American Thinker "In D.C., when the gods are angered, the P.R. volcano needs human sacrifices, but it will not get President Trump.
"As the Drudge Report featured, it could have been considered a "Hell Day" for the president when Paul Manafort got his split decision while blaring headlines concurrently reported that a now proven doofus lawyer had pleaded out to legitimate crimes and one count of a non-crime. The P.R. timing of the criminal plea, on the day the Manafort verdict was reached, was a tactical and strategic move designed to really hurt the president.
"However, as the singer Peggy Lee smoothly crooned, is that all there is?
"It is commendable that the president doesn't drink, but his opponents do, perhaps now early and often.
"I am old enough to recognize an inoperable "modified limited hangout" from the Nixon presidency:
[Bruce] Ohr is scheduled to give testimony to the Oversight and Judiciary Committees behind closed doors on Tuesday. In previewing what GOP investigators are poised to ask, Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, told Fox News on Sunday that he and his colleagues would ask Ohr about whether there was a bias campaign against Trump that led even further up the power chain in the Obama administration, particularly by ex-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.
"The real question that we need to find out from Mr. Ohr: Was he just a rogue employee acting improperly on his own or did he have some authority from within the Department of Justice and was Sally Yates aware of what he was doing?" Ratcliffe said.
"Sources told ABC News that Yates's and Ohr's other superiors were kept in the dark about his actions." . . .

Democrats: Be careful what you ask for "We are watching the political equivalent of a blitz against President Trump. In other words, they are throwing everything that they have at him.
"My guess is that they are trying to make it difficult for many Republicans to continue their support. They may also be hoping a committee of wise GOP men walks over to the Oval Office to tell the President that it's over – i.e., Nixon 1974!
At some point, we won't be alone in pointing out that the chaos Trump seems to relish creating is actually swamping his presidency.
"Time will tell where all of this goes, but I think Democrats are the ones who may end up losing big time." . . .
Mueller the blackmailer . . . "This is an old FBI trick that was used to bring down crime lords.
"But Donald John Trump is not a crime lord.
"He is the president of the United States of America. Bring him down and you bring down the nation.
"Mueller does not care. He has convinced himself that President Trump and his supporters are so deplorable that they are not worthy of fairness." . . .