Friday, June 7, 2013

Schoolteacher Responds to 'Schools' Sinister War on Guns'

American Thinker  ...."So if an administrator finds a student in possession of a gun during a search and feels confident he can get away with it, [he] will quietly dispose of the gun. The student is neither suspended nor reported to the police so he can be arrested. If a school employee claims to have seen the gun, the administrator says it was just a toy gun."
Get ready for the irony. Here it comes:
"Now, if the student brings a toy gun to school, especially one that looks like a real gun, he is treated as if he brought a real gun to school. The student even gets a visit from a police officer for a lecture on the consequences that could result if the toy gun was mistaken for a real gun by a law enforcement officer or if it had actually been a real gun. "

The work of Rich Terrell, master photoshoppist

Rich is used for background info in the American Thinker article, "President Photoshop?"  "Two puzzling photos that do not bear close scrutiny were published in 2010 on the campaign website, adding further mystery to the man who left surprisingly few documented footprints in the sands of time as he came to adulthood."  Read more:

5 Ways Liberals Annoy Me

Louisiana Conservative Dot Com  ...."It’s their body, their choice when we are talking about abortion, but it’s not your body your choice when it comes to seat belts, helmets, trans fat, salt, soda pop, and McDonald’s. It’s amazing and even more annoying that they talk about freedom in a way that only certain acts should be an individual choice while so many other actions should be limited by government.
That was item one; go here for the rest
Hat top to Jeff Blanco

Where’s the Patriotic Wrath Over Benghazi?

Bruce S. Thornton "Something has happened to this country when we are indifferent to the deaths of brave Americans who have been murdered by our sworn enemies, and blasé about our president and his flunkeys’ lying about that tragedy for political gain. Something is off when we leave unchallenged the lame excuse that the most powerful military in the history of the world armed with the most advanced weapons could not help their comrades because it was decided that a relief force couldn’t “get there in time,” even though no one knew how much time those soldiers had, which in the event was several hours. And we have suffered a colossal failure of patriotic nerve when we are not enraged that whether there was time or not, out forces weren’t ordered to descend on those fanatics and exact a fearsome price in blood for killing Americans. Bill Clinton ran away from Mogadishu in 1993, but at least our soldiers before they left made the enemy pay about 2000 dead for killing 18 Americans."
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay