Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Andrew C. McCarthy tells us how the Iran deal can be opposed

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
How to Oppose Iran Deal – a Response to Paul Mirengoff
"My weekend column posited that Congress can still derail President Obama’s catastrophic Iran deal by simply following the unambiguous terms of the Corker law – the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, sometimes called Corker-Cardin, after Senate sponsors Bob Corker ...and Ben Cardin ..."
. . .
I"t is true that, in terms of legal force, treaties and statutes are both the law of the land. But they are very different in form and substance. A treaty is an agreement between governments; it creates no judicially enforceable rights and it cannot be amended by a statute that would alter the agreement. By contrast, a statute is an act of Congress; it usually does create judicially enforceable rights and, as we’ve seen, it can be amended or repealed by a subsequent statute, regardless of how that may affect other countries.

"Thus, it is a mistake to suggest, as Paul [Mirengoff] does, that because the Corker legislation is incapable of changing the NPT, it must also be incapable of repealing the sanctions. The sanctions are federal laws that punish actors (including private actors) who do business with Iran; the NPT is a treaty that spells out Iran’s obligations under international law regarding nuclear energy activity. While related, the two are distinct in nature and purport. The Corker law cannot change Iran’s treaty obligations but it can certainly repeal Congress’s anti-nuke sanctions.

"Congress should do what it can to prevent such a repeal by passing a resolution making clear that Obama has not complied with the Corker law’s conditions, and therefore that Congress will not review and vote on the Iran deal under the Corker formula. The Senate should further deem Obama’s Iran deal a treaty and vote it down under the Constitution’s treaty process."

Cartoon on U.S.-Iran nuclear agreement

. . . "Congressman Pompeo partially agreed with McCarthy’s assessment in an op-ed in the Washington Post on Sunday."

The [Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015] defines “agreement,” with exceptional precision, to include not only the agreement between Iran and six Western powers but also “any additional materials related thereto, including . . . side agreements, implementing materials, documents, and guidance, technical or other understandings, and any related agreements, whether entered into or implemented prior to the agreement or to be entered into or implemented in the future.” But the president has not given Congress a key side agreement between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). . . .
Because the president failed to submit the agreement in full, as the law requires, the 60-day clock has not started. . . .

Charlie Daniels lets Congress have it.

"Country music singer Charlie Daniels, of Mt. Juliet, has posted "An Open Letter to Congress" on the website cns.com and on charliedaniels.com. The letter is a trending worldwide topic on Facebook and Twitter.

"Here's the letter in its entirety:

I am a proud American who believes that America has held – and still holds – a very sensitive and special place in the affairs of mankind on Planet Earth. I believe that America has been divinely blessed and protected in our two centuries plus of existence.
I believe that America has been a counter balance that has cancelled out a lot of tyranny, evil and conquest, and admittedly, we have made a lot of mistakes. But on balance we have exerted a certain Pax Americana in the international affairs of mankind.
It took a lot of old fashioned guts for the Continental Congress to stand up to the world's mightiest military and tell them that we demanded our independence, even at the peril of going up against a far superior force on land and sea, and with only a ragtag army of untrained citizens, many of whom had to supply their own firearms.
It took courage above and beyond for Abraham Lincoln to push the country into a Civil War that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt would divide this nation for decades.
It took guts to give the order for American troops to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, straight into the face of artillery and machine gunfire, wave after wave being cut to ribbons by German shore emplacements.
The history of this nation is written in the blood and courage of men who stood in the face of overwhelming odds – politicians, soldiers, statesmen and ordinary citizens who sought to do the right thing regardless of the cost or the consequences.
Well, ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress, it seems that that particular pen has run out of ink. The courageous politicians that once championed this nation have been replaced, for the most part, by a breed of milksop, politically correct, scared of their own shadow, pushover, pathetic excuses for public servants who are supposed to be representing a constituency of citizens who have to live with the circumstances of their timid folly.
You don't even have the courage to face down an out of control president, even when he makes a deal with the devil. Don't you bunch of timid capons even care what kind of world you're leaving to your children and grandchildren, not to even mention the rest of us? Are you really party partisans before your parents and grandparents or even human beings?
Be honest with yourselves a minute. Go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and ask the person you see this question: "Do I really believe that Iran will not use the money we're releasing to them to finance terrorists to kill Americans, and, when, not if, but when, the Iranians develop their nuclear device, will they really use it against America and Israel?"
You can’t hide from the truthful answer to that question forever, an answer will be required of you one day.
You have allowed Obama to tilt the Supreme Court so far to the left that they're little more than a shameful extension of the Executive Branch.
You have talked for decades about the porous southern border but have done absolutely nothing about it.
You have allowed cities in this nation to declare themselves sanctuary cities where they protect the worst of the worst criminal aliens, and American citizens are paying an awful price for your silence.
You watch an impossible National Debt balloon completely out of control, knowing full well that a day of reckoning is coming that will seriously curtail the quality of life for coming generations.
You allow corrupt government agencies like the IRS to run over the very people you are sworn to protect and allow the entitlement society to expand exponentially. All the while, you are actually entertaining the idea of raising taxes on those who still work and shoulder the burden.
You compose a third of the constitutionally mandated ruling system, and you shirk your duty and allow this nation to move a little closer to the edge every day.
Your ratings are in the single digits; your morals are in the gutter; your minds are on self-preservation; and somewhere along the way, you’ve traded your honor for political expediency.
You've violated your oaths; you've betrayed your country; you've feathered your nests; and you've sat on your hands while an imperial president has rubbed your noses in the dirt time after time.
You're no longer men. You're puppets, caricatures, jokes, a gaggle of fading prostitutes for sale to anybody who can do you a political favor.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
What do you think?
Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America
Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels is a legendary American singer, song writer, guitarist, and fiddler famous for his contributions to country and southern rock music. Daniels has been active as a singer since the early 1950s. He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry on January 24, 2008.

