl collapsible batons and begin pushing and beating on Malkin. In the process, she loses a shoe and is eventually assisted in escaping to a waiting car by the event’s security volunteers, at which point the video feed ends. Malkin was understandably distraught at this unanticipated violent turn of events and expressed frustration that Denver police, who were visibly present in the area, did nothing to stop the attacks or to allow the peaceful pro-police rally to continue." . . .
. . . "Until recently, violence of this kind to suppress conservative free speech was largely limited to the nation’s leftist-dominated college campuses. Obviously, a new page has now been turned as many of America’s leading cities – all of them under Democrat party control – have abandoned enforcing laws big and small. The expression of free speech is now openly threatened off the campuses. Which one of the Bill of Rights will be next?"

‘People’s War’: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit for ‘Sparking’ US Riots  And George Soros?

What do we make of Joe Biden?

Strange Biden at the 2012 Ryan debate, assisted by Martha Raddatz
Tracking Biden’s Mental Decline . . . "Biden, who was first elected to the Senate 48 years ago, has been known for decades for his verbal gaffes. Democrats usually exploit this flaw to explain away their presidential candidate’s confused speech, claiming his lackluster abilities are evidence of a life-long quirk rather than a sign of cognitive decline.
“ 'It’s not a product of age; it’s just who he is,” wrote Paul Waldman in the Washington Post last April.
"But the real story is that Biden has not always spoken with such jumbled sentences. He was once a talented orator who spoke smoothly and emanated confidence. Yes, he made gaffes and shot himself in the foot with concerning statements, but that was far outweighed by his expressiveness and ability to connect with audiences. " . . .

The Strategies of Dementia Politics by Victor Davis Hanson  . . . ""The earlier career of a healthy Biden illustrates that he was not especially sharp even when in control of most of his faculties. We recall the former sane/nutty Biden of Neal Kinnock plagiarism, his “put y’all in chains” demagoguery, the studied racism of Biden’s riffs about a “clean” and well-spoken Obama, and the sane/insane Corn Pop stories. All are the trademark of a once fool Joe Biden, who was at least alert when compared with his current catalepsy. If Donald Trump can be ungrammatical, Biden is agrammatical — he simply streams together half-thoughts without syntax and then abandons the sentence entirely." . . .

Why Has Biden Hired 600 Lawyers?  . . . "Biden says he needs all these lawyers to fend off “voter suppression,” which he defines as any opposition by the Trump campaign to Democratic calls for a dramatic expansion of mail-in voting." . . .

Biden Staffer's Tweets Show Anti-Police Culture Has 'Pervaded' His Campaign  
. . . "Sara Pearl, the supervising video producer for Biden's presidential campaign, tweeted anti-law enforcement messages that were supportive of defunding the police and against people referring to cops as “pigs” because that would be disrespectful to the animals." . . .
Even worse: 
. . . And, after several Dallas police officers were killed in 2016 by a sniper who "wanted to kill white people," Pearl dinged the National Rifle Association for tweeting its condolences in that case but not for prior shootings: "Of course they respond to the officers but not to the previous shootings :(" (Fox News)

Trump's Warning That Biden Would 'Abolish the Suburbs' Isn't Racist, and It Isn't Hyperbole, Either  "President Trump began highlighting Joe Biden’s horrific housing policy in a speech on July 16. The president is framing the policy in stark language by letting voters know that Joe Biden wants to “abolish the suburbs.” It would be great if this were hyperbole, but it is not." . . .

No, Trump Isn't Crazy. Joe Biden Poses a Threat to the Suburbs. Here's How.

Goya Boycott: Everything Is Political Now

Reason  "Politics are even in our soup."


"In Spanish, there is an idiom that refers to finding things "even in one's soup," when they are overbearingly ubiquitous. As U.S. politicians and activists enter day seven of a battle over canned beans and adobo seasoning, cancel culture and political point-scoring are undeniably hasta en la sopa.
"Speaking as a guest in the White House on July 9, Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue praised President Donald Trump for being a "builder" and said Americans were "truly blessed" to have him as a leader.
"Faster than you can say "cancel culture," famous progressive Latinos took to Twitter, invoked the spirit of Roman Emperor Caracalla, and executed Unanue's and thereby Goya's damnatio memoriae.
" 'Oh look, it's the sound of me Googling 'how to make your own Adobo,'" tweeted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) about a popular Goya product. Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote that "we learned to bake bread in this pandemic, we can learn to make our own adobo con pimienta. Bye." Former Housing and Urban Development Sec. Julian Castro added that "Americans should think twice before buying their products," as he used the hashtag #Goyaway.
"As the boycott against Goya gained steam on social media, Unanue took to Fox News to claim his right to free speech was being constrained. This misses the point, since calling for an economic boycott also constitutes free expression. More troubling is when members of Congress like Ocasio-Cortez and former high-ranking bureaucrats such as Castro use their power and influence to punish a private business in order to score partisan points. " . . .

Pelosi endorses jihad Jew-hating Rep. Omar for re-election

Pamela Geller

"Speaker Pelosi could have endorsed Omar’s much more moderate primary opponent Antone Melton-Meaux. She won’t do that. To Speaker Pelosi Jewish lives don’t matter. They never have. That is because no matter how badly the Democrat Party [betrays] their Jewish voters, Speaker Pelosi could always count on them for their votes and obscene amounts of money. Shame on any Jewish American who supports the Democrat Party. #EXODUS!

From the Jerusalem Post: Ilhan Omar endorsed by Pelosi, challenger supported by pro-Israel givers  . . . "Meanwhile, an opponent in the Democrat primary who has attracted the support of pro-Israel givers nationwide has outraised Omar by millions of dollars. 
“ 'Ilhan is a valued and important Member of our Caucus,” Pelosi said Tuesday in a statement. “In her first term, Ilhan has already established herself as a leader on a host of issues — from child nutrition to housing to U.S.-Africa relations.”
"Pelosi was among Democrats in 2019 who joined in criticizing Omar for a number of statements about pro-Israel influence that were seen as antisemitic. Omar apologized for some but not all of the statements.
"Antone Melton-Meaux, one of four challengers to Omar in the Aug. 11 primary, has fundraised nationally in part by rebuking Omar for her Israel policies. Omar is one of two Democrats in the House who back the boycott Israel movement." . . .
Anything for peace and unity

Seattle Council member calls on police chief to fire white cops first. Chief stunned: “It’s illegal.”

She is scary, but her voters are even more so.

Law Enforcement Today  "Seattle, WA –For the majority of Americans, the thought of more left wing shenanigans happening in Seattle would be a stretch, yet, City Council member Lisa Herbold certainly raised the bar when discussing defunding of the police department by 50% which would see several hundred officers terminated. 
"The problem for her should be the reduction of law enforcement, however, she is more concerned that only white officers be terminated.
"Herbold’s rationale for this is simple, if the standard model of layoffs are adhered to, then the least senior officers will be terminated first, leaving only the senior officers. 
"With the anticipated budget cuts to the police department, they would lose 675 officers. 
"According to KIRO7, the Seattle Police Department released a breakdown of the ethnicity of the officers who would be laid off based upon seniority; 46 Asian, 47 Black, 56 Hispanic, 59 biracial, and 526 white officers. 
"After seeing the breakdown, Herbold said this on twitter:" . . .
Justice Thurgood Marshall noted that “racial discrimination in private employment against whites [must be] on the same terms as racial discrimination against nonwhites.” It is amazing that in 2020, it seems perfectly okay to a portion of the United States that any race should be discriminated against.  To simply say that one race is better or more deserving of employment than another is not only illegal, it is immoral. 

How Trump — not Biden — has helped make black lives better

NY Post via Ty Frazier

When it comes to the black community, Trump hasn't always said the right thing, but his policies are better
 than Biden's, as student activist and Trump supporter Kearyn Bolin (here at the White House in 2019) likely understands.
. . . "Back home in the US, African Americans were experiencing the best economy we have ever seen: Unemployment for our racial group was the lowest in recorded history, black wages were rapidly increasing for the first time in decades, and people who’d been out of work long-term were being hired and suddenly able to take their families on vacations for the first time in years.
"The Trump policies made it possible. Tax cuts and rocketing GDP growth meant companies were feeling financially stable for the first time in a decade and public confidence in our economy had never been higher. Trump’s re-election was on cruise control. Even Democrats were willing to admit that the chances of Trump losing were slim.
"No one could have predicted what would happen next.
"Since COVID-19, almost every economic benefit of the Trump presidency has evaporated. Unemployment has surged again — reaching numbers closer to the end of the Great Depression — and has impacted, as it has in every US downturn, African Americans the most. All this, coupled with the issues of race which still plague our country and the media’s incessant narratives of Trump “being racist.” In some cases, these wounds have been self-inflicted, as with Trump’s recent retweeting of a white-supremacy video that used racist language, which the president later claimed he hadn’t heard.
"The black vote will be the swing vote this year. And right now, it’s looking like it’s Joe Biden’s for the taking. " . . .