Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Obama will show 'em!

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Networks Ignore This: Officer Killed in Planned Parenthood Shooting Was Pro-Life

Newsbusters  "The Bible says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” and that appears to be the standard by which one man lived, who gave his life Friday protecting those he disagreed with on abortion. But you won’t hear that story from the media because the pro-life “Good Samaritan” doesn’t fit their agenda."

"Garrett Swasey was a police officer and a church elder in the Colorado Springs area, a husband and father of two. Amidst the shooting last Friday at a local Planned Parenthood clinic, Swasey was killed in an attempt to save the hostages inside. 

"In dozens of reports from the three major networks on the Planned Parenthood shooting since last Friday, not one reporter mentioned Swasey was morally opposed to abortion, yet gave his life protecting those inside the abortion clinic. 

"The only mention of Swasey’s pro-life views was one tiny blurb by panelist Hugh Hewitt on the Nov. 29 Meet the Press. After he made the comment, NBC’s Chuck Todd immediately changed topics. 

"The stereotype of the militant "Christian extremist" is one the media are only too willing to promote, as we've seen with the heavy coverage and demonization of the pro-life side. But the story of a Christian giving up his life for his enemies is not the kind of story the networks are willing to report on."

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Obama and his plans for America's future seem ominous


Obama's climate summit speech runs way over time, ignores repeated chimes to stop  . . . "In any case, once Obama reached the time allowed, the subtle chime that is a triple ring to signal that the time is up, rang.  But POTUS kept on talking.  Then it rang again.  POTUS kept talking.  More ringing.  More talking.  At one point, POTUS reached a point in his speech when he said, “Let’s send that signal.”  As if on cue, the chime rang yet again.  To no avail." . . .

Obama’s Top 8 Idiotic Statements in Paris  . . . "There was plenty more idiocy where all of this came from, but then again, the President of the United States is a font for such idiocy. Then again, it’s not truly idiocy: it’s principled opposition to American values ranging from free market economics to foreign policy strength. And his words have consequences."
Obama says world climate deal would legally bind next president  "President Obama vowed Tuesday that the U.S. will provide leadership on global warming, then left the Paris talks and flew back to Washington to leave it to his lieutenants to try to strike a deal that he hopes will be “legally binding” on his successor."

Obama is Redline Ne-Go-Ti-A-Tor  "In the spirit of Priceline Negotiator, we have created a character of Obama and his negotiation tactics. Enjoy!"   by  

Long-Hidden Details Reveal Cruelty of 1972 Munich Attackers

For all you Israel-hating, pro-Palestinian supporters

The bodies of the 1972 Israeli Olympic team lie in a synagogue.

"In September 1992, two Israeli widows went to the home of their lawyer. When the women arrived, the lawyer told them that he had received some photographs during his recent trip to Munich but that he did not think they should view them. When they insisted, he urged them to let him call a doctor who could be present when they did. 

"Ilana Romano and Ankie Spitzer, whose husbands were among the Israeli athletes held hostage and killed by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, rejected that request, too. They looked at the pictures that for decades they had been told did not exist, and then agreed never to discuss them publicly. 

"The attack at the Olympic Village stands as one of sports’ most horrifying episodes. The eight terrorists, representing a branch of the Palestine Liberation Organization, breached the apartments where the Israeli athletes were staying before dawn on Sept. 5, 1972. That began an international nightmare that lasted more than 20 hours and ended with a disastrous failed rescue attempt. The treatment of the hostages has long been a subject of speculation, but a more vivid — and disturbing — account of the attack is emerging. . . . "
PLO terrorists castrated Israeli hostage in 1972 Munich Olympic attack  "Widows of victims say weightlifter Yossef Romano was shot, dismembered and left to die in front of other hostages"

The 11 Israeli Munich Olympics victims. Yossef Romano (third from left, top row) was castrated, his wife revealed to The New York Times.

Thanksgiving 2015

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, lefty lucy, thanksgiving

"As we reflect on Thanksgiving 2015, it strikes us that one of the defining qualities of the liberal left is that they demand everything but are thankful for nothing.

"We suppose it's hard for them to count their blessings when they're more consumed with covetous envy of others. And it's seemingly impossible for them to swallow their pride (or is it hubris?) long enough to say "thank you" to their fellow citizens (including, especially, the "evil rich") who fund not only this nation's many generous social programs and safety nets, but the infrastructure that keeps our standard of living high and the troops who keep us safe.

"We enter this Thanksgiving holiday at a time of great world tension and, sadly, legitimate concern about the quality of our political leaders. But that shouldn't stop us from drawing a deep breath, turning off the doomsayers on television for awhile, and making a calm reassessment of the incredible bounty which all Americans enjoy.

"And of course, taking time to give thanks."

Obama, the president who lost his voice

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Washington Post   "The presidency has changed Barack Obama. His hair has gone gray, which is to be expected, and he looks older, which is also to be expected, but his eloquence has been replaced by petulance and he has lost the power to persuade, which is something of a surprise. You can speculate that if the Obama of today and not Winston Churchill had led Britain in World War II, the Old Vic theater would now be doing “Hamlet” in German.
"The president has lost his voice, that is certain. The numbers say so. Obama has the approval of only 44 percent of the American people. During his time in office, Congress and much of the nation have gone Republican — statehouse after statehouse, governor after governor (soon to be 32) — an astounding feat when you consider that the GOP has become the Know-Nothing Party in all its meanings." . . .

Climate protesters in Paris destroy memorial to those who died in terror attacks

Carol Brown   "Climate marches were held around the world this weekend.  In France, the epicenter of the climate summit, things really got ugly.  Although the French government banned the protest, about 100 anarchists and communists came out anyway.  And as you might imagine, they were in fine form (sarc off), destroying the memorial to the victims of the recent Islamic terror attacks in Paris and using memorial candles as weapons to throw at the police, who were out in force."

"Nothing says we care about the environment better than leftist goons who use just about any occasion as an opportunity to become violent.  It’s their way."