Hat tip to J. Dillard Hamner; Santa Maria, CA

Police Union BOYCOTTS Obama Visit Over His Lack of Support for Cops

"Obama and his liberal ilk cannot stand those who serve in uniform, whether it be military, police, or firefighters, and will throw them under the bus whenever they get the chance — and yet still expect to be able to use them as campaign props to make them look tough on terrorism and crime. Unfortunately for Obama, cops in Boston aren’t having any more of his anti-police rhetoric, and decided to boycott his Labor Day speech.

Barack Obama,  Loretta Lynch

Jerry Flynn, a Lowell cop on leave while serving as executive director of the New England Police Benevolent Association, said his organization’s executive board has chosen to boycott President Obama’s Labor Day breakfast address in Boston today to make a statement about violence against police:
“Our members are enraged at his lack of support of law enforcement. It’s clear that he has an agenda, and unfortunately the police are not part of his agenda.
Let’s face it, (there have been) eight people killed in a nine-day period, eight police officers, and his silence up until recently has been deafening. And the real sad part of this — and when I went to the White House in the first term with (Vice President) Joe Biden — he said to me that he would be the voice of law enforcement. Well, as much as I love and adore Joe, his voice has been silent as well. So it’s not an Obama problem, it’s an administration problem.
This is a horror show, this is an epidemic of lawless people trying to kill police officers for no apparent reasons. Case in point is the lieutenant who was pumping gas in Houston. Over 7,000 people were at that church, and where was he (Obama)? Why wasn’t he there instead of a unity breakfast?”
Referring to the looting and destruction in Ferguson, Mo., following the shooting of Michael Brown, Flynn continued:
“I mean, he had the opportunity to do things then and he didn’t, and all he’s done is escalated and allowed these people that are hellbent on causing problems to do so. We can’t continue to have people who have no intention to do anything but to be disruptive. These aren’t good citizens. These are thugs who go out and try to cause problems.

"Obama and his administration have been fanning the anti-police flames for over a year now, if not arguably longer, and all because they side with violent thug criminals over the men and women who risk their lives to protect and serve our communities. Did he really think he could treat police officers so disrespectfully without there being any consequences?"   

This is no longer Walt's Disney

Star Wars adding gay characters but lagging on transgendered Storm Troopers

"Do you go to Star Wars films to watch Obi-Wan Kenobi giving Anakin Skywalker a soothing back massage with coconut oil?

"No?  Well, then, you're going to be disappointed by the new Star Wars.  Now that Star Wars is owned by Disney, it is joining the propaganda effort to promote homosexuality.  Just a few months ago, the people in charge created a Star Wars novel with a lesbian named "Moff  Mors," an "Imperial officer who feels adrift after her wife is killed in an accident."  Now, in a new novelization, they are creating a homosexual spy within the Empire named Sinjir Rath Velus:
Sinjir reveals his sexuality to female bounty hunter Jas Emari, who tries to chat him up.
"What place does discussion of homosexuality have in the Star Wars universe?  What would The Empire Strikes Back have looked like if Darth Vader, having all the bounty hunters standing on the bridge, tried to "chat up" Boba Fett about making love to General Veers?

"This is not Barbarella, a sci-fi romp about sex.  

"This is Star Wars, which has basically platonic on-screen romances but never seriously delves into sexuality.  But Disney is turning it into a vehicle for pushing the homosexual agenda.  How far will it be before they go all the way?  Will they show clone troopers having an orgy with themselves?  Princess Leia making love to Jabba the Hutt?  (After all, he did undress her!)  And while they are pushing the gay agenda, what about the transvestite agenda?  

"Will they show Storm Troopers who are technically men but feel like women, with white miniskirts and high heels to go with their armor?

"Will C-3PO come out as a "transgendered" droid and discuss "consent" issues with R2-D2?  
"Will the Emperor reappear and elaborate on the acts he was talking about that "some considered unnatural" when he was "seducing" Anakin Skywalker?
Emperor Palpatine: "The Dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural."
"...because that's the closest the classic Star Wars got to talking about homosexuality.

"I predict that there will be a time, not too far in the future, when it will be impossible to go the movies and not have watch a character promote the virtues of homosexuality or imagined "sex change."  When I go to Star Wars movies, I don't expect anything suggestive.  But with Disney in charge, soon we will experience the firepower of this fully armed and operational gay propaganda machine. "
This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

The Disney storm troopers drill:

Obama puts small businesses into the hands of labor unions

Ray Kroc Wouldn't Have McChance With Franchise Rules by Amity Schlaes

Would Ray Kroc have been able to build the McDonald's empire if it had been unionized?

. . . "It's true it would be hard to start a business like McDonald's today, with all the interference you'd get form the government and unions," Kroc ruminated in People magazine in 1975.

"The NLRB's action this summer represents such interference in its most direct form.

"This is not to say that union-less-ness was the only or even the primary factor in the McDonald's phenom, or to say that it's impossible for any business today to grow as fast as McDonald's. Money flows around unions like soda pop around ice cubes, as Kroc might have put it.

"But the obstacles unions place before growth are an undertold story, damage from which can range far beyond the Golden Arches."

Ms. hlaes chairs the board of the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation.

How does a nation confront jihad?

"While no superpower threatens America today like the Soviet Union did in the past, a new enemy does threaten us – Islamic Jihad. Consequently an American foreign policy must be shaped to respond. How should America confront this new enemy? There are two basic responses on the political right:

1.Neoconservatives see Islam as a powerful force intending to rule the world via terrorism, immigration, and religious proselytization. Because of its aversion to individual freedom and its anti-reason theology, Islam is a formidable threat to America that requires the militarization of our society, centralized bureaucratism, and the establishment of American hegemony in the Mideast to tame its countries’ hostility.

2.Libertarian-conservatives agree that the intent of Islam is to eventually take over the world via terrorism, immigration, and religious proselytization. But we don’t agree with the neoconservative strategy of militarization of America and aggressive confrontation with Islamic nations in the Mideast. This violates a cardinal rule of war: Don’t get bogged down in guerrilla wars in the guerrilla’s home territory unless you are prepared to become a permanent occupation force that is willing to govern such a territory as a colony.

"We must understand the real danger of Islamic Jihad. It is built on 1) the horrific use of terrorism against the West, and 2) the migration of Muslims to the West to peacefully infiltrate its cultures and convert them via rapid breeding and metaphysical proselytization. Modern day Jihad is extremely long-term in its view.

"But " . . .   Hat tip to David Leach

Europe is Burning (Graphic and Disturbing)    Watch the video
"The world is being duped by ISLAMIC JIHADISTS! Playing of the inherent Sympathetic Culture of Western Civilization, they are invading as refugees and attacking from within." 
Arnie Kezsbom, Orlando, Fla.