Friday, September 2, 2016

Beyoncé and Blue Ivy spend Labor Day weekend with Michelle Obama and the girls at Camp David

Daily Mail   "Beyoncé and her daughter Blue Ivy have touched down in Maryland, apparently set to spend Labor Day weekend with the Obamas at Camp David.

"But, with Barack having jetted off to China for the final G20 summit of his presidency, it looks like the holiday weekend will double as a girls' weekend.

"The megastar was spotted stepping off a private plane in Frederick, Maryland, on Friday afternoon. " . . .

First Lady Michelle Obama (left) greets Beyoncé after the singer performed the National Anthem during the inauguration for President Barack Obama on January 21, 2013

Donald Trump catches up with Hillary Clinton in latest polls that show 'virtual tie'

Clinton lost an eight-point lead over the past week, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll


. .  . "The poll found that 40 per cent of likely voters support Mr Trump, while 39 per cent back Ms Clinton for the week of 26 August through 1 September. Ms Clinton’s lead has declined from an eight-point lead, according to Reuters. 
"Mr Trump’s favour among Republicans has also bounced six percentage points to 78 per cent over the past two weeks, despite controversial staff shake ups and his seemingly wavering stance on immigration. In a major policy speech on Wednesday, Mr Trump seemed to win back enthusiasm as he vowed to deport millions of undocumented immigrants during his “first hour” as president." . . . 
. . . "The Friday poll comes amid news that the FBI released details of Ms Clinton’s interview with investigators regarding emails kept on her private servers – an issue that has plagued the Clinton campaign from the onset."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Trump backer praises him for telling black Republicans that Democrats are playing 'plantation' politics as he reaches out for inner-city support

Daily Mail  "Donald Trump told an African-American roundtable meeting on Friday that the Democratic Party is playing 'plantation' politics with blacks in America, according to one of the participants who gave him an atta-boy afterward.
"Daphne Goggins, a Republican leader of Philadelphia's poverty-ridden 16th Ward, recalled Trump's potentially explosive comment after the mid-afternoon downtown event.

" 'What you're saying about the Democratic plan – that plantation that they want black people on? It's the truth. I will say it again,' Goggins told Trump shortly after a group of journalists were allowed in the room for a few minutes.

"A print pool reporter from noted the comment, which seemed to refer to remarks Trump had made earlier behind closed doors." . . .

URBAN 'PLANTATION': A participant of a roundtable meeting between Donald Trump and a group of black civic, religious and business leaders congratulated him afterward for saying Democrats want black voters on 'plantations' 

. . . But Goggins ended the day – and began it – as a Trump booster.

"She thanked the Republican presidential nominee for coming as the meeting got underway, and wept openly as she spoke.

" 'For the first time in my life I feel like my vote is going to count,' Goggins said through tears.

"Trump lags far behind Democrat Hillary Clinton with black voters, scoring no higher than 15 per cent – and as low as 1 per cent – in national polls that break down participation by race.

"Mitt Romney had the support of just 6 per cent of blacks in the 2012 election, which President Barack Obama, America's first black leader, won easily.

"But Trump is making an appeal for a 180-degree turnaround."

. . . "Conservatives see the GOP as the party of Abraham Lincoln, and regard Democrats as an opportunistic party that take blacks for granted while it delivers negligible results for the poorest among them.

"Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza's documentary 'Hillary's America' makes the argument that crumbling inner cities are the new slave plantations, with impoverished black families dependent on a Democratic Party that uses them as power-pawns and trickles out government benefits to keep them in their place.

