"Do you know who DIDN’T believe that the Declaration was “sexist, racist, and prejudiced”?
"So why is Rashida Tlaib repeating the arguments of the racist Taney and Steve Douglas against the anti-slavery Lincoln and Fred Douglass?
"Because she doesn’t know any better.
"From Salon:
Yet despite its overwhelmingly positive impact on history, the Declaration of Independence was also a product of its time — and bears some of the shortcomings of its era, including sexism, racism and prejudice against Native Americans. …
"I won’t repeat any of the historical distortions and outright lies that the piece makes in order to make its point.
"I could go line by line and explain how Salon and Tlaib get everything wrong about the Declaration and the American Founders.
"But I realized I don’t have to do that because someone else already did.
"Now here’s where it gets REALLY interesting.
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whether she knows it or not, actually contradicted Tlaib in her own July 4th message this morning.
"Here’s what AOC tweeted this morning:" . . .
She will walk it all back this week. Meanwhile, Tlaib stays true to form. TD