Another reason why Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be president . . . What sensitive but unclassified information did Hillary have in her private account? According to the Times, “that information included the whereabouts and travel plans of American officials in Libya as security there deteriorated during the uprising against the leadership of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011.' ” . .
How Bad Spin Works: A Handy Lesson from the Clinton/Blumenthal E-Mails . . . " The running theme of Blumenthal's missives to his "old friend," the Democratic frontrunner, is that Blumenthal is a gusher of terrible advice. The revelation of these emails is that even terrible advice could pay off, if the media was willing to accept a narrative that made the Clintons' enemies look malicious." . . ....

“ 'I think she needs to be exposed for all the terror campaigns she has raised against women who were at the wrong place at the wrong time with her husband,” Willey told Megyn Kelly of Fox News." . . .
. . .
"Willey told Kelly that, “Hillary Clinton is the war on women,” because of her attacks on women with whom her husband has dallied.
“"She enables him,” Willey said. “She realizes the power he has.' ” . . .
Emphasis mine, TD
“"She enables him,” Willey said. “She realizes the power he has.' ” . . .
Emphasis mine, TD