COMPARISON: 'This plantation analogy is actually much stronger than people think,' filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza said, calling urban centers the new Democratic plantations

Krauthammer: The only immigration solution

The ultimate national consensus, however, lies one step farther down the road. Why leave legalization for some future discussion? Get it done. Once the river of illegal immigration has been demonstrably and securely reduced to a trickle, the country will readily exercise its natural magnanimity and legalize.
Charles Krauthammer

. . . "You can rail for a year about the squishy soft, weak-kneed and stupid politicians who have opened our borders to the wretched refuse of Mexico. You can promise to round them up — the refuse, that is, not the politicians (they’re next) — and deport them. And that may win you a plurality of Republican primary votes.
"But eventually you have to let it go. For all his incendiary language and clanging contradictions, Trump did exactly that in Phoenix on Wednesday. His “deportation task force” will be hunting . . . criminal aliens. Isn’t that the enforcement priority of President Obama, heretofore excoriated as the ultimate immigration patsy?
"And what happens to the noncriminal illegal immigrants? On that, Trump punted. Their “appropriate disposition” will be considered “in several years when we have . . . ended illegal immigration for good.” Everyone knows what that means: One way or another, they will be allowed to stay." . . .

Hitler's 3-mile-long abandoned Nazi resort is transforming into a luxury getaway

Business Insider   "Three years before Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Adolf Hitler ordered the construction of the world's largest tourist resort, located on a beachfront property on the island of Rügen.
The Nazis called it Prora.

"Capable of holding more than 20,000 residents at a single time, Prora was meant to comfort the weary German worker who toiled away in a factory without respite.
"According to historian and tour guide Roger Moorhouse, it was also meant to serve as the carrot to the stick of the Gestapo — a pacifying gesture to get the German people on Hitler's side.
"But then World War II began, and Prora's construction stalled — until now. " . . .

Over the next three years, more than 9,000 workers erected a 2.7-mile-long building out of brick and concrete. Its practicality was dwarfed by its grandness. Moorhouse calls it "megalomania in stone."

What began as drab Nazi socialist architecture here:

It became a shell of building, a failed Nazi dream left to decay for the next several decades ...

Became a capitalist renewal:

... while more modest units will be less expensive.

. . . "The structure, conceived right on the brink of global chaos, could end up flopping a second time, tainted by its first failed vision."

Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX

And The Moderators For The 2016 Presidential Debates Are…

Joe Cunningham   . . . "Yesterday, it was announced that Matt Lauer would moderate a joint candidate forum next week, setting off criticisms that there is virtually no way any Republican (much less Trump) could get a fair deal out of the debates. Today, we've learned the names of the moderators of the debates themselves.
This year's three presidential debates will be moderated by NBC's Lester Holt, CNN's Anderson Cooper and ABC's Martha Raddatz, and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace.
The vice presidential debate moderator is Elaine Quijana of CBS News.
Holt, the anchor of the NBC Nightly News, will lead the first debate, which is set to take place at Hofstra University on September 26.
Cooper and Raddatz will co-moderate the second debate, which will be a town-hall style event in St. Louis, Missouri.
. . . "Hillary will undoubtedly be in friendly territory for the first two debates, however, not as friendly as it once was. The media is also upset with her for refusing to give them access to her campaign." . . .

In the 2012 debate, Martha Raddatz Was Horrible.
Image result for biden ryan debate photos
Remember Biden's repulsive, demeaning manner toward Paul Ryan?
While her friends and colleagues in the media rally around her, let the record state she was, in reality, atrocious. But she had to feel right at home in the war zone that was Joe Biden's flashing teeth.
 Image result for biden ryan debate photos

". . .she spent the rest of the debate pressing Ryan on point after point without demanding the same specificity of Biden. She would let Biden run, allowing him to interrupt at whim, while interrupting Ryan to shift topics even within subject areas. "

What Women Voters Need to Know About Hillary and Huma Abedin

President Obama has already taken the unique and bizarre viewpoint that schools should allow boys and girls to decide what gender they are, and that boys and men should be allowed to use women’s’ bathrooms.  Obama is catering to a tiny group of people and politicizes the idea that their sexual preferences are more important than the concerns of mothers for the safety of their sons and daughters.
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Michael Bargo, Jr.  "A few days ago it was revealed that Anthony D. Weiner of New York was sexting a woman on Twitter.  In 2011 he had to resign from Congress after it was proven that he was sending lewd photos of himself to women on the internet.  This creepy behavior has another, deeper, more disturbing layer:  Weiner is married to Huma Abedin who is Hillary Clinton’s closest aide.

