"Too dumb to respond to?"
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Bobby O'Rourke vs. Trump In El Paso: Who Actually Had The Bigger Crowd And Was It A Preview Of 2020?
Size matters. I'm sure he relishes watching them watching him. I would... but then I love me with all my heart. TD
IBT "There's a strong possibility that political pundits will look back on Feb. 11, 2019, as a day that saw battle lines drawn in the Texas sand.
"At one El Paso rally was President Donald Trump. At another rally — less than two miles away — was Robert "Beto" O'Rourke, who recently served as a three-term U.S. representative from El Paso.
"The two politicians could go head-to-head in 2020 but on Monday they were expressing their views on border security, amid fears that the week could conclude with another government shutdown.
. . . Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about the crowd at the El Paso rally, seemingly berating O'Rourke for his counter-protest efforts. Indeed, one NBC headline read: "Beto O’Rourke gets under Trump's skin in El Paso."
"Not only did President Trump repeatedly mention O’Rourke and his efforts, but numerous sources disputed the crowd number.
"The El Paso Fire Department’s capacity number for Trump's event was 6,500 and with a spokesman claiming that the total might have reached "10,000 with the people outside."
"As for O'Rourke, NBC News estimated that there were 7,000 and 8,000 people at his rally and march. Jennifer Epstein of Bloomberg News reported that march and rally drew between 10,000 and 15,000 people." . . .
IBT "There's a strong possibility that political pundits will look back on Feb. 11, 2019, as a day that saw battle lines drawn in the Texas sand.
"At one El Paso rally was President Donald Trump. At another rally — less than two miles away — was Robert "Beto" O'Rourke, who recently served as a three-term U.S. representative from El Paso.
"The two politicians could go head-to-head in 2020 but on Monday they were expressing their views on border security, amid fears that the week could conclude with another government shutdown.
. . . Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about the crowd at the El Paso rally, seemingly berating O'Rourke for his counter-protest efforts. Indeed, one NBC headline read: "Beto O’Rourke gets under Trump's skin in El Paso."
"Not only did President Trump repeatedly mention O’Rourke and his efforts, but numerous sources disputed the crowd number.
"The El Paso Fire Department’s capacity number for Trump's event was 6,500 and with a spokesman claiming that the total might have reached "10,000 with the people outside."
"As for O'Rourke, NBC News estimated that there were 7,000 and 8,000 people at his rally and march. Jennifer Epstein of Bloomberg News reported that march and rally drew between 10,000 and 15,000 people." . . .
Rashida Tlaib wrote column for Louis Farrakhan publication in 2006
Fox News
Could Michigan Congresswoman Rasheda Tlaib’s profane call for the president’s impeachment hurt the Democrat Party?"Freshman Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib once wrote a column for the Final Call, an official publication of the Nation of Islam and its notorious leader Louis Farrakhan.

"She later came under bipartisan criticism from Jewish groups for appearing with radical anti-Israel activists during her swearing-in ceremony in Michigan, with some activists previously praising terror group Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorists, and saying that Israel has no right to exist.
"But it now has been unearthed that she was a guest contributor in 2006 to the publication that reprints Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic comments and offers their defense.
“ 'Lost in the often-vitriolic national quarrel over immigration reform is any examination of proposed measures that would result in excessive punishment, such as detention and deportation, for the most minor offenses,” Tlaib wrote in a 2006 post in the Final Call. “Concern for 'national security' has introduced unprecedented insecurity to living in the United States as a legal permanent resident.”
The column, which takes an issue with deportations for minor offenses, remains to be accessible online and was first pointed out by blogger Jeryl Bier on social media.A spokesperson for Tlaib told Fox News that the article was from 2006 and “was not an endorsement of Farrakhan or anyone for that matter,” adding that the congresswoman “has not had any direct contact with Farrakhan and condemns his anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ views.” . . .
LGBT Activists Teaching Judges To Yank Kids From Parents Who Won’t Transgender Them
Margot Cleveland at The Federalist
That such a simple affirmation of parental rights could not clear a committee in this solidly red state should terrify parents, as it lays bare transgender activists’ plan: use the government to force parents to affirm a false sex for their child, agree to hormone blockers, and accept a transition to their son or daughter’s preferred gender. If parents refuse? Removal of the child from the family, due to alleged medical neglect.
"We are already seeing the first two waves of this strategy, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians. The first wave began in 2016 in the divorce and child custody setting, Cretella explained." . . .
Margot Cleveland is a senior contributor to The Federalist. Cleveland served nearly 25 years as a permanent law clerk to a federal appellate judge and is a former full-time faculty member and current adjunct instructor at the college of business at the University of Notre Dame. The views expressed here are those of Cleveland in her private capacity.
