Sunday, March 10, 2013

Health tip for you


Jimmy Kimmel Asks People About Obama Pardoning The Sequester -- Sending It to Portugal

How many of these people voted for Obama? Aside from the first one and the last one, that is.
The brain power of Obama supporters

"Jimmy Kimmel did a “Confusing Question of the Day” bit and scored truly hilarious answers. The question: What do you think about Obama pardoning the sequester and sending it to Portugal?
"Even though the comments are funny as all get-out, they do show how political correctness and blind partisanship can lead to wacky thinking. SHARE this with your friends and low-info voters!"
Hat tip to Danny Shouse at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Companion articles; Obama Fails Counterterrorism Diplomacy

In the titled article, Mr. Rubin begins by referring to this Max Boot column: Bin Laden’s Son-in-Law and U.S. Detention Policy
"That is a nonsensical state of affairs that could be fixed by the Obama administration availing itself of the facilities and procedures that already exist at Gitmo. This is not just a question of logistics–detainees held at Gitmo can be interrogated without being read their Miranda rights and can be held even if there is not proof beyond reasonable doubt of their guilt that can be presented in open court. These are important advantages in the war on terror that the Obama administration should not throw away."
But they are.
Michael Rubin "Strong leaders might curtail aid, withdraw the ambassador for consultations, demarche the Turkish ambassador in Washington, or restrict the flow of military equipment. President Obama, alas, seeks instead to offer Turkey state of the art weaponry and even give it warships. Perhaps it is time for the State Department to recognize that diplomacy is more complicated than ameliorating adversaries, and for Congress to ask some hard questions of Obama and Kerry regarding how they perceive U.S. interests and why, under their leadership, U.S. counter terrorism diplomacy has become laughable."

According to the ACLU, Terrorists Are Criminals and Should be Tried in Civilian Court

Jim Rogers: We're Wiping Out The Savings Class Globally, To Terrible Consequence

Anybody out there remember "Mr. Bow Tie" from the Bob Brinker Moneytalk program? This is referring to him.
Basically, he says this is what you get with a do-nothing House and Senate led by a President who just votes "present".
Zerohedge via Peak Prosperity
"Jim Rogers decries the growing uncertainty and recklessness of global central planners as the world enters unchartered financial markets:"
....I own the dollar, not because I have any confidence in the dollar and not because it’s sound – it’s a terribly flawed currency – but I expect more currency turmoil, more financial turmoil. During periods like that, people, for whatever reason, flee to the U.S. dollar as a safe haven. It is not a safe haven, but it is perceived that way by some people. That’s why the dollar is going up. That’s why I own it. Will I own it in five years, ten years? I don't know. 

..."To Rogers, the bigger danger that concerns him is the hollowing out of the 'saving class' resulting from this situation. Central planners' policies are punishing the prudent in favor of rescuing the irresponsible. This has happened before in world history, and the aftermath has always had grievous economic, social -- and often human -- costs:"
....In America, many people saved their money, put it aside, and didn’t buy four or five houses with no job and no money down. They did what most people would consider the right thing, and what historically has been the right thing. But now, unfortunately, those people are being wiped out, because they are getting 0% return, or virtually no return, on their savings and their investments. We’re wiping them out at the expense of people who went deeply into debt, people who did what most people would consider the wrong thing at the expense of people who did the right thing. This, long-term, has terrible consequences for any nation, any society, any economy.