Thursday, July 4, 2019

Rashida Tlaib Denounces America, Declaration of Independence in Disgusting July 4th Tweet

News Point  "So the Declaration of Independence is “sexist, racist, and prejudiced”?
"Do you know who else believed that? Roger Taney, the author of the infamous Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, and Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln’s challenger in the 1860 presidential election.
"Do you know who DIDN’T believe that the Declaration was “sexist, racist, and prejudiced”?
"So why is Rashida Tlaib repeating the arguments of the racist Taney and Steve Douglas against the anti-slavery Lincoln and Fred Douglass?
"Because she doesn’t know any better.
"From Salon:
Yet despite its overwhelmingly positive impact on history, the Declaration of Independence was also a product of its time — and bears some of the shortcomings of its era, including sexism, racism and prejudice against Native Americans. …
"I won’t repeat any of the historical distortions and outright lies that the piece makes in order to make its point.
"I could go line by line and explain how Salon and Tlaib get everything wrong about the Declaration and the American Founders.
"But I realized I don’t have to do that because someone else already did.
"Now here’s where it gets REALLY interesting.
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whether she knows it or not, actually contradicted Tlaib in her own July 4th message this morning.
"Here’s what AOC tweeted this morning:" . . .
She will walk it all back this week. Meanwhile, Tlaib stays true to form.  TD

President Trump gives his Fourth of July speech in the rain at the Lincoln Memorial

8 Times The Media Said There Was No Crisis At The Southern Border

The Federalist "Now that media-savvy congressional Democrats like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have brought attention to the humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border caused by Congress’s refusal to fix our exploited immigration laws, political pundits are having to eat their own words from just a few months ago claiming that the border crisis was manufactured by President Trump as a political stunt.

"Last week, before President Trump departed for the G20 Summit in Japan, he told reporters on the White House lawn that his critics are now seeing he was right all along. 
“It’s humanitarian aid, it’s very important and I think that a lot of people are starting to realize that I was right when I said we have a crisis at the border,” Trump said. “…A crisis at the border wasn’t a manufactured crisis, which they were saying, it wasn’t manufactured at all. We have a crisis at the border.”
"So who are the people he’s referring to? Many of the journalism world’s favorite pundits and media institutions. Here are the receipts." . . .

Uh Oh, Guess Who Had the Betsy Ross Flag at His Inauguration

Katie Pavlich  "As you've heard by now, Nike decided to pull the sale of a Betsy Ross American flag themed sneaker this week after woke and washed up athlete Colin Kaepernick complained it is tied to racism. 
"But there's just one huge problem with that argument: " . . .
Democrats running for president have officially lost it. Beto & Castro strongly imply that the Betsy Ross flag is a symbol of hatred. Do the rest of the Dems agree? Pictured here, of course, is the notorious flag prominently featured at President Obama's 2nd inauguration.

Veteran-Owned Apparel Company Has Perfect Response To Nike Dropping American Flag-Style Shoe UPDATED, July 5th

Daily Wire  "Veteran-owned clothing store, Nine Line Apparel, offered a response to Nike’s controversial move to drop an American Flag-style shoe with their own gear, nodding to the allegedly “offensive” Betsy Ross flag." . . .
“Nike has pulled a Betsy-Ross-themed Fourth of July sneaker after Colin Kaepernick – now a Nike ‘endorser’ – found it offensive,” Nine Line Apparel said in a statement. “In response, Nine Line Apparel, a veteran-owned apparel company, has just released a t-shirt line that proudly features the Betsy Ross flag.”
. . . "The apparel store is also "calling on Americans to boycott Nike and to display their patriotism with the hashtag #NoToNike.” As reported by The Daily Wire on Tuesday, a #WalkAwayFromNike boycott gained traction online when Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) similarly asked Americans to refrain from buying Nike goods." . . .

Their Betsy Ross collection here.

Nine Line Apparel statement:
UPDATE: Forget Nike, This Company’s Flag Support Can’t Be Wavered: Betsy Ross Sneakers On Sale, With Proceeds To Benefit Veterans’ Charity

. . . "I spoke with PrintedKicks’ CEO and founder at length about the issue since PrintedKicks  
already sells really cool Trump sneakers (see here) and I wanted to see if they had any comments or plans revolving around the Betsy Ross controversy. He revealed that sneakers were in the works, but unlike other companies mass producing shoes in China for huge profits off of hard-working conservatives, I have been promised that 100 percent (not a single penny less) of the profit that PrintedKicks makes off the sale of these stylish Betsy Ross sneakers, will go to support a charity that helps veterans suffering from PTSD. In summarizing his remarks, the CEO stated that while he realizes there is demand for Betsy Ross Flag-themed Sneakers and that he is proud his company prints and embroiders its products in the USA, he wanted his company to give back to the country that has given us all so much." . . .  Via Kimberly D. Mons

Nike: Headed the wrong direction

Richard Jack Rail  . . . "Nike needs to listen to its own best spokesman, one Michael Jordan.  Mike understands that politics need not enter into business, and in fact should be kept out altogether.  Out of advertisements, out of public discussions, o-u-t — OUT.  Why?  Because, Mike says, Republicans buy shoes, too.  Nike has alienated half its customer base for no other reason than wanting to look politically correct." . . .

