Monday, April 26, 2010

Filtering History

Thomas Sowell "Only the fact that the West had more firepower than others put an end to slavery in many non-Western societies during the age of Western imperialism. Yet today there are Americans who have gone to Africa to apologize for slavery-- on a continent where slavery has still not been completely ended, to this very moment."

Obama's credibility crisis

Washington Post "As the Obama administration will learn, plummeting public trust eats away at the fundamental credibility of government and undermines its ability to carry out even its most basic duties."

Is this Obama's understanding of the free market?

Boortz "The bottom line here is that our "sort of a God" president doesn't seem to understand the basic essence of a free market economy, and this spells danger for our economy."

Death Panels: Sarah Palin was right.

Gateway Pundit  "Obama Budget Director Peter Orszag admitted earlier this month that: A Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels. Via Breitbart TV: "  Jim Hoft

Top Islamic Site Calls for the Final Jihad

Europe News
"This is the only the first in a series of messages which will be provided for use in the worldwide struggle to establish a truly and fully Islamic world. This declaration simply and publicly calls the Muslim ummah to jihad."

Dressing up left-liberal jurisprudence once again

Powerline "But the public not only dislikes Obamacare, it favors repeal. Thus, the White House's reformulated empathy standard can be viewed as cutting in favor of a decision that would find Obamacare unconstitutional. What Obama really wants, I think, is a justice who will be animated not by what ordinary citizens think they want, but by what the liberal elite has concluded they need. "

'Small' Riot in Arizona over Illegal Immigration Bill (VIDEO)

Human Events  "New aerial footage has surfaced of the violence that broke out at the Arizona state capitol building after a new illegal immigration bill was signed into law on Friday. In stark contrast to peaceful Tea Party rallies, the pro-illegal immigration protesters took to the streets pelting police with rocks and water bottles as a means to voice their discontent. The new footage shows the riot was not quite as “small” as media reports initially indicated. "  Connie Hair  IMMIGRATION HEATS UP  "We can't walk to school any more. We can't be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we're illegal immigrants." Well isn't that wonderful. An Hispanic kid calling the cops "pigs." "

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Danish Cartoonist Who Drew Muhammad Fired for "Security Reasons"

Weekly Standard "Thankfully, in America the media are resolutely standing up to such vicious attacks on free speech. Oh, wait:
An episode of “South Park” that continued a story line involving the Prophet Muhammad was shown Wednesday night on Comedy Central with audio bleeps and image blocks reading “CENSORED” after a Muslim group warned the show’s creators that they could face violence for depicting that holy Islamic prophet."...

“We Are All Israelis”

Michael Ledeen "To demonstrate their conviction that Israel is the problem, these people treat Israel’s enemies — who are also OUR enemies — with greater respect than they showed Israelis. Prime Minister Netanyahu is treated as an unwelcome guest at the White House while radical Islamists are constantly asked, very politely, to be reasonable and to become our friends. Sometimes they even receive a bow."

Obamacare’s Danger Signs

National Review  "Not one of its major programs has gotten started, and already the wheels are starting to come off of Obamacare. The administration’s own actuary reported on Thursday that millions of people could lose their health insurance, that health-care costs will rise faster than they would have if the law hadn’t passed, and that the overhaul will mean that people will have a harder and harder time finding physicians to see them."

Justice Stevens on Distinguishing Protest from Incitement

American Thinker "Many liberals are making loaded, unsubstantiated claims that talk radio, the internet, peaceful Tea Party protests, and other conservative speech and associations run the risk of inciting violence. Indeed, in the past it was liberals who not merely came to the defense of such forms of protest, but who articulated the actual danger of suppressing such protest."

Obama Is Enabling Nuclear Breakout

American Thinker  "The United States has plainly failed to stop North Korean and Iranian nukes. Saudi Arabia just announced plans to build a nuclear plant. North Korea just blew up a South Korean warship. All the little mad tyrannies around the world see nuclear weapons as their key to survival and power forever. Nuclear breakout can't be far away."   James Lewis


Politico "Obama speaks with unusual demographic frankness about his coalition in his appeal to "young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008 [to] stand together once again."" Via Drudge.