Jeffrey Lord: Mueller: An Unmitigated Disaster . . . "The nation watches a confused, halting Robert Mueller in what will be the saddest moment in an otherwise stellar career. But without question, this Mueller performance clearly illustrated one very important reality.
"There is no way in the world the confused, uncertain man testifying today actually ran the investigation he was charged with running. Mueller even had Members saying “over here” to let him know the physical location of his questioner of the moment. At times his aides seated behind him had to point him to his questioner, Mueller’s face a mask of confusion." . . .
. . . "So the reality of the Mueller investigation is now laid bare. This investigation was run by his staff of Trump-hating zealots, led by Andrew Weissmann. The same Weissmann the New York Times described as “Mueller’s Legal Pit Bull.' ” . . .
Guy Benson: Bottom Lines: As America Yawned, Mueller's Testimony Damaged Him, Made Impeachment Less Likely . . . "I suspect that Chairman Nadler secretly knows that he would have been better off never holding the hearing in the first place, and letting this remain as Mueller's last word." . . .
. . . "Ironically, both the president and the House Speaker may be smiling today, as both oppose impeachment, albeit for different reasons."
Exchange between Rep. Steve Chabot and Robert Mueller raised eyebrows
UK Daily Mail: PIERS MORGAN: Shambolic Mueller’s train wreck testimony has left his reputation trashed, the dumbstruck Democrats dead as dodos and President Trump laughing all the way to a second term
I'd rather stay pessimistic; pessimists are never disappointed. TD
Rep. Mike Turner: “Where’s the office of exoneration?” I loved this question:
Wait for it...Who has the power to exonerate?

"This is not to say the conduct outlined in the obstruction volume of Mueller’s report is admirable. Some of it is disturbing. It is understandable that Democrats would want the public to focus on it. But it does not rise to the level of a prosecutable obstruction case and it did not, in any event, present to the slightest impediment to Mueller’s completion of the investigation — with which the president cooperated extensively, for all his ranting and raving about a “witch hunt.' ” . . .