This post is very special for Memorial Day as she recognizes buddies of her husband who have paid the ultimate price. But these men deserve recognition year-round and any day is good to post this.
The riff-raff occupying our cities for some time are not fit to carry the baggage of these young Marines.
God bless you, Cassy.
"These are just seven of the countless servicemembers who have given their lives for their country. These are just our fallen. Today, I hope that you’ll see their names, look at their faces, and read what is just a small fraction of the lives they led. So often, we turn the fallen into nothing more than a man in a uniform who became a hero. We need to remember not just the sacrifices they made, but the lives they lived and the people they were. Take the time to remember the 6 men we lost from 1/8, to remember Balthaser, and everyone who gave their lives so that we could be free."
Smokin’ Hot Commentary
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. -- Ronald Reagan