Tony Branco

Will O'Toole

This Independence Day, Nike Appeases America Haters and Dictators
"Want a sign that the left is now bringing ruin to the business world, after it has done the same for the education and entertainment industries? Look no further than Nike" . . .

The Fourth of July celebrates the Declaration of Independence; how many know what that even is?

Text of The Declaration of Independence

2016 Flashback: Home Depot Billionaire Cofounder's Endorsement Of Trump Triggers Call To Boycott The Retailer

Forbes  HD covered their, uh, bottom line.
. . . "The Home Depot took the unusual step of disassociating the company from its cofounder's endorsement of Trump. "Bernie Marcus retired from the company 14 years ago, so he is not speaking on behalf of The Home Depot. The company does not endorse Presidential candidates," Stephen Holmes, Director of Corporate Communications at The Home Depot, told me." . . .

Portland Police Chief After Antifa Attacks: We Need Anti-Mask Law

Sarah Armstrong, a spokeswoman for The American Civil Liberties of Oregon, protested the implementation of an anti-mask law, saying, "A policy that prohibits wearing a mask to a protest will have police focusing on the wrong issue. Behavior is the issue, not the mask.  . . .
Daily Wire

"On Wednesday, in the wake of the violence that erupted in Portland last Saturday in which journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by masked members of the far-left group Antifa, Police Chief Danielle Outlaw called for anti-mask laws, asserting, “We cannot allow people to continue to use the guise of free speech to commit a crime. A lot of people are emboldened because they know they can’t be identified.' ’’ . . .

. . . "Also on Tuesday, the Portland Police Bureau noted, “There is no current law or ordinance prohibiting covering of the face in a protest and commission of a crime, which makes it more difficult for investigators to identify perpetrators of violence. This is exploited by criminals who engage in acts of violence. Per Oregon Revised Statute, 181A.250, law enforcement is unable to record demonstration events unless there is criminal activity occurring.' ” . . .

Updated: One more Democrat demagogue and her CNN lapdog

Shame on Alysin Camerota for her callous response to the racist invective coming out of her guest, the "rock star" Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson. Only a grateful "thank you".

No Pushback from CNN as Dem Claims Border Agents Can't Be 'Trusted' With 'Girls Going Through Puberty'
. . . "Camerota cut in to ask Wilson if she was suggesting the border agents were running a “money-making scheme” by bringing teen girls in to these centers, to which Wilson agreed that’s what she thought. Wilson also emphasized, unprompted, how the agents were "white men" and she didn't see any Hispanic workers.
"Throughout Wilson’s horror story, Camerota didn’t show any skepticism or ask critical questions, just clarification questions. Even more troubling, she didn’t ask Wilson about comments the congresswoman made yesterday just outside that detention facility, calling criticism of herself, illegal. She demanded anyone who criticizes Congress be punished:
" 'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace, and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable [sic],” she said in comments captured by The Washington Examiner. Wilson added, “We're gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted.' ”

Rep. Frederica Wilson: People Who Make Fun Of Members Of Congress Online Should Be “Shut Down” And “Prosecuted”  
. . . "Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson led a congressional delegation to inspect an immigrant detention facility on Tuesday and following her visit she said that people who are "making fun of members of Congress" online "should be prosecuted."
. . . "Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable," Wilson said during a press conference. "We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted.' " . . .  See her remarks here.

Don't take her threats lightly; this is what leftists are getting away with in our CNN culture:
‘Mini AOC’ Deletes Social Media After Being Doxxed, Getting Death Threats
Her family tweeted:
Ava will not being doing any more MINI AOC content. The Left's Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers.For our safety and for our child's safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts.
 This Australian fan of Mini-AOC is quite angry over the left shutting this child down.

UPDATE: Funny how death threats against mini-Ocasio-Cortez came just as Frederica Wilson called for prosecuting congressional ridicule

. . . Wilson loudly called for censorship in prosecution form for making fun of congressional members, in an astonishing call to nullify the First Amendment. It was weird at the time and people assumed it was because people made fun of her hats. But now we see a little child targeted, first with threats, second with doxxing, all of which serve to silence in a far more brutal manner. So the timing here is really very strange. 
The left could not take this? See how long the left takes to make it disappear: