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Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her
PJ Media
"In the neverending debate about abortion we often hear from the left how abortion is such a difficult, private decision—that we’re even having a public debate on the issue is somehow degrading or anti-woman or something silly like that. However, abortion as a political wedge issue has made the once “safe, legal, and rare” mantra of the left outmoded, and now abortion has become a symbolic act of pride for liberal women to prove their left-wing feminist bona fides. In 2015, the Shout Your Abortion social media campaign was launched to give women the opportunity to share their abortion experiences online without "sadness, shame or regret" with the goal of "destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame."

"For the left, abortions are something to be proud of, and left-wing actress Alyssa Milano, who recently called for a sex strike to protest heartbeat bills, is still trying to prove herself a left-wing feminist icon by revealing that she had two abortions within months of each other back in the early nineties." . . .
Why the New York Times Is Unreformable and Must Die
This is a newspaper that cannot be trusted on anything touching on race. They’re liars and ideologues, not reporters and editors.
Ann Coulter "Even before The New York Times launched its “All Slavery, All the Time” project, no one could accuse that paper of skimping on its race coverage, particularly stories about black males killed by white(ish) police officers.
"Here’s one you haven’t heard about. I happened upon it by sheer accident.
"Antwon Rose II was a 17-year-old boy shot by an East Pittsburgh police officer in June 2018 after he bolted from a jitney car that had been stopped by the officer. The Times published about a half-dozen stories on Antwon Rose -- or as the Times calls him, “Antwon, who was unarmed.”
"After the officer was acquitted on all charges in March of this year, the Times ran an article by Adeel Hassan on the verdict.
"Here’s what you would learn from the Times: -- Antwon was unarmed. -- Antwon “was in his high school’s honors program.” -- Antwon “played basketball and the saxophone.” -- Antwon “volunteered for a local charity.” -- In 2016, Antwon wrote a poem titled, “I Am Not What You Think!” which included these lines:
I see mothers bury their sons I want my Mom to never feel that pain.-- A policeman stopped the gold Chevy Cruze Antwon “was riding in” because it “matched the description” of a car “involved” in a drive-by shooting minutes earlier. -- The jury consisted of nine whites and three African Americans.
"If you read the Times piece, all you would know is that an honor student who loved his mom ... was KILLED for the crime of riding in a car similar to one that had just been used in a crime.
"Wow. Just wow.
"Here are some of the facts the Times left out:
"-- The gold Chevy Cruze Antwon fled did not merely “match the description of” a car used in a drive-by shooting: It was the car used in the drive-by shooting, as proved by surveillance video posted online days after the shooting and shown to the jury." . . .
New York Times reminds us why we don't trust the press "We sat through eight years of Hurricane Barry abusing his power and not giving a damn about the law or the separation of powers, while most of the media cheered him on. We were even treated to stories of how the Obama/Biden years were scandal-free.
"The media so liked Obama they colluded with other Democrats to protect the corrupt Hillary Clinton, his designated successor, from prosecution in order to elect her president. They used a clearly fictitious dossier as they sought to destroy Trump before and after the election." . . .
New York Times reminds us why we don't trust the press
Jack Hellner "We sat through eight years of Hurricane Barry abusing his power and not giving a damn about the law or the separation of powers, while most of the media cheered him on. We were even treated to stories of how the Obama/Biden years were scandal-free.
"The media so liked Obama they colluded with other Democrats to protect the corrupt Hillary Clinton, his designated successor, from prosecution in order to elect her president. They used a clearly fictitious dossier as they sought to destroy Trump before and after the election.
"The NYT executive editor is proud of the fake news stories on Russian collusion that they won Pulitzers for. (Isn’t that great that journalists get awards for excellence for false stories?) Now that the public knows that it was always a fake story they now will seek to divide the country on race. In other words, there will be more attempts to mislead the public instead of report truthful news.
"We can look forward to more false stories about Trump and Charlottesvile, the false 'hands up don’t shoot narrative,' the false stories trying to take out white Christian boys, endlessly ginning up racial hate with the term “white privilege” and calling Trump a racist for enforcing the immigration laws Congress passed as the Constitution and his oath requires. But in the meantime, we are getting this:
Have Pollsters Learned Nothing since the Last Election? While the moniker “fake news” is typically reserved for cable news and some of the more prominent newspapers in America, the term could also be applied to presidential polls. How many pollsters predicted Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election by a landslide up to and including the day of the actual election?“We built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well,” Baquet told the assemblage. “Now we have to regroup, and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story.” . . .
The “paper of record,” the New York Times, told readers on election day, Nov. 8, 2016, that Hillary Clinton had an 85 percent chance of winning the election. Their prediction was updated on 10:20 PM ET, oblivious to the evening smiles on cable news shows that were curdling into frowns and outright hysteria.

Screen shot from the New York Times web site on Nov. 8, 2016 // Fair Use
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