PowerLine Blog "The Daily Show has announced little known South African comic Trevor Noah as Jon Stewart’s replacement, and going with an unknown talent is an understandable move for such an iconic show. (Some initial media reports predictably referred to this South African as “African-American” because they’re afraid to say “black,” because PC.)
"But speaking of PC and compromised comics, the furor that has erupted over some of Noah’s old un-PC tweets reminds me of that old Bill Cosby punch line: “Noah—How long can you tread water?” Because it looks as though Trevor Noah may come undone for making jokes about un-petite women and Jews. Dave Weigel notes over at Bloomberg that Noah has gone from Progressive hero to villain in 24 hours." One of several Noah tweets here:
...Rush Limbaugh/31/liberal_hate_tweets_obama_regime_economist_and_new_daily_show_host
"But the new Daily Show host said that present day America has worse race relations than apartheid South Africa."
. . . "Hands up, don't shoot," and he said, "I never thought I'd be more afraid of police in America than in South Africa. It kind of makes me a little nostalgic for the old days back home." So why move here? If you're more afraid of the cops in the United States than you were during Apartheid in South Africa, why move here? Why move to such a violently racist country? What was he thinking? Anyway, the audience of The Daily Show loved it. They ate it up. So all of this lying bigotry and discrimination and hatred is perfectly fine wherever it occurs on the left."But speaking of PC and compromised comics, the furor that has erupted over some of Noah’s old un-PC tweets reminds me of that old Bill Cosby punch line: “Noah—How long can you tread water?” Because it looks as though Trevor Noah may come undone for making jokes about un-petite women and Jews. Dave Weigel notes over at Bloomberg that Noah has gone from Progressive hero to villain in 24 hours." One of several Noah tweets here:
"But the new Daily Show host said that present day America has worse race relations than apartheid South Africa."
"They have to make things up about conservatives and white police officers! They have to make things up and then perpetuate the lies that they tell. This Religious Freedom Restoration Act, think of it as it's a shield. It's protection is right there is in the name of the law. It's not a gun; it's not a weapon. It's not a sword, as people say. It's a shield. It protects people. And, boy, has it been distorted way out of the ballpark." . . .