The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Hillary Clinton, unlike Donald Trump, didn’t possess the power to declassify top secret documents as Barack Obama’s secretary of state. But the ruling class shrugged at her careless handling of them. Former FBI Director James Comey pompously and unilaterally declared that “no reasonable” prosecutor would bring a case against her. Now, this same elite is hysterically shrieking over an alleged foot fault of even less significance — that Trump, while enjoying the power to declassify documents, didn’t follow the exact protocols for doing so. This, we’re told, is a sufficient reason for a nation-roiling criminal trial against a former president.The pious theatrics over this trivial technical dispute — from the solemn chin-wagging on MSNBC to the empty hype on the Drudge Report — are impossible to take seriously unless you accept the partisan premise underlying them, namely, that Trump is a uniquely illegitimate president. Out of this demented partisanship has come such breathless headlines as: “Was Trump Selling Access to Top Secret Documents?”"Once again, the least patriotic Americans — the liberals who cheer boycotting of the flag and want America to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations and global leftists — are accusing the most patriotic president since Ronald Reagan of treason. They still haven’t apologized for the wildly tendentious Mueller probe, which upended American politics for almost two years, and now demand a national ordeal over this feeble matter.". . .