"Women voters need to think about this; that both Hillary and Huma Abedin are married to men who aggressively seek out anonymous women.   Both of their husbands are sexual predators; and what is more disturbing is that both of these women know their husbands are sexual predators and did not divorce them, did not distance themselves from them, did not aggressively condemn their behavior."
. . . 
No one expected Obama to make the announcement that gender identity is a matter of personal choice and that public schools will be forced to make bathroom changes.  Young boys and girls spend their entire day in public schools.  Women voters, knowing that Hillary doesn’t care about sexual predation and workplace sexual harassment, should stop and realize what values Hillary will bring to the public school system, and if they want their daughters and sons to hear them.  Once Hillary issues an edict her message, like Obama’s, will be forced upon students in every public school in the nation.  By then, parents will have no choice.  Their only opportunity to make a choice is in November.  They know what Hillary’s marriage values are, and what changes Obama has forced on schools.  And as Obama’s trend has shown, things will only get worse. 
This is not my father's Democrat Party. 

American Silliness: gender insanity rules as colleges begin a new academic year

"Gender fluidity"?  We're doomed.

Photo from Breitbart
Carol Brown  "Universities across America fall off the cliff into an abyss of insanity on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it’s not just school administrators who do so. Our educational institutions take our young people over the cliff with them.
"One among countless issues these institutions of (cough) higher education obsess about is gender. Or lack thereof. Or change thereof. Or renaming thereof. Or fluidity thereof. As Breitbart reports:

"In an effort to increase campus inclusivity, administrators at Champlain College in Vermont distributed gender pronoun pins to incoming freshman to establish the wearer’s preferred gender pronouns.

Image result for transgender pronouns button photos
Danielle Berube, Champlain’s Director of Residential Life, claimed that the college has a portion of students whose genders don’t adhere to the traditional male-female gender binary. “We have a number of students who identify as transgender or on the non-binary spectrum, and about a week before orientation while we were pulling together materials, the idea just kind of came out of the air,” Berube said. “It just seemed like a no-brainer — a very easy way to make the first day of college for a number of our students maybe a little bit easier.”
Champlain students were also given the option of claiming that their gender is fluid, which denotes that an individual’s gender is malleable and changing. Although there is little science on this topic, some trans-advocates argue that genderfluidity is a form of gender expression rather than a static gender identity.
"Theater of the absurd.
"My name is Carol, and my pronoun is “your highness.”
"(And as a side note, it’s not just colleges and universities where this is happening. It’s in our public schools and has become pervasive throughout our society. See hereherehere, and here.)"

NFL Allows Anti-Cop Socks, but Outlaws Pro-Cop Decals; Todd Starnes posts

Image result for colin kaepernick anti cops socks

Todd Starnes  "Last month San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick showed up at a pre-season camp wearing socks that featured cartoon pigs wearing police hats, USA Today reports.
"The embattled second-rate quarterback defended his anti-police apparel on Instagram. 

" 'I wore those socks, in the past, because the rogue cops that are allowed to hold positions in police departments, not only put the community in danger, but also put the cops that have the right intentions in danger by creating an environment of tension and mistrust," he wrote.

" 'Kaepernick apparently despises the police more than he despises the national anthem. 
"The latest twist in the anti-American Kaepernick saga reveals an ugly double standard in the National Football League.

"Last month, the NFL rejected a request from the Dallas Cowboys to wear decals honoring the memory of five assassinated police officers.

Image result for banned cowboys police decals

"So why is it okay for players to wear anti-cop socks, but not
“ 'It’s just ridiculous that the same league that prohibits the Dallas (Cowboys) football club from honoring the slain officers in their community with their uniforms stands silent when Kaepernick is dishonoring police officers with what he’s wearing on the field," Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, told USA Today."

Hey NFL - Meet a Public School that Loves America

Homeowner told to remove "noxious & offensive" pro-police flag . . . "It turns out that someone had complained about the pro-police flag and it had to come down. They accused him of violating a covenant. photo exclusive“ 'No noxious or offensive activity shall be undertaken on the property, and nothing shall be done which is or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood,” they wrote in bold letters.
He was given explicit instructions: “Please remove the altered American flag from your property and store out of public view.' ”  Not California: Corinth, Texas!