Documents obtained from Rhode Island Family Court must concern any person who questions whether it's a good idea to chemically and surgically mutilate children."On Thursday, the Health and Human Services committee of the South Dakota House killed a bill that would have protected the right of parents to refuse to consent to medical or psychological treatment for a child suffering from gender dysphoria if the treatment “would induce, confirm, or promote the child’s belief that the child’s sex or gender identity is different from the child’s sex presented at birth.” Proposed House Bill 1205 also provided that “no public authority or official of this state may take any adverse action against a parent for exercising this right.”
That such a simple affirmation of parental rights could not clear a committee in this solidly red state should terrify parents, as it lays bare transgender activists’ plan: use the government to force parents to affirm a false sex for their child, agree to hormone blockers, and accept a transition to their son or daughter’s preferred gender. If parents refuse? Removal of the child from the family, due to alleged medical neglect.
"We are already seeing the first two waves of this strategy, according to Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians. The first wave began in 2016 in the divorce and child custody setting, Cretella explained." . . .
Margot Cleveland is a senior contributor to The Federalist. Cleveland served nearly 25 years as a permanent law clerk to a federal appellate judge and is a former full-time faculty member and current adjunct instructor at the college of business at the University of Notre Dame. The views expressed here are those of Cleveland in her private capacity.
Cory Booker: ‘This Planet Simply Can’t Sustain’ People Eating Meat
If Democrats run the government, every day we will wake up dreading to discover what they plan to do to us next. TD
Elizabeth Harrington
Elizabeth Harrington
Democrat 2020 hopeful is vegan because eating eggs 'didn't align with my spirit'
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Tony Branco cartoon added by TD |
"While claiming he does not want to lecture Americans on their diets, Booker says Americans need to be nudged into fake cheese because the planet cannot sustain the "environmental impact" of the food industry.
" 'You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet," Booker said. "We've seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry."
" 'The tragic reality is this planet simply can't sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact," he said. "It's just not possible."
"Booker says the "devastating impact" of greenhouse gases produced by the meat industry is "just not practical."
" 'The numbers just don't add up," he said. "We will destroy our planet unless we start figuring out a better way forward when it comes to our climate change and our environment."
"Booker, who said his vegan "journey" began in 1992 when he became a vegetarian after reading Gandhi's biography, wants to make the "existing model" of the food industry "obsolete."
" 'You never change things by fighting what exists in reality; to change something, you gotta build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete," he said. "That's the deal here. American consumers should not be told what to eat, but if you provide viable alternatives, in some cases, that taste even better—and if people have more information, if we consumers are informed about whatever it is—the dangers of the overuse of plastics all the way to the conditions in which animals that we are consuming are being treated."
"Booker argues all his nonvegan friends "love" vegan food like his favorites, "vegan pancakes" and "vegan stuffed French toast.' " . . .
AOC: The Perfect Graduate of Today's Biased Colleges
Roger L. Simon "In the immediate sense, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Abraham Lincoln. Her Green New Deal is as much dead in the water as it is brain dead and constitutes a fabulous talking point for the GOP to run on in 2020.
"But there is a point of concern — and in the long run a more important one.
"AOC represents the natural outgrowth of our extraordinarily biased higher educational system." . . .
"As I wrote elsewhere, only 20 percent of colleges have even one Republican on the faculty. Imagine the indoctrination that is going on. Imagine how much more attention is paid to Marx (and Marcuse and Gramsci, etc.) than to Adam Smith or Edmund Burke, let alone Aristotle, Aquinas, or even James Madison.
"Do you think AOC has read one word of Friedrich Hayek? Do you think that she has even heard of him? What do you think she knows of history in general? We already know how informed she is about the Middle East.
"This is a new form of proud Know-Nothingism. We can't even say it will come back to haunt us because it already is doing just that. Reforming our educational system is the most important mission of our time. Presidents come and go. Even media grandees come and go — after a while (too long a while). But education remains, shaping our future. Change it or everyone sitting in Congress will be AOC. (No it doesn't stand for All-Out Communist. But wait long enough and it could.)"
2020 Presidential Candidates: Quantity High, Quality Not
Michelle Obama’s Grammys Buzz – A reminder of the mediocrity of Democrat presidential candidates . . . Think about who have declared so far: Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Amy from Minnesota, Kirsten Gillibrand — all second tier politicians who will pick up the anti-Trump vote just by being Democrats, but not much more. Tulsi Gabbard is a new face nationally, but has too much Assad baggage. Julian Castro is the guy who had less responsibility as Mayor of San Antonio than Sarah Palin had as the Mayor of Wasilla.
"But there is a point of concern — and in the long run a more important one.
"AOC represents the natural outgrowth of our extraordinarily biased higher educational system." . . .
"As I wrote elsewhere, only 20 percent of colleges have even one Republican on the faculty. Imagine the indoctrination that is going on. Imagine how much more attention is paid to Marx (and Marcuse and Gramsci, etc.) than to Adam Smith or Edmund Burke, let alone Aristotle, Aquinas, or even James Madison.
"Do you think AOC has read one word of Friedrich Hayek? Do you think that she has even heard of him? What do you think she knows of history in general? We already know how informed she is about the Middle East.
"This is a new form of proud Know-Nothingism. We can't even say it will come back to haunt us because it already is doing just that. Reforming our educational system is the most important mission of our time. Presidents come and go. Even media grandees come and go — after a while (too long a while). But education remains, shaping our future. Change it or everyone sitting in Congress will be AOC. (No it doesn't stand for All-Out Communist. But wait long enough and it could.)"
2020 Presidential Candidates: Quantity High, Quality Not
"Think about who might enter the race: Joe Biden and Bernie? A smoocher and a socialist. Great. Actually, not great. Beto could generate some excitement, but he seems to be using campaigning as emotional therapy, not good. Bloomberg wants to take away your Big Gulps — yeah, that should work.
"If I were a Democrat looking at the present and future field of candidates, I’d be in a complete panic even though the general election is over 20 months away. Wishing for a Trump collapse is not a mature electoral strategy.
"Which gets me to the non-candidate candidate who has been playing her cards just right to set herself up to save the Democrat Party without having to dirty her hands in this early electoral season scrum.
"You heard me right: Michelle Obama is the Democrat 2020 frontrunner, even if she doesn’t want to be: . . ."
A "salvation candidate"! They're no longer "With Her"...
UPDATED: O'Rourke El Paso rally, um, trumped by it's neighboring rally
UPDATE: In El Paso, Beto O’Rourke Makes It Easy For Trump To Target ‘Extreme’ Democrats . . . "It’s hard to interpret O’Rourke’s comments as anything but advocating for open borders. Or at the very least, that we should have less security along the border than we currently do—indeed, that some or all of those 650 miles of border fencing should be torn down. There is quite simply no other way to parse what he said.
"This is exactly what Trump wanted O’Rourke to say, because it confirms his supporters’ worst fears about the Democratic Party." . . .
Big, bold, beautiful, and very Trump: The president takes El Paso
Bobby O’Rourke Drowned Out at El Paso Rally by Trump Rally Music a Quarter-Mile Away Video with sound. His Messiah pose except for the palm branches:
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"They love me! They really love me!" |
"Such nonbinding resolutions don't have the force of law. They're just a statement.
"Just 18 Democrats voted for this resolution. Thirty-five voted no. And the other 133 dodged the issue altogether by voting "present." Democrats complained that the vote was just a political stunt." . . .
Mexican flags fly at small Beto counter-rally as Trump draws thousands
It looks like Beto only had 900 people at his March, Tiny! @realDonaldTrump has over 35000 in attendance. 8000 inside and tens of thousands outside. Stretching into the surrounding streets. 70000+ RSVPs, hard to get everyone here. #winning
Phonies on parade
Power Line "The defining characteristic of the Democratic presidential field in its current configuration is the phoniness of the candidates. This characteristic is shared by all of the major entrants. Consider:
"Elizabeth Warren claimed to be an Indian. She isn’t.
"Kamala Harris claims to have been a “progressive prosecutor.” She wasn’t.
"Amy Klobuchar holds herself out as “Minnesota Nice.” She isn’t.
"Klobuchar’s mistreatment of staff members is legendary. In 2015, Harry Reid, then the Senate Majority Leader, felt the need to counsel Ms. Nice about it.
"Kirsten Gillibrand posed as a moderate throughout her time as a congresswoman from a moderate to conservative district in upstate New York. Once elected to the Senate, she abandoned moderation. Now, it’s nearly impossible to get to her left.
"Cory Booker is a fabulist. He used an imaginary friend — “T-Bone” — to tell self-serving stories in furtherance of his image. During his Spartacus moment, Booker bragged about risking expulsion from the Senate for violating the rule on publicly discussing classified documents. But the document in question had been declassified and, in any event, didn’t say what Booker claimed it said.
"Other serious candidates almost certainly will enter the Democratic race. Some will be phonies.
"However, there is one potential entrant who is not susceptible to this charge. With Bernie Sanders, what you see is what you get. He’s the real deal."
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